4 Heppner Gazette Times, July 12, 1945 EDITORIAL . ', It Might Be Due to the Weather For the first time since the war loan cam paigns have been in vogue, Morrow county has dropped below the quotas set up for us to meet and our communal face is slightly red. There may be several reasons why we failed to meet our obligation in the Mighty Seventh, but we think the most likely one is that the quota on E bonds was a bit too high $63,000 worth, to be exact. Perhaps a concerted effort to raise the E bond quota might have put it over, and it is now evi dent that something of that nature should have been done. At the same time, war finance offi cials felt that the people have had education enough along the line of bond buying and that the invest probably bought all the E bonds permitted under the war financing regulations and there were not enough of these people to absorb the quota. About the only consolation due this county is the fact that other counties found themselves in the same predicament, only not to quite the same depth s Morrow. Fire Danger Is Here Extreme caution will have to be exercised from now on if serious grass and timber fires are to be avoided. Fortunately, the earlier part of the summer has been exceptionally free from electric disturbance and apparently the human element quota, if within the bounds of possibility, would which always looms large in annual fire losses is be met under xontrol. This has had a tendency to permit more rest on the part of -the forest officials who are arr.nstnmed to sleeo with one ear open to The OPA is desirous of jogging the memories of those who have not as yet sent in their fuel oil applications. There are still quite a number of applications missing and since the office is this week be ginning to issue tickets it is im perative tha all applicaions be sent in at once. ' The local OPA is operating on a new time schedule. The office will continue to open its doors to the public at 10:00 a. m. each morning and closes at 3:00 p m. each after noon save - Saturday, when the of fice will be closed at noon. Perhaps another factor entered into the pic ture, and this could easily be the deciding factor. Freakish weather placed the crop situation in doubt at a time when financial security was neces sary in order to make bond buying popular. Many prospective bond buyers no doubt put off making their purchases until the outcome of the 1945 crop was established. Unfortunately, the outcome has not been encouraging and this may have discour aged the investment of money in bonds that in all likelihood will be needed in farm operations. The E bond quota was a little high $248,000 for a county with no more payroll industry, than Morrow enjoys. Those who have the' money to catch that telltale jangle of the telephone during the wee small hours. Grass and forest are not all with which we are concerned. Not by a jug full, or long shot, or what have you. There is a grain crop right in the pink of condition for a fire and this too de mands strictest adherence to anti-fire practices if huse losses are not to be sustained. From all re ports the actions of nature have already accounted for about thirty percent of the wheat crop, and this should warrant an all-out effort to prevent further losses by fire. ' Second Lieutenant Betty Doherty having come from Logan, Utah has been visiting her moher and where she is on the staff of Bush other relatives the past ten days, nell General hospital. Her sister OPA Odd Lot Rel RATION FREE FROM JULY 9 TO JULY 28 1945 INCLUSIVE OF RATIONED SHOES SOLD RATION FREE MEN S AND LADIES m GONTY'S Phone 2352 Helen Doherty came Sunday from Vallejo, Calif, where she is employ, ed in government work. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 T io .mnp HE 1 1 V. CROWD 1 A wartime worker needs every bit of energy which a nutritious meal: supplies. Stop in before your regu-1 lar shift and go to work prepared to deliver a big day's work. HEPPNER I CAFE 1 j I iim mmi iimiiiimiiiimimmiiir Purity and Accuracy Are well meaning words To compound a prescription to meet oth the doctor's speci fications and the patient's needs, requires purity of pro ducts and accuracy in measurement . . . ; . We abide by the rule of "Purity and Accuracy", guarantteeing your prescrip tion to be "just what the doctor ordered." If you are not now availing yourself of our prescription service, we are sure we'll be seeing yqu soon. Gordon's Drug Store John Saager, Owner SPECIALIZED Engine Tune-Ups Carburetor, Starter, Generator Magneto Service Auto Electric Front End Alignment Washing Waxing Steam Cleaning RICHFIELD PRODUCTS Station Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 1242 i iiiiimimimtimmmi IIHIIIIIIIKIIIMtlllHIMIIIIM i ii tn 1 1 m i ii i iiimiitM i ii Mint. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph.. 522. Heppner, Ore. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building .Heppner, Oregon Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon : First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162- Office Ph. 492 JOS. J.N YS ATTORNEY AT LAW . Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch St Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon New York Life Insurance Co. MRS. A. Q. THOMPSON Representative for past 14 years O. M. YEAGER Contractor fir Builder All kinds of carpenter work. Country work especially. Phone 1483 Heppner, Ore. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. New Auto Policy Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.21 5 05 Class B 6.00 5 25 Class C 7.75 5.23 TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Hennnr O-o rrvM Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. .INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accountina Se Member National Association of 1 ax Accountants. Heppner, Oregon HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established TvTash 9 A Ann Times, established November 18, 1897. ConenlM, PKli u j 1312. Published every Thursday and en. ulo jriiC umce at Hepp ner. Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor