2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 31, 19 1 T ' t IONE NEWS NOTES By MBS. OMAR RIETMANN The sale of the stock in the Bert Mason store has been progressing rapidly. Mr. Mason assisted by Mrs. Ruth West of The Dalles, Mrs. H. N. Waddell and Mrs. Werner Riet mann of lone will soon have the entire stock of dry goods, grocer ies and hardware sold. The Topic club held the May so cial meeting at the Masonic hall Saturday May 25. The hostesses were Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Clell Rea and Mrs Cleo Drake. Three tables of bridge were played. High score was won by Mrs Charles Carlson, low by Mrs. C. W. Swan son, grafnd slam by Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Jack high by Mrs. Charles Carlson. The next club meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson June 2. Mrs. Bert Mason returned Fri day from a visit to Portland. The Past Noble Grand club will meet at the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann Friday June 1. Mr and Mrs. Hayes Stockard of Hermiston were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray. Mrs. Stock ard and Mrs. Ray are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puyear of Toppenish Wash, visited Mrs. Cora Burroughs last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray were The Dulles visitors Wednesday when Mr. Ray returned to the hospital for a check-up after his recent operation. The Cooperative Church summer Bible school began Monday and will continue for two weeks. Quite a number of children reported on Monday and more teachers and helpers are needed to handle the group. George Ely, manager of the Mor row County Grain Growers, in lone made his first business trip in six months to Heppner Monday. Mrs. Carl Calkins and son James of Hillsoro were visitors of Mrs. Ida Fletcher Thursday of last week. Mrs. Fletcher, accompanied them to Walla Walla. Miss Lois Calkins who has .been attending college in Walla Walla this last year returned with them Sunday." Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. Fletcher are sisters. The lone high school held its 37th annual commencement exer cises on May 24 at the school audi torium. The members of the class of 1945 were Dorothy Bergstrom, James Doherty, Eunice Ann Louise Peterson, Victor Robert Rietmann, Arthur A. Stefani and Alton Yar nell. The address was given by Dr. G. C. Gleeson of Oregon State col lege. Awards presented by Supt. H. G. Holcomb were: Citizen cup to three classes which tied, seniors, juniors and freshmen. The names of the senior class on the Citizen plaque are Eunice Peterson and Al ton Yarnell. Alton also received the Readers' Digest, scholarship and dramatic awards. Shirlee Smouse received the Citizen award and Louis Carlson the band award. Omar Rietmann, chairman of the school board, presented diplomas to both the high school seniors and the 8th grade graduates, who were Helen Fay Baker, Doris Brace, Gene Rancier, Wallace Coleman, John Buchanan, Bruce Smith, Clif ford Aldrich, Fayne Ely, Arthur Warren and John Jepson. J. P. O'Meara has sold his shop to W. D. Wentworth of Portland. Mr. O'Meara will retain the lum ber yard and plans to enlarge his supply of materials. The high school . students went to Porter creek' Friday for their annual picnic. After a picnic lunch and games they went . to Heppner to attend the show that evening. Teachers of the lone staff for next year are B. C. Forsythe, sup erintendent, Wm. Burk grade prin cipal and 7th and 8th rade teach er; Mrs. Gladys Ely 5th and 6th. grades, Mrs. Alice Linn 3rd and 4th grades and Miss Helen Lindsay 1st and 2nd grades. Three additional high school teachers hare not been definitely decided upon. The Victory Cafe is closed for a couple of weeks while the Lieual en family get some much-needed rest. They will visit in "Walla Walla Weston, and Hermiston while they are away. f Attention! Morrow County Stock men... van A ten-mi Make the Seventh a Succe You can give them a lift in more ways than one if you will go easy on Long Distance calls between 7 and 10 each night. That's the time many service men in the camps are calling home and they'll ap reciate your help 1 leaving the lines 'or them. You may now have your brand inspecting done at the Otis McCarty Ranch. HERMISTON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 4 West Willow St. Phone 5 Sea Foods are Healthfu Eat Them Often We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea son. You w'ill enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You, are always welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant y Si, 'ka iM Mm mm GILLIAM & BISBEE