Attend Funeral of Condon Portmaster A group of Heppner people drove to Condon Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral ser vVtcea for Miss Anne O'Rourke whose death occurred Saturday, June 30. Included in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mona han, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hisler and daughters, Mrs. John Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. James Farley and Mrs. Frank Monahan Jr. Services were conducted at the St. John's Catholic church, with Fr. J. D. Lee celebrating the funeral mass. Born Nov. 23, 1901, at Lowell, Mass., Miss O'Rourke lived there until she was 11 years of age. In 1913, when she and her sister and brother were orphaned, they came to Condon to make their home with an aunt, Mrs. Mary O'Rourke. Miss O'Rourke has resided here since, states the Condon Globe Times. . After completing the local hieh school in 1918, she clerked in Jack son's store for 17 years. She was employd in the post office for three years before she bcame peostmas ter, which position she resigned after she became critically ill. . ', Sgt Guy Moore, who has been serving with the 8th air force in Europe for over two years arrived in Heppner Wednesday to visit his mother, Mrs. L. D. Neill and Mr. Neill for a few days before going to the South Pacific war zone. He has been in Athena for a few days visiting his wife and child. Delbert G. Robinson is at home after recently receiving a dis charge under the army's point sys tem having been in service over three years. He is the son of Les Robinson. C Sp and Mrs. Lloyd Sliger spent the week-end from Friday until Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Saager. They de parted Monday morning for Nor man, Okla. where Chief Sliger is attached to the Naval Air Tech nical Training center. Mrs. Sliger and Mrs. Saager are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith and son Jimmy report having had a most enjoyable week's vacation at Orcas Island, in the Puget Sound area. According to Mrs. Smith it is THE place of all places to vaca tion. Jimmy is visiting in Pendle ton this week. Heppner Gazette Times, July 12, 1945 5 TV...JU T TVM I . "ewul omea nas gone to era! weeks at home with his Dar-iA WORD OS tit a kit c ir.. a.i u . i.... 'i. D I -"--'""'-' line uiai caugut in a naysiavK, oremerton to report for dutv ants while hie cVii - " ' J i cjvpiess my nearueu l-ccF111& 11 num spectuuig iv uluci J. .1 1 m - . . - 1 J , .1 . . ukuiius m neignDors ana triends for nay ana Duuaings. icjjui i ior uuiy ems wnue nis aboard his ship. He has had sev- dock for repairs. A WORD OF APPRECIATION We take this means to thank the Heppner Fire Department and all others who rushed to our assistance Wednesday night. But for this time ly aid the loss would have been much greater. Mrs. Louise Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bucknum Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross CARD OF THANKS We take this means to express our heartfelt thanks to all who as sisted us during our bereavement; for the many expressions of sympa thy and the beautiful floral trib utes. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Applegate and family Fat-Salvage Bee To Aid in Licking National Fat Shortage It's been ages since we had an old-fashioned "bee" in these parts, but Just as we've always pitched in to help a neighbor, so must we pitch in for our country. To help make hundreds of battlefield and home-front es sentials, more used fats are needed than are on hand. City folks are trying to make up the deficit of over 1,200,000,000 pounds. But their fats aren't, enough. Women in small cities, towns and rural districts must also save every drop of fat. Not Just big amounts. But scraps off plates, meat trimmings. Melt them down once a week. Your butcher will give you up to 4 and 2 red points a pound. If you have any difficulty, 'all Home Demonstra tion or County Agent. Approved by WPA and OPA. Paid for by Industry. Announcement Lexington Cafe wishes. to announce that it has acquired sufficient help to permit remaining open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. on week days and from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. on Sundays' Stop by for a cold plate lunch . special daily Lexington Cafe MRS. ED. GRANT,. Proprietor rushing to my place and combatting I Raymond Wright. SALE! $11.95 . 9.95 5.95 Occasional Chairs Ceiling Price . . . V; Sale Price ... . . Clothes Hampers Single or Twin Bed I nnerspring Mattresses Dinette Sets Reduced Gamble Store Dealer .Conley Lanham, Owner Phone 1282 Masonic Building NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING BUDGET ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13. 14. Schedule Z Estimated Receipts from County School Fund Elementary School Fund.. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES ITEM State Irreducible School FiimT Vocational Education .. . High School Tuition .. Elementary Tuition High School Transportation Rentals Other sources " Total All Funds 4,171.00 3,144.96 585.68 700.00 6,110.00 5,000.00 1,600.00 300.00 100.00 General Fund 4,171.00 3,144.96 585.68 700.00 6,110.00 5,000.00 1,600.00 300.00 100.00 15. 16. 17. Estimated Total Receipts Estimated Available Cash Balance or Def icit' (AdT'casli i BaianTeDed'cr'DeilcTt)'' Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit $ 21.711.64 8.400.00 $ 30,111.64 $ 21,711.64 8.400.00 $ 30,111.64 Schedule II General Fund ESTIMATED E XFENDITUKES ITEM Elementary Schools High Schools Estimated for the Ensuing School Year in Detail Estimated for the Ensuing School Year by Totals Budget Allowance In Detail' for the Current School Year Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Current School Year Detailed for the Last Year of the Three-year Period Seo'd Year Give Yearly Totals First Year Give Yearly Totals I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: (1) Superintendent (2) Clerk (3) Stenographers and other office assistants. (4) Compulsory education and census . (5) Other services . 2. Supplies Elections and publicity. 3. 4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) (5) Other expense of general control: (1) . 6. Total Expense of General Control ....$ 1,628.57 $ 1,628.57 .. . 300.00 ' 300.00 475.00 475.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 . 75.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 ..$ 2,763.57 $ 2,763.57 $ 3,257.14 600.00 950.00 20 00 100.00 150.00 lou.uo 150.00 200.00 $ 5,527.14 $ 5,527.14 $ 2,729.00 360.00 700.00 20.00 11)0.00 150.00 . 100.00 150.00 200.00 9 4,569.00 $ 2,098.00 300.00 712.50 20.00 100.00 140.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $ 3,670.50 9 2,77a47 , $ 2,481.45 II. INSTRUCTION Supervision 1. Personal service: (1) Principals 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors.. 3. Smith-Hughes Transportation 5. Total Expense of Supervision 300.00 40.00 "$ 340.00 300.00 40.00 230.00 $ 540.00 $ 600.00 80.00 230.00 $ 910.00 $ 910.00 $ 600.00 80.00 230.00 9 910.00 344.70 60.00 230.00 I 634.70 9 1,312.67 9 1,201.66 ITL INSTRUCTION Teaching 1, Pergonal service: (1) Teachers (2) Handicapped Children- (3) Music 2. Library supplies, repairs.. 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.).. 4. Textbooks 6. Other expense of teaching.. 7. Total Expense of Teaching;... ..$18,340.00 - 270.00 100.00 25.00 - 300.00 . 1,000.00 150.00 ..$20,135.00 $15,232.86 100.00 ' 25.00 300.00 400.00 150.00 $16,207.86 $33,572.86 270.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 1,400.00 300.00 $36,392.86 $36,392.86 $29,971.00 ioo.oo 200.00 50.00 600.00 700.00 300.00 $31,921.00 $24,948.20 100.00 100.00 20.00 600.00 1.450.00 150.00 $27,368.20 $22,257.07 $20,282.48 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees z. janitors' supplies w Fuel Light and power water 3. 4. 6. 6. Telephone 8. Total Expense of Operation.. $ 1,800.00 500.00 - 500.00 310.00 80.00 100.00 -9 3,270.00 1800.00 500.00 500.00 310.00 60.00 100.00 3 270.00 $ 3,600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 P"" m 190 00 lOttJO $ 3,060.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 620.00 120.00 86.00 2,820.00 609.00 1,000.00 620.00 120.00 85.00 5,254.00 V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment 2. Repair and maintenance of: 9 6,159.63 9 4,147.40 Grounds.. Buildings and 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repair $ 1,500.00 600.00 1,000.00 500.00 1.000.00 9 1400.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 9 3,000.00 9 3400.00 1000.00 2, 000.00 9 3400.00 260.00 700.00 9 950.00 9 1401.61 $ 1428.88 VX AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health service: (1) Personal service (nurse, etc) (2) Supplies and other expenses. 2. Transportation of pupils: (l) personal service (3) Hot lunch 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Ac ancles 80.00 80.00 160.00 1.600.00 1,600.00 400.00 100.00 500.00" 480.00 9 1,780.00 9 2,260.00 9 2,260.00 60.00 60.00 100.00 100,00 2,800.00 a5oo.oo 600.00 200.00 9 2,960.00 $ 3460.00 9 34U.60 9 4,208.96 VXX. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance 8. Other fixed charges: (1) N. W. Association.. 4. Total Fixed Cbarfes.. 121.50 -9 ULH 12L60 6.00 9 12440 CenUaued 243.00 6.00 9 248.00 $ a Pt Eight 8440 140.00 6.00 9 145.40 $T 140.40 6.00 9 145.40 9 1450 $ sun