2 Heppner Gazette Times, June 21 , ; IONENEWS NOTES By MRS. OMAR RIETMANN A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell on Sunday, June 17. All six of their children and their fam ilies were there besides other rela tives. Present were Mr. an dMrs. Norton Lundell of Los Angeles, Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Lundell and three children of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo Drake and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mrs. Perry Bartlemay and daught er of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker and daughter of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and two children. The annual Masonic-Eastern Star strawberry feed was held at the Masonic hall Wednesday evening of last week. Between 50 and 60 people, members and their famil ies, attended. The Troedson reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Hilma Nelson of Firth, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedson and granddaughter Carol Odom of Hep pner, Mrs. Ann Smouse, Miss Shir lee Smouse. Mrs. Minnie Forbes, Kenneth Smouse, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Carlton Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and three child ren. Wallace Bell and the hostess. Mrs.' Elisha Sperry arrived Sat urday evening for a visit in lone. Mrs. Sperry has been teaching at Newberg the last two years. Mrs. Elwayne Peck left Thurs day for a visit in Texas where her husband is in training. Mrs. John Eagle of Oakdale Wash, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Rancier and plans tp spend the summer here. Little Carol Lee Simmons of Kelso, niece of Mrs. Ransier's is also here for the summer. Rev. Paul A. Davies of the Ore gon Congregational church confer ence was an lone visitor Monday. At the, annual school meeting Monday the budget for the coming year was approved. Bus routes and plans for a teacherage were dis cussed. Omar Rietmann was le elected to the board. Miss Frances Wilkinson of Hep pner has been engaged to teach commercial subjects in lone high school. The wheat crop is maturi ig ian idly. Some field in the seel ion north of lone are turning and be ginning to take on the look of rn. ened grain. Farmers rpnnrt iho harvest should be readh by July 10. A heavy yield is expected. Mr. and Mrs. John Denslinoer rnd son Dicky, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oberst and Mrs. Earl Bald win all of the Dalles were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker. Mrs. Heliker is the daugh- i- rk r-h n r-kr -rn ' I: v,-. 1 a '.1 1 MOW OPEN! Lehman Hot Springs Mtn. Resort Modern Lodge Mineral Baths Swimming Fishing Board and Room $25.00 a week and up Cabins $1.50 per day and up Good Roads UKIAH, OREGON Write or Telephone 16 Miles East of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Denslinger. Dickv remained for the summer. Mrs. Ret Lindstrom retured Fru day evening from a two weeks trip to the Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and daughter June returned Sunday from Cor vallis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coats of Gresham and Mrs. Cole Smith of The Dalles spent a few hours in lone Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Do.byns and laughter Wilma arrived home Sun day from Corvallis where Wilma hx be:n attending Oregon State college. V illows grange is planning a pot luck dinner Sunday July 1 after which there will be practice for n Pomona work which will be held in lone July 7. TRANSFERRING AND HEAVY HAULING PADDED MOVING VANS STORAGE WAREHOUSE U.P.andN.P. 39 S. W. Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Peniand Bros. Trensfer Co. rgftdSetoji, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denney and Mrs. Agnes Wilcox returned from Potland Thursday. Mrs. Wilcox has tpent several months visiting rela tives in the Portland area and in California. Mrs. Pauline Boyer of Seattle ar rived in lone Saturday evening to attend to business here. Miss Olga Johnson of Portland is spending the summer with her brother. Judge Bert Johnson. Mrs. Echo Palmaleer and daugh ter Laurel returned from Portland Friday. Laurel and Doris who lives in Potland. both underwent tonsil- ectomies last week. Mrs. Mary Swanson and Mrs. Hilma Nelson left Wednesday for Sumner, Wash, to visit Mrs. Fred -Ciustilson and Mrs. Clvde Nichols, sisters of Mrs. Nelson. They accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lun dell as far as Portland when they returned to their home in Milwau kee. Billy. Norma Lou and Merle Lundell remained in lone for the summer. Arthur Stefani Jr. is reported quite ill with pneumonia in The Dalles hospital. Arthur has been in training in the navy at Catalina. Mr. nd Mrs. Noel Dobyns and daughter Dorothy were Portland week-end visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan en- I da evening in honor of Mr. and. 'Mrs. Norton Lundell. I LpnnarH Carlson renorts thfrf will be services in the Lutheran cnurcn at uooseoerry luesaay evening June 26 at 8 p. m. and on We're open from 11 a. m. to 9 p. m. every day. Our Diners Resemble J. Spratt and Wife Remember t h e nursery rhyme about the couple who licked the platter clean? Unusual? No! Our patrons enjoy doing it every day. Elkhorn Restaurant y --1 I It Is not necessary to hand plant harvested timber areas. Nature has a great urge to automatically propagate Hew trees . . and if given an oppor tunity will seed twenty youngsters for very tree harvested. The foresters' job Is one of coop eration. The formula for taking ad vantage of nature's inclination is Contained in simple steps: .... leave a source of seed after logging , . . pro tect growing trees from fire. Hand planting is needed on har vested land where the formula has not been applied in the past . . . where there are no seed sources or where the land has been rendered sterile by repeated fire. KIN UA E MILLS COMPANY v:.i