6 Heppner Gazette Times, June 7, 1945 LEXINGTON NEWS By MBS. MARY EDWABBP Sgt. and Mrs. Everett Crump are the parents of an 816 pound daugh ter, Judith Ann, born Thursday, May 31 at the Riverside hospital in Pendleton. Sgt. Crump is a gun ner on a B-29, based on Saipan and Mrs. Crump is making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Breshears. for the duration. Miss Freida Breeding of Pendle ton spent Monday visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. Maude Pointer and son Pvt George Pointer are visiting at the Mr nnd Mrs. Don Pointer. Jack Miller arrived Saturday from Portland to visit friends ana relatives for a few days prior to Anino info the armed forces. He is chidpnt of the Lexington school and recently graduated from Jefferson high school in Portland. Mr. v-nA Mrs. FA Noonan of Ya kima were Sunday visitors at the a t TM-orarflq home. Miss Patt O'Harra arrived home Friday from La Grande where she is taking cadet nurse training. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Buhl and Mrs. Nettie Davis and son Jim spent Sundav at Stanfield at the Gene Gray home. A. M. Kdwards went to Pilot. Rock last Friday where he helped to install a minm in the well he recently drilled for the citv. This well was officially measured and found to produce 1420 gallons a minute. Dewev Irvin has obtained em-plo-Tnent with the stat oiling crew and has left for John Day. CAT?T OV THANKS We wish to express our heqrtfe't, thanks to our many friends for their manv kindnesses, pxnressions of swrnathv And the floral offpr ints?: and to rTewyner Lodf" No. W. A. F pnd A. Ml. for the beautiful ritualistic sorvicp. Mrs Hanson Hughes Florence Paul Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Juday Mf. Cvren BarraH 5s confined to her home this wek with a verv bnd cold Mrs. Carl McDsniVI is wvrkirrr "t r,irrnn'o Rppdv to Wear !n Mrs. EarraH's absence. I FELLOWSHIP MEETING the Oregon district will hold a fel i,ror,ir mpptinc at the Assembly iv y Y ..! 1 1 j . . . - 0 - church in Heppner June 13. There will be services at iu:u a. m., i.ou m vniintr Deoole at 6:30 p. m., and evening service at 7:30. Anyone interested will receive a corawi welcome at any or all services. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their generous assis- tance, the many oeauuiui wiu j avtI nffprinrfs during the ill- ness and death of our beloved mo ther and brother. Florence Paul Mr and Mrs. R. J. Juday Frank Hughes o Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hughes are enjoying a visit from Mrs. Hughes' brother. Sgt. Herbert D. Ballow who is back in the states on a 30 day furlough after spending several months overseas. MliitiiMiiMitmiMIMIMltMMltll'",',l,,,,,,M,l,l,,,,,"t' """""""""""""i If You Need SALVIA COLEUS GERANIUMS IVY TUBEROUS BEGONIAS DELPHINIUM Call 2502 ! Rachel Dick "Flowers for Every Occasion" THIS SUMMER My Flower Shop, in my home at 107 Cannon, is open morn- f ings and evenings. Afternoons I am at the Court Apartments, Call 2502 to reach me at j either address. j Corsages "are my specialty imiiimiiiiimmm im iMiiiiiiiitiiiiiimtiimiiiiHtimtitiitiitiin NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with, section 111-1244, O C L A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of June, 1945, at 2 odlock p. m, for the purpose of discussing the budt for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS - .. . i V. Vinn at Kpirinninir nf the year 1. Estimated avanauie vaan uu uauu -r - ggg ijg lor wiucii una wuucu Total $ 7,868.78 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ITEM Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years' Next Pre ceding the Current School Year 1941-1942 1944-1945 1942-1943 1943-1944 Expend-itures Expenditures and (Estimated Budget Allowance for Six Months of Current School Year Budget Expend itures for 1945-1946 1. Tuition 2. Transporta tion 3,804.40 3. Personal Service (clerical legal 4. Postage 5. Supplies and Priming . 30.50 7. Travel 16.00 10. Emergency Totals 11,735.53 9,826.88 11,585.35 3,469.49 1,941.92 15.46 15,000.00 17,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 45.20 12.70 15,586.83 13,341.57 13,555.43 50.00 50.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ToTTTooooo SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY I. Total estimated expenditures 21,000.00 II. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash balnccs 78KU8 IH. Amount necessary to balance the budget 13,13 1,22 VII. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year 13.1S1.22 Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: .,,,.,.. Amount inside 6 limitation.... - Lijtm Indebtedness 1. Amount of warrant in debtedness on war rants issued and en dorsed "not paid for want of funds" L Amount of other indebtedness None None Dated May 22, 1945. Siened: Lucv E. Rodgers, Clerk. Jesse Warfield, Chairman Board of Directors ADoroved bv Budget Committee May 29, 1945. Signed: P. A. Mollahan, Secretary, Budget Committee. Mrs. Julian Rauch, Chairman, Budget Committee D You If Car Manufacturers Produce 200, OOO Passenger Cars This Year You Will Have APPROXIMATELY One Chance In 200 of getting a new car in 194-5- PROVIDING New Cars Are NOT Rationed Car Manufacturers Estimate It Will Take YEAR of full scale production to supply the present demand for new cars. The estimated figures released for 1946 production will little improve your chances of owning a new car. Take a Tip From Us Do not become over optimistic by the release of production figures. In 1941 the industry produced over 4f000000 cars of which Chevrolet alone manufactured nearly 1,200.000. You can see that only 200000 cars for 1945 is merely a drop-in-the-bucket. Your Car Must Roll For a Long Time In fulfilling our war time pledge "To Save The Wheels That Serve America" we feel it our duty to bring alt car owners this important message. Open evenings Monday thru Friday 8 p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.