Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 12, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, July 12, 1945
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Caples and
Mrs. Don Mason and children of
Portland were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Mason on the Fourth.
Local guests of the Masons on the
Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. JVL.
Cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke,
Mrs. Clara Kincaid, Mrs. Mary
Swanson of lone and Mrs Lucy E.
Rodgers Mrs. Sarah McNamer and
Miss Margaret Gillis of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
and children returned Friday from
a visit in the Willamette valley.
The Topic clob will meet at the
Congregational church rooms on
Friday, July 13, with Mrs. Kuth
Mason, Mrs. Mabel Cotter, Mrs.
Sylvia Gorger and Mrs. June O'Con
nor hostesses. Subject for study will
be Mexico.
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen is reported
making satisfactory recovery from
her recent operation at The Dalles
The Ameca club will meet on
Friday, July 27 at the home of Mrs.
Donald Heliker.
James Lindsay and daughter
Helen went to Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Leona Akers of Portland re
turned to her home with them. Mr
Lindsay and Helen came home the
first of this week, bringing Mrs.
Roy Pettyjohn (Betty Lou Lind
say) who has been employed in
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn and
children of Vernonia spent the 4th
of July with Mr. Linn's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. ,
urday. Mrs. Clark remained in
Henry Clark returned home Sat
a Portland hospital for medical
H. G. Holcomb, former superin
tendent of lone schools, and his
family moved to Portland Tuesday.
Sunday evening a number of
friends called on them and Mr.
Holcomb was presented with a fare
well gift.
The Maranatha club will meet
Saturday, July 14 at the home of
Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
Mrs. Huston Bryson left on the
bus Monday morning for Portland.
Jean Gaarsland Sp (q) 3c is
spending a few days in Portland.
, Bud Cannon returned to Portland
Sunday after a few days visit with
his mother, Mrs Ada Cannon.
The first combines to start har
vest in the lone community on
Monday were those of W. C. Craw
ford, north of lone and Mrs. Mabel
Davidson in the section west of
Mrs. W. B. Rice suffered a heart
attack the morning of the 4th and
was rushed to' the hospital at The
Mrs. Neil Doherty went to the
hospital at Pendleton Friday for
Irrigon News Notes
Dave Steaeall who is employed in
Portland spent the Fourth with his
family here.
Clifford Rucker arrived Tuesday
to spend a two-day leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Perkins have
moved into the Leicht camp. He is
a potato inspector.
Claud Linkhart and daughter of
California are visiting the Robert
Smith family.
St Sst and Mrs. Wilbur E. Wie-
gand and daughter Teresa left Mon
day for Pasco after visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Smith. Sgt
Wiegand has just returned from
two years in the European theater.
Lt Willard Jones is home after
some time pent in the Mediterran
ean and other European areas.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams and
two sons spent the Fourth at The
Dalles with relatives.
Mrs. Alice Hoagland left for Tex
as Friday in response to a tele
gram that her husband had been
injured. '
Pvt Marvel Connell is home on a
30 day furlough from McCaw hos
pital. He was injured in the Phil
ippines in May.
Mrs. Walter Grider and Virginia
Brannon were in Athena Thursday.
The R. L. Bentley family moved
into the Lloyd Aldrich home last
week. They are from Boardman.
Pfc Joe Wilson writes that he is
in the army of occupation in
Mrs. Vi Hoagland took two of the
Alice Hoagland children to Stan-
field. She is their grandmother. The
Bill Hoaglands took two and Mrs.
Nora Wilson took one while their
mother is gone to Texas.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Henderson have
mod back to Wallowa. They have
been here with his mother, Mrs
Maude Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haberlein and
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson and
Ronald and Leila Thompson went
to Ditch -creek for the 4th. They
fished and rested. '
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Connell and
family went to Pilot Rock for the
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks of Redmond
are visiting his parents the Floyd
Sparks. They were in Portland
A. A. Shoun left for Mountain
City Thursday to visit a sister,
Mrs. Winnie Dillon and other rela
tives. He has been with his brother
J. A. ever since he became ill.
Rov Stamp visited his sisters,
Mrs. J. A. Shoun and Mrs. W. C.
Acock and family on the 4th.
Mrs. Marshall Markham and
three daughters, Clara Fraser and
Kathleen Poulson left for Brooks,
Oregon Saturday to attend the Pen
tecostal camp meeting there.
Mrs Emma Steward is caring for
the post office while Mrs. Lillie
Warner is absent.
How to
"wipe out"
Standard Fly Spray is sure death to flies, fleas, mosquitoes,
moths, ants, many other insects. It kills on contact in a
jiffy! Safe to use. Standard Fly Spray won't harm humans,
won't stain wallpaper or fabrics, when used according to
directions. Get some today - for health protection!
Phone 622
a- ji
ram (tftti
Saturday Evening
Willows Grange Hall
lone Cardinals
Supper Served
Everybody Welcome
Admission 50c, Tax 10c, Total 60c
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