11 -0 TO 11 O v & 7 - O H o -r- :z c ' - u u w 1 o o o ;c 10 P.1 n - o - c. People of County Turn Out in Force For Celebration Lexington Event First of Kind in Many Years Here People of Morrow county were in a mood to observe the day of In dependence in this year 1945 for large numbers of them congregated at Lexington yesterday to partici pate in the celebration staged by the Civilian Air Patrol. No esti mate has been given on attendance but there were hundreds of people there, most of them finding little difficulty in enjoying themselves. The celebration started with a dance at the fair pavilion in Hepp ner luesday evening, ihis was largely attended and returns from dance tickets and the lunch coun ter put the CAP "in the money." The carnival and dance at Lexing ton on the 4th were equally well patronized and from a financial standpoint the celebration was equ ally successful. The parade saw a large turnout of cars, horsemen and horsewomen, and extended from the town to the airport. The program at the port was carried out according to schedule with the exception of the airplane stunts. Four Cubs from Portland flew in early in the day and added their part to the celebration and dedica tion. Reports from over the nation in dicate a quiet day quite generally. Accidents were the lowest on re cord, a radio report stating that only 30 deaths were reported whereas it was anticipated that be tween 300 and 400 would be the toll. Later reports may swell this number materially. 4-H School Day Described to Club Arnold Ebert, Morrow county ag ricultural agent, was principal speaker at the chamber of com merce luncheon Monday, using as his subject a day's program at the 4-H summer school at Corvallis. Ebert took his hearers through the routine of a typical day, from aris ing time to the last activity, show nig that the youngsters have plenty to do and also why they enter into the work at home with the hope of obtaining one of the scholarships. Monday was the last meeting for Rev. Bennie Howe, who with Mrs. Howe left this morning for their new pastorate at Coquille. Express ing the chamber's appreciation for Rev. Howe's membership and the pleasure of having had him as a member during his tenure in the local Methodist church, he was pre sented with a gift, an elegant desk set. Mrs. Howe was a special guest of the club. Miss Margaret Gillis, county health nurse, was program chair man. Mrs. A. J. Spiekermeier of La Grande is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Phelps. She expects to be here about a month. She is work ing in La Grande while her hus band is in overseas service. H. N. Routh and children from Kennewick, Wash., were guests over the 4th at the A. J. Chaffee home. Mr. Routh is Mrs. Chaffee's brother. His oldest son, Oliver, will be inducted into the army on July 11. Mr. Chaffee accompanied them home enroute to Spokane on a va cation trip. ' Regular meeting of the Womens' society of Christian service will be held at the home of Mrs. Ellis Carl, son at 2:30 Wednesday, July 11. It was formerly announced for the Methodist church parlors. Heppner Two Days Remain To Raise $71,000 Of E Bond Quota Only two "days remain of the Mighty Seventh war loan cam paign and Morrow county is still shy approximately $71,000 of meeting the bond quota. All other quotas have been met but we seem to have reached a stale mate on the E's. No doubt many bond buyers have bought the limit of E's, thus cutting themselves out of a last- minute participation that might put the drive over. It is now up to the smaller investor, the $18.75- $100 class, to make additional purchases and it will require a lot of them to erase that $71,000 quota deficit. The $356,000 will be met, since that is only $40,000 short of the goal, but it will be a fine record for Morrow county if this balance is made up through E bond pur chases. What's your answer? Despondent Man Commits Suicide Sunday morning in the Masonic to the f?uth of the wreck, cemetery for Earl Marion Redding, being unable to get a locomo whose body was found Saturday , n the Jb' the company ern morning at the Driskell place east.P10?1 a county tractor to move the nf tko VAnht nm rw, off; wWo , eight wheat-loaded cars and ca- it had been 10 or 11 days. Rev. Bennie Howe conducted the ser- Although Redding was due for lnniirtinn into militarv sprviop hist week and was reoorted as' having failed to report, authorities ' An. not MfchHW his ,Md to 1 that. Tt u said h bad . been despondent for the past year i or more and more than likelv ar. rived at the suicide decision in one of his darker moments. He was last seen at the Lynch logging camp on Johnson creek Jim 18. The mornintr of .Tune 19 1 .Tnhn Tnrpnzpn's car was missinc? fr-nm thp carrm and thp samo. dav Redding had a car filled with gas at the Heppner Lumber company mill. Saturday morning, Elmer Pal mer and Irvin Anderson were at tracted by the door of the garage at the Driskell place swinging open revealing the presence of a car. They investigated and discovered the body with a hose from the ex haust still attached to his mouth. They immediately informed Sher iff Mollahan and he called Coro ner McMurdo and they went to the Driskell place and brought the body to town. Committal services will be held at the graveside Saturday after noon at 2 p. m. 1JI MM Each of these members of the Pacific Power & Light company organi zation serving the Heppner-Hermiston-Pendleton district has more than 15 years experience in the electric industry. Collectively, the 24 mem bers of the company organization in this area have a total of 239 years of service with this company. In the front row are Kay Kinne, Violet Williamson, Curtis Simons and Kenneth House; back row, George T. Bragg, P. P. & L. vice president and general manager, Harold Hawks, Homer Beale, district manager, William Freitag and Charles M. San ford. The picture was taken as P. P. & L. employees here observed the 35th anniversary of the founding of the company. Oregon, Thursday, July Branch Freight Wrecked Monday Near Lexington Engineer Suffers M inor Burns When Engine Overturns Rail traffic on the Heppner branch was brought to a halt Mon day morning when the local freight was wrecked about a mile south of Lexington. The engine and about one rail length of track slid into (the marshy ditch where the loco- motive settled on its side in the muck and mire. Engineer John F. Freund suffered minor burns to his feet and lower limbs when he stepped into a pool of hot water drained from the engine's boiler, but aside from that no casualties resulted from the accident. Engine No. 768 was in use and is today being hoisted out of its unchosen bed by wrecking equip ment brought from the Albina yards in Portland. In the course of this work, the tractor, or bulldozer mired down in .e swampy, land and had to be dug Out. A larSe automobile freight car laded lunikf was, coupled to Engine 768 and all but followed the locomotive into the ditch. The fact that . train was. . ving alonf at' an easy gait probably accounted for no greater damage, Railroad officials attribute the accident to a sun kink This is due to heat expansion of the rails and when the rail ends come together and there is no further room for expansion in that direction they gin turning out at fnds' caus ing the pilot wheel on that side to leave the track and push against the inside of the rail, wrecking the track. The company did quite a bit of work on that particular stretch of track last fall and will be obliged to put in more fill following the wreck. IN BAXTER HOSPITAL Pfc James P. McUamee who ar rived in Boston June 22, was flown west and is now in Baxter hospital at Spokane according to informa tion received by relatives in Hepp ner. wmmJWU$tm J mm 5, 1945 Campaign Opens to Raise Hospital Fund On Subscription Basis Council Considers Several Important Mqtters Monday i Possibility that fire zone limits on' Main street will be lengthened is seeh in the proposal made to the city council Monday evening by Mayor Turner. Looking to building expansion along the main thoroughfare, the mayor submitted .1 i a pian to extend the tire zoning limis to include the municinal swimming tank on the south end of the street and extend to the highway bridge to the north. Pres ent limits take in the Gilliam & Bisbee building on upper Main and run to the south side of Baltimore street. It was also revealed that the city is about in position to have the cemetery hill road surfaced, as well as mce repairs to pavement throughout town. It is hoped to have a resurfacing job done on Riverside street from the end of Gale to the city limits. This stretch of paving is badly broken up and patching no longer suffices, it was stated. The council and budget com mittee passed the budget and the council disposed of the usual grist of bills. A complaint signed by residents of north Court street rel ative to a cow and some chickens was read and the marshal was instructed to inform the owners regarding the ordinance governing this matter. Foresters Study Fire Fighting at Bear Wallow School Headed by Ranger Glen Jorgen son, a group of foresters from the Heppner district attended an eight day fire ' school held at the Bear Wallow station in the Ukiah dis trict, returning from there the past week-end Those taking the course with Jorgenson were Ellis Carlson, Earl Simonton, Leonard Pate, Kate Smith and a suppression crew in cluding Bill Ward, Bob Alstott and Bob Scott. Through the training acquired at the fire school it is expected that much of the handicap due to labor shortage will be overcome as skill in handling equipment and in working out suppression methods will enhance the work of the regu lars as well as directing the work of temporary or emergency crews. Cooperation of the army in plac ing paratroopers at the disposal of the forest service in this area is another factor which is expected to give material aid in reducing tim ber fire losses. A company of col ored pa?atroopers based at Pendla ton is undergoing training in for est fire suppression, while planes from the base are employed in for est patrol work. Jorgenson stated that no fires have been reported this season but with the vacation period now un derway there might be an outbreak any time. He was a bit apprehen sive about the 4th of July and was hoping picnickers would exercise caution about smoking and fire building. Lookouts for the season include Leonard Pate at Tamarack; Syl via McDaniel, Matteson; Kate Smith, Arbuckle, (she's from Spray); Elmer Meese, Ellis; Bert Bleakman, in charge of suppression crew with headquarters at Bull Prairie. Wheeler Point remains to be filled. Volume 62, Number 1 5 r A definite step toward early con struction of the Morrow county hospital was taken his week when the hospital commission and coun ty court decided to accede to the demand of numerous citizens to not await the slow process of taxation and seek building funds through popular subscription. Petitions were prepared and placed in the hands of the court and commission and Dr. A. D. McMurdo who previous ly had secured pledges for several thousand dollars. Events with relation to the hos pital have moved forward in recent weeks. The services of an archi tect have been obtained and he has .been here to look the situation over. An ideal site has been tenta tively settled upon and will be pur. chased as soon as the present own ers have been made secure in a new home. With this much of a program underway, it is felt that there is no need of delaying con struction if the people of the coun ty are ready to put up the funds. Aside from the need of a hospital, a fact that is not argued, it is pointed out that despite shortage of building materials at the present time, it will be a matter of economy to build now while price controls are in effect, whereas if construc tion waited until the tax money were all in it is almost a certainty that prices will be much higher. On the other hand, it is not lively that wages will ..be appreciably less af ter the war as general construction will help maintain the present high level. 4 - As to materials it is reliably stat ed that priorities are not hard to get lor a building of this nature and by the time it is up and ready for use equipment will be available that will not come under the class ification of substitution. A good many people have been clamoring for early contruction of the hopital building and it is now put up to them and the rest of the county to prove how earnestly they feel regarding the proposition. As the court and commission look at it, if not enough people put up money in this manner to meet the requirements there is still the two mill tax route that will produce the funds, slower but at least sure ly. The people intrusted with di recting the building program have confidence that the fund will be raised and it is their desire to car ry out the wishes of the taxpayers, whether the process be by popular subscription or by the regular me thod of taxation. Plans and specifications will be announced when Architect White house of Spokane has all needed information for . making the draw ings. SCHOOL MEETING OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN After a period of trial and error (mostly error) a definite date for the annual meeting of school dis trict No. 1 has been set and it is hoped there will be no slip up this time. The meeting will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. Friday, July 27 at the city hall in Heppner. The editor blushingly admits that the errors have been mostly his and is thankful that no one has been put out to too great extent financially speaking, at least. What loss is taken in that respect is cheerfully taken by the Gazette Times. Mrs. Lloyd Burkenbine is recov ering from a recent eye operation at a La Grande hospital. She will be there for a couple of weeks. O Q n H