Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 14, 1945, Image 1

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OPA to Blame for Sugar Shortage Says
Congressman From 2nd Oregon District
Representative Lowell Stockman,
republican of Oregon, member of
the Republican Congressional Stu
dy committee made the statement
that the OPA statement blaming
the current shortage of sugar for
home canning on last year's chis
eling by housewives on their can
ning ration is a "typical adminis
tration smoke screen designed to
cover its own fumbling and in
efficiency." "The fact is", Representative
Stockman said, "that if the .beet
sugar growers of this country had
been encouraged even to maintain
the production of sugar they turn
ed out in 1940, instead of planting
their land to dry peas, there would
have been more additional sugar
availble for canning this year than
OPA charges housewives with hav
ing falsely secured for that purpose
last year.
"In 1940." he said, "American
beet, sugar growers planted 916,000
acres of sugar beets and produced
1,773,000 tons sugar. In 1944 those
same sugar growers planted only
558,000 acres and produced only
985,000 tons of sugar. The reason
for the decrease in sugar acreage
is that administration food theor
ists decided," Representative Stock
man said, "this nation needed dry
peas far more than it heeded sug
ar and boosted the price of peas
almost 300 percent while permit
ting the price of sugar beets to go
up less than 80 percent. The result
is. that while there is now a short
age of sugar so acute that vast
quantities of fruit may go to waste
this summer because it cannot be
canned, we have dry peas literally
running out of our warehouse
''The story behind the dry peas
is that early in the war administra
tion food theorisis decided that
sooner or later we were going to
run short of meat and called in
dietary experts to figure out a
substitute protein food for the Am
erican people. Dry peas are one of
the foods highest in protein value,
so it was determined that dry peas
would supplant meat in the Ameri
can diet. Thereupon, the growing
of dry peas was encouraged by a
government subsidy and support
price which raised the price from
an average of $1.90 in 1940 to $5.65
for U. S. No. 1 peas and $5.40 for
U. S. No. 2s in 1944. At the same
time the average price of sugar
beets was permitted to increase
only from $7.02 to $12.50 per ton.
"Tha response was what might
Death Summons
Ernest K. Wyland
Ernest Wyland, 59, passed away
Wednesday morning at the family
residence in Heppner following an
illness of approximately two years.
Mr. Wyland was a native son of
Morrow county. He was born Nov.
14, 1885, in Heppner, his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wyland, having
been early settlers in the Hard
man section. He attended school in
Hardman and Heppner and in 1910
was married to Ora Devin. mmber
of another pioneer family of the
county. He farmed in the Hard
man section a number of years and
Jatef resided on Rhea creek just be
low Ruggs. remaining there until
illness made it necessary to give
up ranch life.
Surviving besides Mrs. Wyland
are two children, Ellis J. Wyland,
Pendleton, and Elrrua (Mire. Ben
White who resides in Arizona, and
one s'ste'-, Mrs. Eppler Dickey of
John Day.
Fupornl arrangements wfrre be
ing withhold pending word from
Mrs. White who expressed a desire
to be precent but because of dis
tance could not state definitely
whpn fhe could arrive.
T,pfn TTumnhrevs left Sun
day for Portland where she is en
paged in buving new stock for the
Humnhres Drug companv. She was
accompanied to the city by Mrs. F.
W. Turner. Mrs. Joe Hughes and
Miss Rose Hoosier.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Drake have
been informed that their son. Lt.
Donald Drake, has been raised to
the rank of captain.
have been expected. Acreage which
had been devoted to sugar beets
and other crops was planted in
field peas and production jumped
from 3,439,000 bushels in 1940 to
8,873.000 bushels in 1944. While
sugar beet acreage was decreas
ing from 916,000 acres in 1940 to
558,000 acres in 1944, the acreage
planted to dry peas jumped from
240,000 in 1940 to 727,000 in 1944.
"Montana. Idaho and Colorado
are important beet sugar produc
ing states. In 1944 their combined
sugar beet acreage was 70,000 acres
less than in 1940.
"OPA's next move will probably
be to tell housewives how they can
use dry peas as a substitute for su
gar in canning, for while canning
quotas of sugar are being reduced
this summer, we produced in 1944
more than five times as many
dried peas as our total civilian re
quirements, and still have more
than 440,500,000 pounds of them on
hand. ,
"OPA officials seek to blame the
present shortage of sugar for can
ning on last year's chiseling by
housewives, by which they mean
use of sugar obtained with canning
coupons for other household pur
poses in this manner. By a strange
coincidence, this is the exact
amount by which OPA itself ex
ceeded its allocation of sugar for
canning purposes.
"In 1944 OPA was allocated 750,
000 tons of sugar for home canning
use. Against this allocation OPA
authorized use of canning coupons
totaling 1,150,000 tons exactly 400,
000 tons over its allocation. If the
sugar for which these coupons were
issued was not available from the
home canning allocation, it had to
come from the allocation for other
domestic uses. Therefore, if OPA
exceded its canning sugar alloca
tion, the sugar those coupons called
for had to come from the normal
home supply and its use for ordu
nary home consumption was not a
criminal diversion but the purpose
for which the sugar was allocated
in the first place. ,
Regardless of the purpose to
which household sugar was put in
1944, however, it is obvious that
if American beet sugar growers
had been" encouraged to produce
even at the 1944 level, we should
have had 788,000 more tons of su
gar for all purposes this year than
we now have. This year's sugar
shortage cannot be blamed on Am
erican housewives, but upon ad
ministration bungling."
Sgt. Joe Aiken is home again,
this time on permanent furlough.
Joe was granted a furlough to
come home for a visit after a long
period across the Atlantic and then
Germany surrendered and the ser
vice point system went into effect.
When army officials checked up on
his record it was found he had the
requird 85 and plenty to spare.
The Heppner lad was in the army
air transport going first to Eng
land, then to North Africa, Sicily,
Italy southern France and into
Germany. His unit was transferred
to India but Joe remained in Italy
in an administrative capacity.
Envoy Lillian Gray McCormick
is in Heppner this week in the in
terests of the Salvation Army. She
has been calling on the people of
Oregon and southern Idaho for
many years this being her 19th
year over the state. She is accom
panied by Mrs. Mary Davis who is
assisting her in soliciting funds.
Among those graduating recently
from an intensive course of basic
engineering training at service
schools at the Great Lakes naval
center, was Roger Alan Campbell,
son oi Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Camp
bell, Lexington, Oregon.
Mrs. J. T. Knappenberg, who has
been a house guest of Mr. and Mrs
D. M. Ward the past month was
called to Portland Thursday, June
7, by the death of her husband.
Mr. Knappenberg has been ill for
the past three years. Mrs. Knap
penberg and Mrs. Ward are sisters.
Oregon, Thursday, June
Eagle to Scream
In Morrow County
On Fourth of July
Civilian Air Patrol
Plans Celebration
For Two Towns
It has been quite a spell since
the eagle screamed in the good old
American tradition in this neck of
the woods but taking a tin from
the stir around Heppner this week
it will be only a matter of weeks
until such another celebration is
recorded. Announcement has been
made by the Civilian Air Patrol
unit, with headquarters at Hepp
the natal day will be staged at
ner. that a full day observance of
Hoppner and Lexington with a
program Ifojlowing the military
Headed by the commanding of
ficer, Lt. Walter Ready, . the staff
of the Heppner unit including Lt.
Richard Hayes, in charge of cadets;
Lt. M. R. Wightman, parade; Pvt
Earl McKinney, transportation;
Archie Munkers and Pirl Howell,
maintenance; Sgt Lloyd Burken
bine. first aid; Lt. Edmond Gonty,
M. P.; Lt. Conley Lanham, finance;
Cpl Alma Perkins, advertising; Pvt
Henry Perkins, carnival; Lt. Walter
Ready, airport and personnel, and
Sgt Venice Stiles, clerk, plan
the making for a big day, offering
a type of celebration new to this
A tentative program calls for a
parade at 10 a. m. in Heppner, with
local and visiting units in full
dress. Lodges and other organiza
tions of Heppner have been asked
to participate. Following the parade
a drill contest will be held at the
Rodeo grounds participated in by
visiting and local CAP units. Plans
contmplate the assembling of 35
planes from Oregon, Washington
and Idaho which will pass in re
view over the field during the con
tests. The afternoon program will open
at 2 o'clock with a (parade in Lex
ington, with an air meet and dedi
cation ceremony , at the proposed
Lexington airport, the site for
which is expected to be purchased
by that time. Members of the local
unit are arranging a carnival and
jitney dance to be held in the Odd
fellows hall until late evening when
a dance will be given in the Lex
ington grange hall. A public dance
will be held the evening of July 3
at the fair pavilion in Heppner.
The City of Lexington, negotiat
or and purchaser of the airport,
has tendered Heppner CAP first
rights on the field in token of. the
unit's efforts in behalf of the port.
Nicoli Thompson
Dies in Norway
News of the death or Nicoli
Thompsen, former Ella and Goose
berry farmer, was contained in a
letter from Mrs. Erling Thompsen
of McMinnville, formerly of lone.
The family recently received the
news through the Norwegian consul
at San Francisco. Mr. Thompsen
died Jan. 22 of this year in Nor
way and information was relayed
through Stockholm, Sweden.
Mrs. -Thompsen included news
notes relative to other members of
the family. Lt. Ted Thompsen,
home from duty in the Pacific, is
visiting at the home' of his mother,
Mrs. Karen Thompsen, in McMinn
ville. Ted was in command of a
mine sweeper and took part in the
landing of troops on Saipan and
other points in the Mariannas. He
will be reassigned from Washing
ton, D. C. after June 17.
James Thompsen left May 31 to
begin training with the navy at
San Diego. . '
PVt Norris Thompsen recently
graduated from army air corps ra
dio school at Soiux Falls, S. D. and
spent a 30-day furlough in Mc
Minnville and Portland. He has
been sent to an airbase in Madison,
Wis. for further training.
The Thompsen boys attended
school in lone when the family re
sided in Morrow county.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker left
for Portland Tuesday on a business
14. 1945
School Election
On Docket Monday
Taxpayers of the district should
bear in mind the annual school
meeting scheduled to open at 2 p.
m. Monday. June 18 at the city
hall in Heppner. Election of one
director" is part of the business to
come before the meeting. C. W.
Barlow is the outgoing director and'
he has not indicated, publically at
least, whether he intends to run
A special election will be held
to vote on the question of increas
ing the tax levy over the amount
limited by section 11, Article XI,
state constitution. The district finds
it needs to exceed the six percent
limitation to the amount of
Aviation Subject
Of Meeting Here
The future of aviation was dis
cussed at some length Wednesday
evening in a meeting at the city
hall when representatives of the
Shell Oil company gave their ver
sion of skyway activity following
the war.
Speakers were M. K. Lakin and
J. M. Beatie and they left no
doubt in the minds of their hear
ers relative to expansion of air
industry, which they contend will
outstrip the development of the
automobile industry following the
first world war.
Patrons of Heppner cafe walked
into the restaurant on a new tile
floor when the popular eating place
reopned for business this morning.
Harvey White, proprietor, closed
the restaurant for two days while
Gus Nikander and Setward Cole
were laying the new floor cover
ing. The tile comes in foot square
blocks and although having., the
appearance of linbleum is of more
durable material. The proprietor is
as happy as a small boy with his
first pair of brass tipped boots.
Mis. George Gertson left this
morning for Portland where, Friday
evning, she will leave for St. Paul,
Minn, to attend the national con
vention of the Degree of Honor
Protective Assn. as th Oregon dele
gate. Returning homeward she will
visit Mr. Gertson's relatives in Ha
vre, Mont.
Another sailor at home for a few
days is Dewitt Jones Jr., Gm 3jc.
His ship is in dry dock for repairs
for 30 days so Dee has taken ad
vantage of this oportunity to visit
his family and friends.
A recent communique irom Bob
Runnion states that he anticipates
an early trip overseas. At present
Bob is in San Diego, Calif.
Morrow County Ward Popular Spot With
Patients in McCaw General Hospital
Three young men from McCaw
hospital, Sgt Wright. Sgt Clark and
Cpl Cramer, the former a veter
an of tha Pacific war area and
the others from the European the
ater, were guests of the Morrow
county unit of the camp and hos
pital council Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Reser, secretary of
the council accompanied the boys
as did a field director. Mrs. Reser
spoke on Morrow county's varied
interests at McCaw and explained
more specifically how she uses the
$25 from the local committee eaoh
month. The like parties nnd what
is a party without pretty girls and
food. That is where Foser
comes to the fore. She gathers 20
or 25 attractive young women and
they go to ward 47. Games in
which the boys, bedfast tho they
be, can participate, are played, re
cords are played and then refresh
ments. It is claimed over at the
hospital that Morrow county's ward
has the best parties so more and
more of the ambulatory patients
"just happen to be passing by."
Refreshments, which are meant for
50 have to be expanded to many
times that number and those $25
checks and Mrs. Reser's wise plan
ning do the trick. Incidentally the
boys have asked for strawberry
short cake and cream for this
Volume 62, Number 12
Warehousing for
1945 Wheat Crop
Presents Problem
Triple-A Official .
Trying to Remove
Local Bottleneck
Unless a solution is found within
the next few weeks to the problem
of clearing existing storage facil
ties, a lot of the 1945 wheat crop
will be without a home, according
to Merle Cummings, state field
man for the AAA, who is in the
county this week in an effort to
help straighten out the warehous
ing difficulties along the Heppner
branch of the Union Pacific sys
tem. Cummings related some of the
storage facts in a talk before the
luncheon group of the chamber of
commerce Monday noon.
Warehousing facilities have not
been built in proportion to in
creased production in recent years.
That would not be necessary if it
were not for tne fact that the rail
road company cannot spare cars
enough to keep the grain rolling to
the seaboard terminals, thus tax
ing the capacity of local storage
space. Carryover from the previous
year has come to extend right up
to harvest season, although every
available car is being sent in to
move out as much wheat as pos
sible before the 1945 crop begins
to roll in.
Cummings stated that storage
capacity in use and being built
will amount to about 1,644,000 bu
shels. There is in storage 1.500,000
bushels, of which 340,000 bushels is
in Commodity Credit Corporation
bins. Should all old wheat be mov
ed out in time for the new crop
to be stored there would be a sur
plus of approximately 1,000,000 bu
shels if the 1945 crop reaches an
estimated 2,800,000 or even 3,000,
000 bushels.
"The problem has not been solv
ed, but we. are working on it,"
Cummings stated, "and hope to
have , something definite within a
short time."
The speaker also mentioned that
government crop insurance had
been reinstated. This covers all
risk due to wiath(t-r conditions.
The government lost money on, the
original program but hones to
make the new law a successful
Guests introduced included R. C.
McCracken, insurance man of
Portland. Earl Simonton, assistant
forest ranger in the Heppner dis
trict, and Bernard Davis from the
accounting division of the secre
tary of state's office, here checking
over the county's books.
month's party.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson
were hosts at lunch at the Lucas
Place to the visitors and a few
guests before the meeting vV'ch
occurred at 2:30 at the Elks hall.
It has been decided to try rais
ing funds to carry on the commit
tee work another year without so
licitation. Neighborhood chairmen
have been named by Mrs. Earl
Gilliam, finance chairman. If the
response is not ample a soliciting
campaign will be launched. Contact
your chairman or leave your con
tribution with Mrs. Gilliam or Miss
Florence Bcrgstrom, treasurer. Bus
iness people will not be solicitd at
their residences. Chairmen are
tho following:
Heppner: Mrs. Frank Connor, Mrs.
J. O. Hager, Mrs. Elbert Cox. Mrs.
Harvev Miller, Mrs. Wm Barkla,
Mrs. R. G. McMurtry, Mrs. Fred
Parrish and Mrs. Ad Moore; bus
iness section, J. O. Turner and Mrs.
Earl Gilliam.
lone, Mrs. Fred Mankin; Lxing
ton. Mrs. Rilnh Jackson; North of
Lexington, Mrs Merle Kirk; Al
pine, Mrs. Wm J. Doherty; east of
Heppner, Mrs. Ray Drake; Lena,
Mrs. Edwin Hughes; Eight Mile,
Mrs. Ben Anderson; Hardman, Mrs.
Jim Hams and Boardman.- Mrs.
Clyde TannehilL
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