6 Heppner Gazette Times, May 31,1 945 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Judy, Port land have been visiting with Mrs. Judy's mother, Mrs. Sam Hughes, since May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Han son Hughes accompanied them here after spending some time visiting in Portland and Centralia, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice are leaving today for Portland to spend a few days on business. Mrs. Sara McNamer returned to Heppner Tuesday after a few days spent in Portland and Forest Grove. On Wednesday, Memorial day, Mrs. McNamer was in Walla Walla and Prescott, Wash. Philip Cohn, ART 3c, arrived home Saturday on a week end pass from his station in Seattle. After spending, the 72 hours with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn, and little sister Sally, Philip returned to base Tuesday. Mrs. Agnes Curran, proprietress of Curran's Ready-to Wear, is in Portland this week on a buying tour for the local establishment. J. L. Rosewall, brother of Clar ence Rosewall, spent Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Rosewall. The visitor was ac companied by a friend, Mr. Gaylord. Both men returned to their homes in Enterprise Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hottie Lieuallen, and Mr. and Mrs. Almon lieuallen from Pendleton spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Lieuallen's daughter Mrs. Cyrene Barratt. The guests ar rived Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jess Deos and her daughter, Mrs. Loyd Gilkerson and twin daughters are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones this week. Mrs. Deos and Mrs Jones are sisters. The vis itors, whose homes are in The Dalles, arrived Monday and are re turning to that city on Friday. 1111111111 imiimiiiiimmiiimiiuiiiiimiiimimiimiimmiiMumn I CI NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET.HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with section 111-1244, O. C. L. A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Hepipner, Oregon, on the 28th day of Julne, 1945, at 2 o'oTock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budpjet for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made , $ 7,853.78 Total : $ 7,808.78 Qui S me ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Expenditures for Three Expenditures and (Estimated Fiscal Years Next Pre- Budget Allowance Expend- i. , . for Six Months, itures for ceding the Current rf Current J ITEM School Year Year 1944-1945 Budget 1941-1942 1942-1943 1943-1944 Expend- AUow- itures ance 1945-1946 1. Tuition .... 11,735.53 9,826.88 11,585.35 15,009.00 17,000.00 2. Transporta tion 3,804.40 3,469.49 1,941.92 3,000.00 4,000.00 3. Peisonal Service (clerical legal 15.46 25.00 25.00 5. Supplies and Printing 7. Travel 10. Emergency Totals 30.50 16.00 45.20 12.70 50.00 50.00 1,000.00 1,0001.00 15,586.83 13,341.57 13,555.43 19,000.00 21,000,00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY I. Total estimated expenditures 21,000.00 II. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash balnces 7,868.78 III. Amount necessary to balance the budget .y. 13.3122 VII. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year.... 1S,1$1.22 Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: Amount inside 6 limitation 13,131.22 Indebtedness 1. Amount of warrant in debtedness on war rants issued and en dorsed "not paid for want of funds" 2. Amount of other in debtedness None None Dated May 22, 1945. Signed: Lucy E. Rodgers, Clerk. Jesse Wari'ield, Chairman Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 29, 1945. Signed: P. A. Mollahan, Secretary, Budget Committee. Mrs. Julian Rauch, Chairman, Budget Committee Advertisement From where I sit ... Joe Marsh Pi Lee Mopes Sticks His Neck Out We had a meeting at the To'.vn ITal! Fr.Jny rit, and when Homer Bently spoke up for a new roof for the schoolhou.se, Lee Mapes interrupts him. "How long you been in this town?" Lee demands. "Fourteen years," says Homer proudly. "Then you keep quiet!" says Lec. "We can't have transients running things in our town." I'm glad to report that all of us voted Lee down and let Ho mer have his say. I'm glad not Just because the school did need a new roof, but because It doesn't do to let intolerance and prejudice creep into a commu nity. YFhelhpr a man's stayed "put" a lifetime or a year, whether ho works with his head or his hands, drinks beer or butter milk so long as he's a good American he has a right to speak his mind, and have his opinions (however different they may be) respected. I My Sale is going on and a lot I of goods are still in stock. Some Special Prices are: 1 Economy Jar Lids, per dozen.... ,..15c 1 Kerr Mason Small Discs, 3 dozen for 25c I Kerr Mason Lids complete, per dozen 20c PYREX WARE AT WHOLESALE PRICES Two 3-burner Gasoline Stoves with ovens at wholesale prices One second hand Laundry Stove Dr. Hess and Clark Livestock and Poultry remedies at wholesale prices Paints and Stationery at wholesale prices A lot of good pre-war Ladies1, Men's and Children's Shoes at Wholesale Prices. MASON BEIRT IONE, OREGON l 1 1 1 1 11 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 111 1 1 1 lllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIlltlllIlllllfIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllllllllIIIIIHIlT If ENROLL NOW Becce a n,en,ber of CIVIL AIR PATROL and take a part in the world's largest training organization-the "Army Air Force" training command. All Aviation Ground Subjects Plus RADIO, FIRST AID, MILITARY DIRECT IVES AND OTHER COUURSES TO FOLLOW. All free for your donation of three hours a week on Sunday after noon from 3 to 6. COME NEXT SUNDAY afternoon at 3 o'clock at the county pavilion, or cut the clipping below, fill out and mail now. It's still war times and you may be able to help! Men or Women Boys or Girls 18 to 50 years 15 to 17 years CIVIL AIR PATROL Heppner, Ore. Att. Lt. W. S. Ready; Dear Sir: Please send full particulars about CAP. 'Name...- Age Address No. U9cfaSi Oeyrig, 194S, Uwtud Jteto Bmmt FrnntkHmt M O i