2 Heppner Gazette Times, June 7, 1945 Wantads . WANTED Work as cook's helper on ranch during harvest, Tele phone 3F22. 11c FOR SALE Majestic range. Mrs. Robert Gammell, Heppner. lip NOTICE The parties who-broke into our house 2 weeks ago and removed certain articles are known to us. We will not prose cute if the articles are returned immediately. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom SHEEP GUANO wanted in "tin ton lots sacked. Quote price per ton delivered to my address 7 miles west of Portland on high way. Earl E Fisher, Beaverton, Oregon. lie FOUND KEOTAINER Inquire" at Gazette Times office. 11c FOR" SALE 12 ft Light CaterpiT lar Hillside combine, bulking and sacking attachments, good condi tion. Condon Motor and Imple ment Co., Condon. 11c LOST or ESTRAYED one2year old polled Hereford bull; 2 cows branded with OC on right shoul der and cross on right hip and dulap under the neck; also 2 head yearling steers, branded with Bar C brand resembling pitchfork on right hip and right rib; also one gray mare with 27 brand on right stifle, followed by sorrel colt. Call Ben Conner, phone 2301 or 3531 Hermiston, collect. Will pay reward for return of any or all of them. ll-13c FOR RENT Two-room cabinTMri. Charles Freters at Wilson Cabins. Phone 1172. lip FOR SALE 3-horse air-cooled gas engine. S. J. Devine. 7 tf DRY BOARD ends for sale See Homer or Edwin Tucker. 46-lp FREE If excess add causes you pains of stomach ulcers, indiges tion, heartburn, belching, Wont ing nausea, gas pains, get free sample, Udga at Humphreys Drug Company. 48-20p I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new or old. Also as parts are becoming avail able I am again repairing house -hold appliances. McCaleb. 6-10p STRAYED one 6 weeks old red heifer calf, near Lexington, strap around neck. Dan Bishop, lone. Phone 37F12. 10c 1 O 1 Reporter SPEED TOTAL VICTORY... BUY BONDS in llt .v : Was- i'sm. Friday-Saturday, June 8-9 Sing Me a Song of Texas Rosemary Lane, Hal Mclntyrc and his Orchestra, The Hoosicr Hot shots, Join Tyler, Slim Sum nit r villc, Big Boy Williams, Noah Beery, Pinky Tomlin, Carole Ma thews, Marie "Butch" Austin, Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage. There's music on the range with the singin'est ridin'est outfit in the Bluebonnet State. Plus WAVE, WAC, MARINE Henry Youngman, Elyse Knox, Sal ly Eilcrs, Alan Dineharl A fast, novelty comedy. Sunday-Monday, June 10-11 Hotel Berlin Raymond Massey, Faye Emerson, Helmut Dantine, Andrew King, Peter Lorre, Alan Hale Vicki Baum's story is loaded with suspense, produced with a strong cast and backed by extraordinary timeliness Also "Fury in the Pa cific," the terrific impact of the Pa laus battle scenes are heightened by a magnificent musical score. Tuesday, June 12 Her Lucky Night Andrews Sisters, Martha O'Driscoll, Noah Beery Jr., George Barbier The singin', swingm' Andrews Sis ters aid and abet a capricious cupid. PLUS THE FALCON IN HOLLY WOOD. The screen's most debon air detective stalks a killer through the sound stages of a big studio. Wednesday-Thursday, June 13-14 Objective Burma Errol Flynn, James Brown, Warner Anderson, William Prince A most exciting and stirring drama of paratroopers at war. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 1. of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of I lie said district will be held at the City Hall on the 18 th day of June, 19 45, at 2 o'clock p. m., for he purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 194G, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. BUDGET Schedule I ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES Total All General ITEM Funds Fund 2. j. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 13. 14. Estimated Receipts from County School Fund Elementary School Fund State Irreducible School Fund1.. Vocational Education High School Tuition Elementary Tuition High School Transportation Rentals Other Sources "V $ 4,171.00 3,144.96 585.68 700.00 6,110.00 5,000.00 1.600.00 300.00 100.00 8,400.00 $ 4,171.00 3,144.96 585.68 700.00 6,110.00 5,000.00 1,600.00 300.00 100.00 8,400.00 16. Estimated Availale Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Balance Deduct Deficit) I $30,111.64 $30.111.64 Schedule II General Fund ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES . ... .n i rr i -i i - - 1 - --- ... ;-- ITEM Elementary Schools Estimated for High the Schools Ensuing School Year in Detail Estimatetd for the Ensuing School Year by Totals Budget Allowance in Detail for the Current School Year Expenditures - for Three Fiscal Years Next Preceding the Curren School Year Detailed for the Last Year of the Three-year Period Second Year Jive Yearly Totals First Year -Give Yearly-Totals I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service (1) Superintendent (2) Clerk (3) Stenographers and other office assistants.. (4) Compulsory education and census (5) Other services 2. Supplies 3. Elections and publicity 4. Legan service (clerk's bond, audit, etttc.) 5. Other expense of general control: (1) : - 6. Total Expense of General Control 1,628.57 ' 300.00 475.00 10.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 I - $ 2,763.57 $ 2,763.57 f $ 527.14 $ 5,52714 $ 1,628.57 300.00 475.00 10.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 3,257.14 600.010! 950.00 20.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 $ 2,729.00 360.00 760.00 20.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 $ 2,098.00 300.00 712.50 20.00 100.00 140.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 $ 4,569.00 1 $ 3,670.50 1 $ 2,778.47 $ 2,481.45 ..H INSTRUCTION Supervision 1. Personal service: (1) Principals 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors.. 3. Smith-Hughes Transportation. 5. Total Expense of Supervision 300.00 40.00 340.00 300.00 40.00 230.00 570.00 600.00 80.00 230.00 910.00 910.00 HI. INSTRUCTION Teaching 1. Personal service: (1) Teachers (2) Handicapped Children...... (3) Music 2. Library supplies, repairs. 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.)., 4. Textbooks 6. Other expense of teaching 7. Total Expense of Tcaching ... $18,340.00 270.00 100.00 25.00 300.00 1,400.00 150.00 $20,185.00 $15,232.86 100.00 25.00 300.00 400.00 150.00 $16,207.86 $33,572.86 270.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 1.400.00 300.00 $36,392.86 $36,392.86 600.00 80.00 230.00 910.00 344.70 60.00 230.00 634.70 L312.67 1 L201.66 $29,971.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 700.00 300.00 $31,921.00 $24,948.20 100.00 200.00 2000' 600.00 1.450.00 150.00 $27,368,201 $22,257.07 $20,282.48 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees.. 2. Janitors' supplies 3. Fuel 4. Light and power 5. Water ti. Telephone S. Total Expense of Operation 1,800.00 500.00 500.00 310.00 GO.OO 100.00 $ 3.270.00 1,800.00 500.00 500.00 310.00 GOiOO 100.00 $ 3,270.00 3,600.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 620.00 120.00 200.00 $ 6.540.00 $ 6,540.00 120.00 3,060.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 620.00 85.00 5,885.00 120.00 1 2,820.00 609.00 I 1.000.00 620.00 I . 85.00 1 $ 5,254.00 $ 5.159.G2 $ 4,147.40 V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment 2. Repair and maintenance of grounds 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs.. 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 3,000.00 l.OfO.Off 2,0019.001 $ 3,030.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health service: (1) Personal service (nurse, etc.). 2. Transportation of pupils: (1) Personal service 3. Other auxiliarx agencies: (3) Hot lunch 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Affcncics.. I 80.00 80.00 1 1GO.0O J J 1,600.00 I 1,600.00 I 4oc.::a $ 480.00 100.00 I 500.00 $ 1.780.00$ 2,260.0O$ 2,2G0.00 61X00 100.00 2,300.00 250.00 700.001 050.00 f $ 1,001.61 $ 1,428.86 - 60,00 100.00 3,500,00 500.00 1 200.00 $ 2.960.00 r$ 3,860.00$ ;3,311.60i$ 4,208.96 VII. IIXEI) CHARGES 1. Insurance $ 121.50 $ 121.50 $ 243.00 140.00'. 140.0! ! 3. Other fixed charge;,: N. W. Assn 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0 4 Total Fixed Charges $ 121.50 $ 126.50 $ 248.00 $ 248.00 $ 145.40 1 $ 145.40 1 $ 145.40 1 $ 300.76 VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS ' i i i ' j 3. Alteration of buildings (not repairs) 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 4. New furniture, equipment and replacements 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 750.00 6.0ther capital outlays: I I 6. Other capital outlays: I I (1) Library books 150.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 250.001 7. Total Capital Outlays $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1$ 950.00$ 453.26 $ 1,520.00 IX. DEBT SERVICE NON-BONDED 3. Total Debt Service, Non-bonded 66.98 15,084.97 EMERGENCY I 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1.500.00 1,000.00 Total Schedule II General Fund Total estim ated expenses for the year sum of items 1-6, I II-5. III-Z, IV-8, V-4, VI-4, VII-4. VIII-7, IX-3, X... $57,778.00 1 $52,290.40 $44,232.80 $36,486.68 . $51, 652.54 Schedule HI Bond Interest and Sinking Fund DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND 1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable interest-bear-ing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O.C.LA.) 500.001 500.00 300.00 2,ooq.oo 20o.da 2,200.00 1 2,560.00 640.00 31,200.00 4,800.00 4,900.00 Schedule V Special Improvement Fund (Serial Levy, Etc.) SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND- . , -,,1 4. New furniture, equipment and, replacement repairs , -'fj L ' L M 7 Total Schedule V Special Imjrovement Fund $ 1,500.00 $ L500.00 I $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 ' Carried over to Page Eight