Items of Personal 'Interest Mrs. L. E. Dick is able to be out again after a severe tussle with a flu fierm. She and Mr. Dick ex pect to go to Portland on Sunday on business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Blake re turned to their, home on Tuesday after a week spent in Portland. Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Bryant expect, to go to Pendleton-tomorrow where Mr. Bryant will procure new glasses. They will be accom panied by Mrs. Madge Bryant and Mrs. Vince Stingle. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Jr. and 11 months old daughter will arrive in Heppner next week- from their home in Chula Vista. Calif, to visit at the home of Sgt McCurdy's par ents. Mr., and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, for a month. Mrs. James Valentine took, her daughter Karen to Pendleton last week for a tonsilectomy. . The little Uirl seems to be getting along nicely. Miss Dorotha Wilson is,, home this week on vacation from her duties in Portland. Dorotha just recently graduated from the Uni versity of Oregon school of nursing and is now in the Cadet Nurse corps. Mrs. George Krebs and daughter, Margaret, were in Heppner Wed nesday afternoon from their home in Cecil. Margaret has recently re turned from Oregon State college to spend the summer vacation with her parents. With the closing of the spring term at the various colleges the home ,town streets are beginning to blossom with familiar faces. Among those seen the past few days are Joene Brown, Marjorie Sims and Betty Adams, Oregon State; Loma Mae Jones, Northwest Christian college, Eugene; . Don Turner. Univresity of Oregon and Kathryn Turner from the Univer. sity of Washington. Mrs. Henry Happold is beaming on all this week as the result of the baby girl Judith Kay, who arrived June 16. The young lady is the first child" of Mr. and Mrs. James Bradford of' Portland. Mrs. Brad ford will be. remembered as Miss Betty Happold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happold. If the mother and daughter are doing as well as. the grandmother, that's ,ood. Summer vacations are in order these days so Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn and daughter Dianne spent a pleasant week in Portland returning to the job in the local Red and White grocery on Mon day. Mr. Van Horn is manager of the store. A baby girl, Patricia Ann, was born at the Corda Saling home on June 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mahon. . Fishing may be great sport, but certainly it has its rugged aspects too, as two men can testify. Elmer Peterson, Lexington, broke his leg Sunday while fishing in Rhea Creek and Roy Gentry sprained his ankle the same day doing the same thing. J. L. Hall was called to Vancou ver Friday because of the illness bf his father. James Hall. The eld er Hall suffered a stroke recently and his condition was serious. He showed some improvement before "Scottv left for home Sunday. Mrs. George Corwin is in Hood River this week, called there by the serious illness of her mother who is in the hosnital. Lowell Ashbaugh arrived from Portland Wednesday evening to spend a couple of days on business. IONE NEWS NOTES Wednesday at 10:3ft a. n. with bas ket dinner at noon with services again at 1:30 p. m. by Rev. Walton Kempe of Atoria and Dr. Carl A. V, Lund of Greshm, president of the Columbia conference. Mrs. Kempe and Mrs. Lund will accompany their husbands. All members of the Lutheran church are urged to at tend these meetings. There will be a missionary meet ing at the Algott Lundell home in Gooseberry Sunday June 24 at 2 i.' m. Mrs. Perry Bartlemay and dau ghter Jeanie of Salem are visiting Mrs. Bartlemays parents, Mr. and Milton Morgan Sr. Fred Painter WT 3lc arrived Monday evening to visit his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen and sister Aloha. Fred has a 21 day leave after seeing action for two years and four months in tho Pa cific. He will report aj San Pedro at i the end of his leave. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker return ed from Portland Monday, Mr. Ba ker underwent a sinus operation last week. rell Padberg were hostesses for the H to SAVINGS DEPOSITORS of The First National Bank of Portland! JLLO aid the sale of War Bonds before the close of the 7th War Loan Drive . . . this bank will pay lull interest through the 30th of June, on all monies withdrawn before that date for the purchase of War Bonds. Only requirement is that you present your War Bond purchase application to our Savings Tellers when making withdrawals for the pur chase of WAR BONDS. (Good at any of our 40 state-wide branches) Presldmnt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF P03TLA3 Heppner Gazette Times, June 21 , 1945 5 Ms. Lana Padberg and Mrs. Dar- Vjadnesdav afternoon The honor June party of the birthday club guests were Mrs. John Brvson and at the Congregational church rooms Mrs. Ida Fletcher iimimfiHiuMiii' ) M Relax at Scotty's Enjoy your refreshments in an air-conditioned room just the place these warm summer days. For Your Lunch Try a sandwich with an extra thick milk shake .... a practi cal warm weather combination "'MitM iimi mmuiirtitmwNmtiiti THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRIC EYELIDS CAN FREEZE SHUT in'hbh- ALTITUDE FLYING. SO GENERAL ELECTRIC ENGINEERS DEVELOPED ELECTRICALLY HEATED GOGGLES. FINE WIRES ARE IMBEDDED IN PLASTIC LENSES. G.E. ALSO MAKES ELECTRI CALLY HEATED FLYING SUITS, GLOVES, ' SHOES, CASUALTY BLANKETS. ARE WASHED EVERY YEAR FOR A FAMILY OF. FOUR. DISHES CAN BE WASHED ELECTRICALLY FOR ONLY PER DAY., 'HI JAVA PRICE DOWN f? OVER 75 IN 25 YEARS. AN ELECTRIC MOTOR, mcn in mo cost $28.25, TODAY COSTS ONLY $6.90 rtht 01 radio program: The G E All cirl Orchestra. Sun. 10 d. m. EWT. NBC TIM Weitt TMm Bwi,Meil.thlFrL6:45p.M.EW,CBS-TheGEHouseParty.Mon.ttiroufhrit4fcllW, TO VICTORY MY AND, HOLD WAR BONDS . General Electric Company, IT. GENERAL II. ElBCXBIC.