-0 C "0 o r o o o H O o o Labor Situation in Fluctuating State In Local Territory Farm Labor Office Will Help Settle Problems Here Farm labor in Morrow county is in a state of fluctuation, accord ing to Arnold Ebert, county agri cultural agent, who states that an office to handle this type of labor has again been set up in the Hep pner hotel building, this time in the lobby of the hotel. R. R Rice is again in charge of the office and this assures satisfactory arrange ments between employer and em ploye, Ebert says. Supply and demand have been alternating the past month or two, with the labor supply first plentiful and then short of the need of the farmers The rule has often been more applications for farm jobs than there have been jobs open. Contributing factors are returning shipyard workers and war veterans and an influx of mi gratory workers. The office maintained last year by Mr. Rice rendered valuable as sistance to farmers. Through co operation with farm labor office at Pendleton. Morrow and other sur keep an even flow of labor with rounding counties wlere able to the result that loss of crops due to labor shortage was negligible. "Morrow county farmers are ad vised to place orders for farm help now in order to fill jobs they ex pect to have open in the future in stead of waiting until the actual need arises," Ebert stated. "A big harvest is in prospect and there will be a big demand for labor this season. The labor supply is tight and farmers should prepare ahead and avoid loss of crops dye to labor shortage." City Council Votes Increased Lighting The city council voted Monday night to increase the lighting of the town by about 50 percent at an increased cost of about 20 per cent. The 600 lumen lamps in the residential districts are to be in creased to 1000 lumen lamps with improved retlectors. On Main street between May and Center streets, the central 4000 lumen lamps are to be replaced by two 2500 lumen lamps, one on each side of the street, with eight of these lights to each block; these to have new and improved reflectors. Hanson Hughes Laid To Rest Saturday Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday at the Ma sonic temple for Hanson Hughes, whose death occurred Thursday, May 31. Archdeacon Neville Blunt of All Saints Episcopal church of ficiated, followed by the impres sive Masonic service. Mrs. Ture Peterson was soloist. Phelps Fu neral Home was in charge and in terment was made in the Heppner Masonic cemetery. Mr. Hughes was born in Hart ville, Mo., and came west with his parents to Spray where the family resided on a farm for several years. As a young man he engaged in the mercantile business, .being associ ated with his father, the late Sam Hughes, in Heppner for many years and later operating a grocery store until his retirement in 1943. He was married in August, 1913, to Florence May Hoffman in The Dal les who, with his sisters, Mrs. Flor ence Paul and Mrs. R. J. Juday, and a brother Frank, survives. TRADE RESIDENCES Postmaster Charles B. Cox and the Jack Halseth family traded res idences this week when the Hal seths bought the house Cox has oc cupied for a number of years. The place belonged to Mr Cox's neph ew. Halseths were living in the F. C. Alfred house and Cox rented the place and moved in pronto. Heppner, lone News Briefs . . By H&S. OHAB KIXTAIA1TN Eva Swanson S lc arrived on a 12 day leave Friday from Milledge ville Ga. where she has been in training. After visiting here and in Portland and Salem she will re port in San Francisco for her new assignment. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson will accompany her asfar as Salem. The PNG club met with Mrs. Omar Rietmann Friday afternoon. Plans were made for a sale and tea at the I. O. O. F. hall on June 22 when the special election is held. Guests of Mr and Mrs. John Ger tes Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Speack of Arlington. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers a son Tuesday June5 in Heppner at Mrs. Gentry's nursing home. Word has been received that Roy Eckleberry former resident of Morgan died suddenly at his home in Hermiston Monday June 4. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison of Portland are spending a few days in lone. Duane Baker celebrated his 9th birthday Saturday and entertained a number of his friends at the Con gregational rooms that afternoon. The Topic club met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson with Mrs. Charles Carlson, Mrs. Clyde Denny and Mrs, H. E. Yarnell assisting. Countries of South and Central America were discussed. Election of officers followed; Mrs. Charles Carlson, president; Mrs. Milton Morgan vice president and Mrs. Noel Dobyns secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Elmer Griffith was elected li brarian. The social meeting will be held also at the home of Mrs. Swanson on June 23. Mprs. Paul Pettyjohn entertained a number of friends at the Masonic hall Saturday evening in honor of her husband's birthday. Three tab les of pinochle were played. Mrs. Raymond Lundell received high prize and Mrs. Milton Morgan re ceived low for ladies, while Darrell Padberg received high and Paul Pettyjohn low for the men. Mrs. O. G. Chandler and daugh ter Lucy Ann are visiting at the home of Mrs. Chandler's brother, William Burk. W. R. Wentworth, new proprietor of the Paul O'Meara blacksmith shop, moved his wife and three sons from Portland this week. They are living in the Stevens house for merly owned b I. R. Robison and known as the Lonny Ritchie house. Mrs. Mary Swanson gave a din ner Sunday in honor of her daugh ter Eva. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and family, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and family, Mr. and Mrs..Clell Rae and family. Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Cot Swanson and Roy and Arthur Lindstrom. On Sunday June 10 there will be 'neetings of the Christian and Con gregational church groups besides the regular church board meeting. After these meetings there will be a picnic at some place to be decided by the committee. In the evening mere wul be a Children's day pro gram by the children who attended the daily vacation Bible school. Mrs. Harold Buchanan of Seattle is visiting at the homes of Fred and Bob Buchanan. Billy Eubanks, R3jc is home on an 18 day leave from Norfolk Va., while his ship is in for repairs. Mrs. Eubanks who has been attending the Northwest Christian college at Eugene, accompanied her husband from Portland Billy Morgan S lc son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of Portland, is visiting relatives and friends in lone. He has been in the South Pacific and has a 30 day leave. He will return to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burk are the parents of a new son "born June 4 at Pendleton. Little Clyde Jackson, who weighed 6 pounds, is their third son. Mrs. Ida Grabill and son Gene accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley and family to Baker for Memorial day They visited the Earl Wright and Edmond Brlstow families and returned Sunday eve ning. Donald Bristow returned with them for a visit with his grand mother. Mrs. Etta Bristow. Oregon, Thursday, June Morrow County's Share Revealed in Chairman's Another year's activities of the Morrow county unit of the Blue Mountain Camp and Hospital coun cil has drawn to a close and a de tailed report of money given by citizens of. Morrow county and its disposition has been compiled by the president. Mrs. Ralph Thomp son and Miss Florence Bergstrom, secretary. This report is too lengthy for reprinting in these columns but a brief resume can be given Total Expenses: McCaw $3061.33; Pasco Naval, $352.04; Walla Walla Airbase, $306.84; Veterans Hospital $107.50; dues, $100.00; total, $3927.81. Balance on hand June 1. 1944, $193.55; collected and -donations since, $3895.95; total $4,089.50. Less expenses of .$3927.71, bal ance on hand June 1, 1945, $161.79 To quote Mrs. Thompson, "This report shows the people of Morrow county have completely furnished three wards this year at McCaw. You have answered the requests which have come in at each council meeting for small radios, portable electric phonographs, new records, current magazines and prizep and food for parties. You have been most generous in answering the re Mary Jane Hughes Called By Death Following the death of her son Hanson by only a few hours, Mrs. Mary Jane Walker Hughes passed on Friday morning at her home in Heppner at the age of 86 years and 14 days. Services were held, at the Metho dist church at 2 o'clock p. m. Sun day, with Rev. Bennie Howe oliic iating and Phelps Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Interment was in the family plot in the Hep pner Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Hughes was a native of Illi nois, being born in Mt. Vernon on May 17, 1859. She was married to Sam Hughes Feb. 9, 1882 in Wright county, Mo. and they came to Spray in 1884. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs Florence Paul of Heppner and Mrs. R. J. Juday of Portland, a son, Frank Hughes, and a half brother, Hanson Walker, besides several nephews and nieces in Missouri. Mrs. Hughes was a lifelong mem ber of the Methodist church and was a .faithful attendant and work er as long as physically able to carry on. AUXILIARY GRATEFUL Mrs Earl Evans, chairman of the annual poppy sale, reports the 1945 sale one of the most successful in the history of this activity. On be half of the American Legion aux iliary she extends thanks to the public and to her co-workers es pecially the Girl, Scouts, troop 3 with Mrs. J. L. Hamlin as leader and troop 2, Mrs. H. A. Cohn lead er assisted by Mrs. ATva Jones. Donations and sales resulted in a tidy sum to be used in giving aid and comfort to world war veterans. Members of OSC Class of 1945 Frances Wavel Wilkinson and Mary Kathryn Blake of Heppner are among the 325 seniors and graduate students scheduled to receive thir degrees at the 75th annual commencment June 10 Oregon Slate College. Both Miss Blake and Miss Wilkinson majored in business and industry, which has the largest enrollment among all schools in the college during the war yean. 7, 1945 in Hospital Work Annual Statement quests from Walla Walla Airbase hospital, Pasco Naval Air station hospital and day rooms, and the Veterans hospital in Walla Walla. "These requests will continue to come in at each meeting of the council this coming year. We hope you will feel a good job has been accomplished this year and if you do feel that way, perhaps you will hel(p once more. JOE is still over at McCaw in large numbers and he likes your gifts which make the time pass easier and makes him happier. As chairman of your com mittee I add my thanks to GI Joe's for all you have done these past two years." The annual meeting of the Mor row county unit will be held at the Elks club next Saturday after noon. The business meeting is scheduled for 1:30 p m. Then at 2:30 Mrs. Ralph Reser. secretary of the council and some of the vet erans from McCaw will speak. It is hoped a large crowd will be 4n at tendance to hear this part of the afternoon's activities. At this meet ing the financial statement and itemized list of gifts will be hand ed out. Justice Hager in Role ot P'leeceman Normally the function oi a jus tice of the peace is to "put the B" on the guys the peace officers bring before him for misdemean ors of one kind or another, but in the case of Justice of the Peace J. O. Hager, ft is not a matter of wait ing until the police show up if he thinks someone needs attention from the arm. of the law. Hager was downtown Saturday evening and saw a man in a con dition he considered unsafe to drive a car. - Said man was about to take off in a car when the JP approached him and detained him. The guy had no chance. The JP was his own witness, the arresting onicer and the one to say $.... and costs." RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL J. H. Padberg returned to Hep pner Wednesday after spending several months in the hospital in I Pendleton. He is considerably im proved and withstood the trip in good shape, climbing the stairs to the apartment in the Oilman build ing with a little assistance. Mrs. Padberg has been Jiving in Pendle ton while her husband was in the hospital. PARTY AT PARISH HOUSE June 15 is the date chosen for the annual Guild birthday party at the narish house of All Saints church. Pinochle and bridge will be played and tea will be served later. Cards begin at 2 p. m. The public is in vited to attend. A nominal charge will be made. Mrs. Harriet Mahoney is a pa tient in the hospital at Pendleton. Her condition is improving but she will have to remain in bed for an other couple of weeks. "f"r.i ML., -pi Volume 62, Number 1 1 People of County Apathetic Toward E Bond Buying Purchases to Date Only 35 Percent Of $248,000 Quota With the bond campaign time more than 50 percent gone, Morrow county is able to show only 35 per cent of the E bonds sold out of a quota of $248,000 and 42 percent of tha tctal bond quota of $353,000. Those were the figures submitted this afternoon by P. W. Mahoney, county war finance chairman, who states that buying will have to pick up within the next few days if we are to avoid a house to house canvas. Less interest has been manifest ed in the 7th war loan campaign than in previ6us drives and war finance officials are hopeful that 'people will awaken from their le thargy and croES the goal before the final hour arrives. According to Chairman Mahoney total sales to date of E bonds are $87,281, or a trifle over one-third of the quota. Sales of other types of bonds are $61,280 out of a quota of $105,000. The same complaint is registered by officials as in previous bond sale periods too few people mak ing purchases. Efforts to impress individuals with the necessity for investing their surplus money in bonds have not been as successful as desired. In the present campaign special stress is placed upon the necessity of all-out buying if we are to brings the war to a close reasonably early,, t Today's newspapers 'carried the report that Hood River county has passed its E bond quota, while the state has reached 59 percent of its quota. "We will have to accelerate our buying tempo if we reach our goal and thus help place the state in a more favorable light," Mahon ey concluded. ' .' o Car Thieves Busy Over Week-end Car thievery has. broken out in Heppner following a lapse of sev eral years and two cars were sto len over the week-end. In both cases it was apparent that the thieves had no intention of driv ing out of the country, having "borrowed" the cars for a joyride. The James Hager car disappear ed Saturday night and was found next day near the stock corrals in North Heppner. The tank was dry but otherwise the car suffered no particular damage. Sunday night the Harold Evans car was appropriated and driven some distance. The borrower, or borrowers, appear to have driven until the gas was nearly exhausted and then returned the vehicle and parked it in front of the Curran apartments Officials riave a list of possibili ties they are working on but up to press time no arrests had been made. WOOLGROVVERS PLAN TEA FOR FRIDAY AFTERNOON The Woolgrowers auxiliary is holding its annual social meeting Friday afternoon June 8 at the Or ville Smilh home from 2 to 5. This organization is not for wool grow ers exclusively but is a commu nity civic club open to all women of the county. Anyone interested is welcome. LIST OF NEW BOOKS RECENTLY ADDED AT LIBRARY Among the new books received in the Hepipner public library this week are the following: Forever Amber, by Winson, do nated for the Sigsbee shelf. Lower than Angels, by Karign; Image of Josephine, by Tarking ton, and Report on the Russians by White. This last is an excellent non fiction book. La Verne Van Marter has been ill the past week and unable to be about. He is reported somewhat improved as of the last couple of days. r to o o rn H -