6 Heppner Gazette Times, July 5, 1945 Irrigcn News Notes By MRS. J. A. SHOTJN Don Kenney and sons went to Pendleton to get pea hay Monday. Mrs. Otto Meyers and four chil dren of The Dalles arrived in Ir rigon Monday to visit Mrs. Emma Steward. Miss Lela Thompson won one of the $100 war bonds that was raf fled off in the bond rally at Uma tilla Friday night. She lives with her uncle Ora Thompson and fam ily here. Cpl Clarence Rucker of the Ma rines arrived Sunday to visit his parents, the Elmer Ruckers. He has been gone for about three years. Mrs. Earl Connell and two sons spent from Thursday to Monday with her mother Mrs Gene Lewis and family at Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and son Steven, Mrs. Sam Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell and Mrs. Josephine West and four children spent last week in the mountains returning Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Brown, county li brarian at Bend was a caller in Irrigon Tuesday. Billy Allen S 2c is to be stat ioned at Pasco in the entertain ment center he informed his mo ther, Mrs. H. W. Grim. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aldrich and son Allen have moved to Tilla mook to live on a dairy farm. They rented their home to Mr. Bentley from Boardman. Carl Haddox and family went to Bingham Springs for the 4th of July. The Henry Miller family har vested a good crop of potatoes on the Leicht place this week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and Don na spent the 4th at Mecham lake. Mrs. Albert Cline arrived home from Walla Walla Tuesday. She has been taking treatments there. Robert Waters is home spending MR 10NDS . Official U. S. Navy Photo "Diesel Stove." War Bonds fur nished Seabees with equipment needed to construct this stove from salvage on which pretty Philippine pirl cooks meal for hungry folks on Tinian. V. S. Treasury Deparimtnl a ew weeks with his mother, Mrs Tack Browning and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey vis ited in Pasco , over the 4th with Mrs. Bailey's parents, the Roy Van Cleves. Mrs. Grace O'Brien arrived home from Riverside Calif, where she has been with her husband Glen O'Brien who has completed radar and bombing practice and has gone to a port of embarkation. Long " .M through tosugM 1 . men have long When you let 0 P.M y roake it eaer fo thome. dier to reach the t d80f caU from service e ountry. toattsecuonsot"1 guy - Waste Paper Need Greater Than Ever Residents of Morrow county can supply . enough waste paper for 14,456 "suits of armor" for 105 mm. shells, if they will buckle down and save an average of 10 pounds of newspapers, wrapping paper and boxes a month. The 105's are the big ones that have been helping American forces in their advance toward Berlin and Tokyo. Last year Americans saved 106 pounds of paper per capita, or enough for about 35 containers each for the 105mm. shells. For each ammunition container or "paper suit of armor" used to protect the shells from salt water, dents nicks and corrosive dirt, ap proximately three pounds of waste paper are required. Ammunition container board, one of the princi pal materials used in making the "suits of armor," is made from mixed paper and old corrugated boxes. . Another material used is called "tube and can stock", which is made from all types of waste paper. Salvage Drive to Be Made in July A statewide drive to salvage waste paper and tin cans will be held during the last week in July, according to Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county salvage chairman. The drive comes during one of the busiest periods in this section but critically-needed paper and tin must be gotten in and forwarded to repro cessing plants at once if the war effort is not to be handicapped. Almost 90 percent of our tin im ports before Pearl Harbor came from mines in Malaya, Sumatra and the Dutch East Indies terri tory captured by he Japanese leaving much of the sorely needed materials here at home. The coun supply to come from salvaged try must collect 600,000 tons of waste paper each month during the summer if we are to meet demands of our armed forces for the ship ping materials they will need. OUR READERS ARE NOT TRAINED SEALS . BUT THEY RESPOND V TO AD SUGGESTIONS aaw 1 V ... n "iT iTO rr tv 7 nam noose in mane Im Postwar America ...one of the strongest guarantees of progress and world peace is continuous scientific preparedness through industrial research' "General Electric has approved plans for a new $8,000,000 Research Laboratory. This ex penditure has tremendous significance. Scientific research has contributed much to our progress as a nation. "Many things have been discovered during this war, and we can and must develop them into better things for peacetime. "Today we have 550 research people on our staff. These new facilities will not only give increased outlet for their abilities, but will provide opportunities for new research minds with new talents. "From this new laboratory we think new achievements will come. In the past, G-E research has contributed much to better living in America not only through new developments in x-ray. electricity, metallurgy, electronics and chemistry, but also through reduced cost and increased efficiency, as in the modern incandescent lamp. "Even more than in the past the la boratory will emphasize research in pure science continuing and expanding the work begun by Dr. Whitney and the late Dr. Steinmetz forty-five years ago. "To find new facts of the physical world, to extend the limits of knowledge, is a forward step in creating More Goods for More People at Less Cost." President GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY tj4l& i IK? New 8-ml!llon-dollcrG-E Research Laboratory will be feet of floor space will accommodate an expanded post built five miles east of Schenectady, New York, on war research staff of about 800. Research rooms will the Mohawk River. The geographic location offers be a scientist's paradise of equipment for experi special advantages for television, high voltage x-ray, ments in chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics and radar research. Buildings with 300,000 square It is hoped that construction can start in six months. Hear the G-E radio programs: The G-E All-girl Orchestra, Sunday 10 p. m. EWT, NBC The World Today news, Monday through Friday 6:45 p. m. EWT, CBS The G-E Houte Party, Monday through Friday 4:00 p. m. EWT, CBS. FOR VICTORY BUY AND HOLD WAR BONDS GENERAL m ELECTRIC