8 Heppner Gazette Times, July 5, 1945 35th Anniversary Of Power Company Observed Friday Members of the Pacific Power & Light company organization from Heppner, Hermiston and Pendleton reviewed 35 years of prograss in the electric industry at a meeting in Pendleton Friday that observed the 35th anniverary of the found ing of the company and honored veteran P. P. & L. employes. Present for the occasion were George T. Bragg, P. P. & L. vice president and general manager, and Charles M. Sanford, assistant gen eral manager of the company. Telling the development of elec tric power in this area by the corn nan v. Braee compared the present integrated Pacific Power & Light company system, with its wW miles of electric lines, to the 388 miles of poles and wire with which the company began business in 1910. An earlv accomplishment was supplying 24 hours a day electric service, Bragg recalled. Where electricity from small, in efficient systems once sold for as high as 25 cents a kilowatt-hour, 35 vears of electrical prograss here bv the company have brought rates so low that Pacific Power & Light company now received an average urice of onlv 1.86 cents per kilo watt-hour for residential electric service, Bragg pointed out. Electric rates here are now 66 per cent be low the average for the nation. Where in 1910, electric service rarelv extended beyond the larger towns, the company's lines today serve the agricultural territory of 21 Washington and Oregon coun ties, and supply electricity to more than 13,000 farms. Twelve members of the organiza tion serving the company's custo mers in Umatilla and Morrow coun ties have each had more than 10 years in the electric industry, and five have had more than 15 years. Included in the group with more than 15 years experience with the P. P. & 1. organization is Kenneth Star Reporter Friday-Saturday, July -T Having Wonderful Crime Pat O'Brien, George Murphy, Carole Landis, Lenore Aubert A racy eye and-earful of mirth and murder. PLUS Vigilantes of Dodge City Little Beaver Western. Walt Disney Cartoon in Techncolor. Sunday-Monday, July 8-9 God Is My Co-Pilot Dennis Morgan, Dana Clark, Baymond Massey, Alan Hale, Andrea King, John Bidirely, Stanley Ridges A story of gallantry and glory, fear . - . ..III. lnf f. .'ft Vtoaf I and rury ana iaun irum - seller by that Ace eiyms i'B, w Robert Liee scou jr. Tuesday, July 10 Eadie Was a Lady Ann Miller, Joe Bonner, William Wright, Jeff Donnell, aji mcuuy and Ma Orchestra. A musical with a lift. PLUS House of Fear Basil Bathbone, Nigel Bruce c-w-ib- T-Tnimoa thn master sleuth, cuaivAn uf ' , i,ia inimitable Watson, unwind the tangled skelna of an almost per fect plot. Wednesday-Thursday, July 11-12 The Horn Blows at Midnight aIatU Smith. Allyn Jot-1 W ,y - - I Berlnald Oar diner, Dolores Moran, Guy XlMe, Franklin Pang wn. Babhv Blake No matter what brand of humor you in- i i nm mArlnfrUA of I Mtlre, fantasy, subtlety And slapstick. House, company manager at Hepp ner. o Cherry Season Time For Favorite Recipes Cherries are ripe now and that is good news to those who like this luscious fruit. They are ere todav fione tomorrow and their short season is one that is contem plated and should be relished by everyone. Cherries lend themselves to al most anv recipe that calls for fresh fruit. Cherry cobbler topped with ice cream is one of the delicious deserts that can be made with cher ries. Cherry juice, sweetened and thickened slightly with corn starch, makes a delicious sirup and com bines nicely with milk for a re freshing drink, or can be used as a sauce on ice cream or puddings. And there are few pies that com- nare with cherrv pie. The upper- K crust school of pie makers will make two crusts, upper as well as lower. The open-face devotees will make twisted lattice top or will cut out shapes to ornament the top of the pie and leave the cherries gleaming in their red juice to charm the eye and tempt the appe tite. For something new about cherry pie add a dash of cinna mon in the filling. This recipe will be a favorite. The trick's in cooking the syrup before hand. RED CHERRY PIE Vz cup cherry juice 2 Tbl butter Vz cup sugar 2 cups pitted cherries 3 Tbl flour, 1-8 tsp salt, 1 recipe plain pastry, 1-8 tsp cinnamon, (op tional.) Cook juice, sugar, flour and salt until thick; add butter and pour over cherries in pastry-lined pie pan. Make twisted lattice top or any topping you prefer. Bake in hot oven (450) 10 minutes, then in mo derate oven (350) 30 minutes. Ma kes 9-inch pie. Serve a la mode1 This one egg cake recipe can be made on top of pitted sweetened cherries to make an up-side down cake. Serve with vanilla ice cream. IVi cups cake flour, V cup but ter, 2 tsp baking powder, 2-3 cup sugar, y4 tsp salt, 1 well beaten egg, V2 cup milk, Vztsp almond extract. Sift dry ingredients three times; add softened butter. Add egg com bined with milk and flavoring and beat vigorously one minute, bake in a greased pan in moderate oven (350) 40 minutes. o BAG LIMITS TO BE SET AT HEARING JULY 14 The 1945 hunting seasons, bag limits and other rgulations affect ing large and small game will come SHE'LL RULE ROUND-UP f ' i "ml uwvoo n Pendleton, June 18 Skilled horsewoman, and a descendant ol Eastern Oregon pioneers, golden-haired, blue-eyed Donne Boylea has been chosen as queen of the thirty-fourth Pendleton Round-Up Sept 12, 13, 14, and 15. Now 19, Queen Donne was a Round-Up princess last year. Sim is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Boylen of Pendleton, hei father a prominent rancher, being arena director of the Round-Up, in which he has been active since boyhood days. He is also vice president of the Rodeo Association of America. She is the grand daughter of Mrs. Thomas Boylen, Sr. of Pendleton, and the lat Mr. Boylen, for many years timer at the show, and of the lata Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison, both families being well known pioneers. The queen, native of Pendleton, has completed her first year at the University of Oregon where she is a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Donne is a real "ranch girl"; last year she acted as rousta bout on the ranch of her uncle, Lester King, who is also a Round Up director. The previous year, she and her aunt, Mrs. King, did all the cooking for a crew of 15 men. Besides taking pride in being an honest-to-goodness cook, the queen is interested in writing) dramatics, swimming and dancing. Queen Donne will head all Round-Up parades and also appear In the arena at the Round-Up, and with her will be a court of four princesses, to be announced later. up for consideration when the Ore gon State Game commission holds its annual hearing for this purpose at ten o clock. Saturday morning, July 14, at its Forlland offices. Until the regulations are formu lated by the Commission there is no information available as to whether or not special doe deer or cow elk tags will be issued this year. The hearing is open to the gen eral public. On hot summer days the water in your battery evaporates faster than usual. This is a dangerous condition. If water is not replaced acid may perma nently damage the plates and separators. Play safe ... let us give your thirsty battery a drink now! DRIVE DM TODAY.. This Service is FREE! TICKETS WILL BE MAILED AS SOON AS THEY ARRIVE Truck owners who are waiting for the new gasoline tickets are ad vised that they will be mailed as soon as a new supply arrives at the local rationing office. Fuel tickets for homes have not been mailed but will be put out next month. Utten to tht "Vokt of Vinttomf Monday tvtmngi over NBC ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. VrXL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3. Alteration or buildings (not repairs) 4. New furniture, equipment and replacements. 6. Other capital outlays: (1) Library books 7. Total Capital Outlays 9 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 750.C0 3 750.00 $..1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 750.00 250.00 I 950.00 $ 453.26 . $ 1,520.00 IX. DEBT SERVICE NON-BONDED 3. Total Debt Servioe, Non-bonded... 9 66.98 $15,084.97 X. EMEBQENCY 9 1,400.00 9 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1.000.00 Total Schedule II General Fund Total estimated expenses lor the year sum of items 1-6. II-5, III-7, IV-8, V-4, VI-4, VII-4, VIII-7. IX-3, X. $57,778.00 $52,290.40 $44,232.80 936,486.68 $51,652.54 Schedule III Bond Interest and Sinking; Fund DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND 1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable interest bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O. C. L. A.) .- 2. Interest on bonds.. 3.....Total Schedule III Debt Eorvice-Bonds and Interest. 500.00 2,000.00 200 00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,200.00 2,560.00 640.00 $ 3.200.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,900.00 Schedule V Special Improvement Fund (Serial Levy, Etc.) SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND . r . , ... m 4. New furniture, equipment, replacements, repairs $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 7. Total Schedule V Special Improvement Fund $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3 000.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000.00 Schedule VI Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levies ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY Total All Funds General Fund Total Schedule II Bond Interest and Sink ing Fund Total Schedule III Special Improvement Fund Total Schedul J V Total estimated expenditures........ - DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash oaiances (scneauie u. Amount necessary to balance the budget - Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year. (For Assessor's Use) Levy to be extended Analysis of estimated tax levies 1 Amount inside t70 limitation.. Amount outside 6 limitation.; $61,278.00 30,111.64 31,166.36 31,166.36 31,166.36 23.884.02 7,282.34 $57,778.00 $ 600.00 $3,000.00 INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded indebtedness (Include all negor tlable interest-bearing warrants Issued under section 111-iuiB. v. v. u. a.)- I Total Indebtedness (sums of items 1. 2. )- $ 4,000.00 9 4,00000 Dated this 2nd day of July, 1945. , TT Signed: BONNIE B. McCLINTOCK . , C N. JONES District Clerk Cnalrman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 19, 1946. BiVned: MRS. STEPHEN THOMPSON J. J. NTS Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman Budget Committee