6 Heppner Gazette Times, June 14, 1945 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOUN A. A. Shoun of Oroville, Calil. arrived Friday to spend some time with his brother J. A. Shoun. Robert Smith has sold his place to give possession by October. Clifford Rucker S lc of the na val air corps arrived home for a 10-day leave to visit with his par ents the E. E. Ruckers, and other relatives. . Marvel Connell who was injured in the Pacific area is now in Mc Caw hospital according to his mo ther. Mrs. Theresa Connell. Finley Graybeal of Portland vis ited his mother Grandma Gray beal Tuesday. Joanne Tade is home from Mt. Angell college and is employed at Ordnance. Miss Beth Russell is in Idaho visiting relatives. Mrs Batie Rand was a Pendleton visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and daughter Delores arrived home Monday fom PeEU where they had sfpent Mr. Browning's vacation from Ordnance. 'Mrs. Bill Graybeal has her dau ghters from Spokane visiting her. They and Mr. Earl Isom and Don na, and Nancy Graybeal were Her miston visitors Tuesday. Loraine Land arrived with her aunt Alice Hoasland to visit her grandmother, Mrs Nora Wilsone Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips have moved to the Daul farm where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kincheloe have sold their farms and have ta ken their last load of house hold goods and equipment. They had 120 acres of land that was highly productive and well equipped. Mel vin Smith bought 40 acres and S. Warner 80 acres and have taken possession. The new minister Leroy Turner took a carload of Pentecostal mem bers to Heppner Wednesday to a Fellowship meeting. Paul Slaughter is quite ill at the Hermiston hospital with pneumo nia. His parents, the T. T. Slaugh ters who havte purchased a home rc?aT Portland, are up here after their furniture and to visit the Paul S-'auijhters. LEXINGTON NEWS By MBS. MASY EDWAEDS Mrs. Maude Pointer and son Pvt George Pointer left Sunday for their home in Corvallis and Port land. Mrs. Eula Barnhouse and daugh ter Jean arrived Sunday at the S. G. McMillan home. Mrs. Barnhouse will return to her school in Port land in about a week but Jean will remain with her grandparents for the summer. Lot Johnson of Portland spent the wek-end at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. M. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn spent Friday in Arlington with Mrs. Cora Van Winkle. On their return they were accompanied by Donnie Hi att who will spend the summer at the Allyn home. Mrs. Everett Crump and infant daughter returned Sunday from the hospital at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way were transcting business in Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Mary Hunt left for La Grande Saturday where she will attend normal school for six weeks. Miss Efta Millett returned to her home in Corvallis last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael re turned from Portland last Friday. They were accompanied by Earl Warner. Patty O'Harra and Louise Hunt were visitors in Pendleton Mon day. Louise went on to La Grande where she will stay with her mother. Leon Theis, who made his home at Mrs. Allyn's during the school year, has gone to Portland to stay with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Edwards made a trip to Condon Saturday after a load of tools. Mr and Mrs. James Phillips have moved to Mrs. Phillips farm where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hawkins of Hillsboro and Mrs. T. T. Slaughter were out of town visitors at the Community church Sunday. Rev. Daniels of Portland was the minis ter in charge. Mr. McGee of Her miston was an afternoon speaker. The members brought and served an excellent pot luck dinner at noon. NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with section 111-1244 O. C. L. A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of Jume, 1945, at 2 odlock p. m., for tine purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made $ 7,868.78 Total -. 4. $ 7,868.78 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES i 1 I.. Expenditures for Three Expenditures and Estimated f Fiscal Years Next Pre- Budget Allowance Expend- ,. ,, . for Six Months itures for ceding the Current rf Current School PPEM School Year Year 1944-1945 Budget 1941-1942 1942-1943 1943-1944 Expend- Allow- itures ance 1045-1946 3,469.49 1,941.92 15.46 1. Tuition .... 11,735.53 9,826.88 11,585.35 2. Transporta tion 3,804.40 3. Personal Service (clerical legal 4. Postage 5. Supplies and Priming 30.50 7. Travel 16.00 10. Emergency Totals 45.20 12.70 15,000.00 3,000.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 1,000.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 1,000.00 15,586.83 13,341.57 13,555.43 19,000.00 21,000.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY I. Total estimated expenditures 21,000.00 II. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash balnces 7,868.78 III. Amount necessary to balance the budget 13,1311.22 VII. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year............ 13,131.22 TirT ' r i l - . r Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: Amount inside 6 limitation 13431.22 Imdcbtedness 1. Amount of warrant in debtedness on war rants iaiued and en dorsed "not paid for want of fundi" L Amount of other in. debtednew None None Dated May 22, 1945. Signed: Lucy E. Rodgers, Clerk. Jesse Warfield, Chairman Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 29, 1945. Signed: P. A. Mollahan, Secretary, Budget Committee. Mn. Julian Rauch, Chairman. Budget Committee LILT NEW CAR PRODUCTION begins July lor shortly after an d . PROVID1N New cars are not rationed IT WILL TAKE APPROXIMATELY Y1AKS of PEAK PRODUCTION to supply the demand for NEW GARS The average motorist must drive his present car two more years. The 200,000 cars tentatively authorized to be built will only supply replacements for high priority essential users. IO Mill lOfl PEOPLE WANT AND NEED A NEW CAR I Million CAR PRODUCTION BY JAN. 1 1947. I IVlllllOn (An optimistic figure) 9 Million PEOPLE WALKING OR WAITING. - Many material and reconversion difficulties must be over come before the first trickle ofnew car production becomes a flood. Open evenings Monday thru Friday 8 p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. "SAVE THE WHEELS THAT SAVE AMERICA" Hodge Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Ore. Pfftne 403