6 Heppner Gazette Times, June 21 , 1 945 HERE FROM BERKELEY Mrs. Lera Crawford and son S2c Calvin Crawford, arrived Wednes day evening from Berkeley, Calif, for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Calvin is on leave from the "Seabees" and is paying his first visit to Heppner since enter ing the navy early in 1943. He has spent most of his active time in the Alaskan area and the "hills of home" look good to him. Mrs. Alena Anderson and two daughters accompanied Erwin An derson home from Portland Thurs day. They had spent the week in the city consulting a doctor about Adelia who has not been well the past year. Friends will be glad to know that Adelia is already show ing improvement. Carol remained in Heppner with Mrs. Anna Harsh man, while the family was in the funeral of her father E. K. Wy land. Mrs. White will remain for a time with her mother. Young Billy Schwarz of The Dalles is visiting, at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz and at the home of his cousin Len Ray Schwarz. Portland. Mrs. Ben White arrived from her home in Arizona Friday to attend Don't Worry About Us! rpHBY tell us that the fat salvage problem has got to be licked in the small cities, the towns and on the farms. Our country has to have one hundred million more pounds of used fats this year over last. And we're the people who must save it. We've rolled up our sleeves! Well save every drop and bit it is possible to scrape and keep on doing it till the last Jap is licked. HOW TO DO IT: Save all used fats in a tin can. Keep it handy to the stove. Scrape your broilers and roasting pans, skim soups and gravies, for every drop counts. Keep solid pieces of fat, such as meat trimming and table scraps, in a bowl. Melt down when your oven's going, add the liquid fat to the salvage can. Take the can to your butcher as soon as it's full. He will give you four cents and two red points for every pound. Your County Agent or Home Demonstration Agent can giv you full particulars. 100,000,000 More Pounds of Used Fats Are Needed This Year! Approved by WFA and OP A. Paid for by Industry. Ira? CAIRS AMD TRUCK REPAIRS MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION We Service All Makes HODGE Chevrolet Co. Why Spend Money with Outside Concerns when you can get the same guaran teed service at h omer By bringing youritires directlyto us you OUR WORK IS FULLY GUARANTEED SAV Time, Freight Charge Dismounting and Mounting Charges O-K Rubber Welders FRANK A. ENGKRAF