mmiHtMii i it 1 1 1 m i Heppner Gazette Times, May 31,1 945 5 1 ' ' ,'rtw.'"MWW'"n,ini, i,iu.iivw....,.vt...wiT ningMtfvw is IF TP I . ' "j, 1 Their "Quota" may be DEATH Your Quota is Bigger Bonds F'.ND YOUR QUCVYl . . . AND MAKE IT! I ie vniiD AvrpArr Y0UR PERSONAL MATURITY f WArP WAR BOND VALUE OF PER MONTH IS- QU0TA ,S: 7TH WAR L0AN 8 rtK muiMin n. (CASH VAlUE) BONDS B0'J3HT $250 $187.50 $2JD j 225-250 150.00 203 I 210-225 131.25 173 jj 200-210 1120 i.;o 180-200 93.75 li' h 140-180 . - 75.00 100 jj 100-140 37.50 3 Under $100 18.75 8 WW if THS N rrt i AS THE tempo of war In l creates... as the lines of communication grow longer . . as the need for new guns, tanks, planes grows more ur gent ... the cost of the war is at an all-time high. That is reason Number 1 whyeveryAmericanmustback this MIGHTY 7TH War Loan Drive beyond all limits of what he thinks he can afford. Reason Number 2 is that this is really two drives in one. By this time last year, you sub scribed to two War Loans. pjy nm AND AGGER ECNDS Yes, the need is greater than ever before. And YOU . . . everybody . . . must invest a greater portion of your in come ... of your cash reserves . . . in War Bonds Note! Study the chart on this page. Figure out your personal quota and make il! Yi.u know that War Bonds are the safest investment in the world . . . that you get back at maturity $4 for every 93 you invest . . . that they safeguard your future security . . . and that you can cash them in on a moment's notice in case of emergency. So let's go, Ameri cans! Buy bigger bonds and more of them! r W vif v v irT4i 'Peace's Quota: 7 Billion Dollars Kinzua Pine Mills Company MMrH. HMtH IM Ul 1 1 til 1 1 lt M H(t II H HH 1 1 IIH mtll Hi Ml I m lmi 1 1 1 1 MtMl Ottl MMMWnitmNHIHtl m HWHWWWWMWUMtMHI IHHW