Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 12, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, July 12, 1945
Visitors at the Leonard Rill home
in Eight Mile are Mr. Rill's mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Poyner and Mrs. Shir
ley Miller and three children of
Phoenix, Ariz., who arrived Mon
day. Mrs. Poyner and Mrs. Miller
are Rill's sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morris of
Centralia, Wash, have returned to
Heppner to make their home and
have purchased their former home
from Mrs Nellie Andersn on north
K street.
Mrs. Claude Snow and baby are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Hu
bert Gaily and other relatives and
friends. Mrs. Snow"s husband,
AMM3c Claude Snow is now over
seas and Mrs. Snow is in the pro
cess of readjusting her life to the
unlovely and uninteresting plane
of millions of other war wives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley D. Hall of
Portland, came to Heppner this
week to get their daughter Mart
lyn and her litle friend Kathryn
Maier, who have been spendingl
the past weekwith Marilyn's uncle
and aunt, Mr and Mrs N. G. Flor
ence on Willow creek. The Halls
were accompanied by L. A. Flor
ence, father of N. G. Florence, who
has been visiting his grandson Eu
gene Florence whose home is in
Eugene. Mr and Mrs. Hall expect
to return to Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Ted Smith is a patient in
The Dalles hospital where she un
derwent a major operation July 2.
She is getting along very well and
it is hoped she will be able to come
home next week.
Miss Katie Minert returned Sun
day from Albany where she has
been visiting for several weeks.
Major Jack Broun who spent sev
eral days at the Merlyn Kirk home,
returned to Portland Sunday.
Marine Sgt Paul Doherty is vis
iting his mother and family after
many months of action in the South
Pacific area. Sgt Doherty has just
received his medical discharge for
injuries received in Guam.
Nelson Bartholomew is a visitor
here, coming Wednesday from Wal
la Walla where he is engaged in the
insurance business.
Joe Green informed his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green, that he is
now a certified public accountant,
having successfully passed the state
examinaions. Joe is expecting a
call at any time to enter the armed
Mrs. Mary Bell, mother of Mrs.
B. C. Pinckney, is visiting at the
home of her daughter and son-in-law
for a couple of weeks. Mrs.
Bell's home is in Spokane.
Mrs. John Krebs and Mrs. Peter
Nash from Cecil were in Heppner
on Wednesday visiting and shopping.
Mrs. C. L. Lieuallen of Pendle
ton is visiting in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Schaffer for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones drove
to Portland Thursday, July 5, to
meet their son, Cpl Don W. Jones
who arrived Saturday. Don leaves
this Saturday for Phoenix, Ariz, to
start his training as gunner in a
B29. .
The Civil Air Patrol wishes to
extend their whole hearted thanks
to the following people and organi
zations who so willingly donated
their equipment and material for
the furtherance of the 4th of July
celebration and air port dedica
tion: I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges
of Lexington; city of Lexington;
city of Heppner; Morrow county;
Heppner Lumber Co.; Standard Oil
Co.; Union Oil Co.; Alex Lindsay;
Cliff Doherty and Don Pointer.
I would also like to thank all per
sonnel of C. A. P. and C. A. P. C.
for their cooperation and work in
a big job well done.
Lt. Walter S. Ready
g mini imam i in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipi iiiiiiiiiininng
Our ice cream always tastes delicious.
In cones or bulk, it still has that pre
war flavor. Just one trial and you'll
be one of our regular customers.
50c a quart
Scotty's Super Cream
1 ;l Hi iiiimii ihi-iii Tim "rr
Iff Your Tires Can
Not Be Recapped,
Come In and Let
Us Help You Make
Out an
Application for a
Tire Rationing
Friday-Saturday, July 13-14
Rockin' in the Rockies
A rollickin', frollokin' outdoor action
musical with The Hoosier Hotshota
from the National Barn Dance Show,
The Three Stooges, Mary Beth
Hughes, Jay Kirby, Cappy Barra
Boys, Gladys Balke, Tim Ryan,
Spade Cooley King of Western Swing
Betrayal from the East
Nancy Kelly, Lee Tracy, Richard Loo,
Abner Biberman, Regis Toomey,
Philip Ann, Addison Richards and
znous and fearless newspaper colum
presenting Drew Pearson, that fa.
nist and radio commentator.
A rugged and hard-hitting melodrama
of Jap espionage in the IT. S.
Sunday-Monday, July 15-16
Tonight and Every
Rita Hayworth, Lee Bowman, Janot
Blair, Maro Flatt, Leslie Brooks
A spectacular and entertaining picture
of a London theater that stayed opco
all during the blitz ... A beautiful
musical drama in Technicolor.
Tuesday, July 17
I'll Remember April
Gloria Jean, Kirby Grant, Edwarfl
Ttrnnhv. Samnel S. Hinds
A fast-moving mystery drama with
Wednesday-Thursday, July 18-19
Woman in the
TMwurd a. Robinson. Raymond Mas
sey, Edmond Breon, Joan Bennett,
Tinmthv Peterson.
The screen's supreme adventure In
! An eveninsr of gay flirtation
shifts madly Into a panic of guilt and
e l hj x m
The Tires That Stay Safer Longer
Because of These Extra Value Features:
The Only Tire Built with the Famous Gear-Grip Tread for
Extra Protection Against Skidding!
The Only Tire Built with Safti-Lock Gum-Dipped Cord
Body for Extra Strength and Blowout Protection!
The Only Tire Built with Safti-Sured Construction fat
Greater Safety and Longer Mileage!
Rosewall Motor Co.
3. Alteration of buildings (not repairs) 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00
4. New furniture, equipment and replacements 500.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00
6. Other capital outlays:
(1) Library books 150.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 250.00
7. Total Capital Outlays $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $.1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 950.00 $ 453.26 $ 1,520.00
3. Total Debt Service, Non-bonded , $ 66.98 $15,084.97
X. EMERGENCY $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00
Total Schedule II General Fund Total estimated expenses for the year
sum of items 1-6, II-5, III-7, IV-8, V-4, VI-4, VII-4,
VIII-7, IX-3, X $57,778.00 $52,290.40 $44,232.80 $36,486.68 $51,652.54
Schedule III Bond Interest and Sinking Fund
1. Principal on bonds (Include negotiable Interest-
bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, mQQ
''"''Interest on'TondsZ - 200.00 640.00
3.Total Schedule 'm Debt Sorvlce-Bonds and Interest y $ 500-00 $ 500-00 9 3.200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,900.00
Schedule V Special Improvement Fund (Serial Levy, Eta)
4. New furniture.' equipment, replacements, repairs $ 1,500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 3 000.00
7. Total Schedule V Special Improvement Fund $ 1,500.00 9 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Schedule VI Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levies
ESTIMATION OF TAX' Total All General Fund Bond Interest and Sink- Special Improvement
I EVY Funds Total Schedule II lng Fund Fund
Total Schedule III Total Sehedu.j V
Total estimated expenditures
Total estimated receipts and available cash
Amount necessary to balance the budget
Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year
(For Assessor's Use)
Levy to be extended..
Analysis of estimated tax levies!
Amount inside 6 limitation...,
Amount outside 6 limitation.
2a 884.02
$ 500.00
Amount of bonded Indebtedness (include all nego
tiable interest-bearing warrants issued under
section 111-1016. O.- U u. a.)..
4, Total Indebtedness (sums of items 1, 2, 8).
$ 4,000.00
nloH thin OnA rinv nf .Tlllv 1945
f XT TfVKTTrlfl
District Clerk Chairman, Board of Directors
Approved by Budget Committee May 18, 1W6.
Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman Budget Committee
fear and crimson muraeri