Want Ads FOR SALE One milk goat; fresh- enin June. Call 652. 940c 1940 Ford tudor sedan equipped with radio and heater. OP ceil ing price of $9G9.00. ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY Your Ford Dealer FOR SALE-No. 32 Holt Combine harvester; motor recently over hauled, drape nearly new. Oscar Peterson, lone. Phone 36F4. 9-10p FOR SALE Rabbits. 10 white New Zealand does and 1 buck. 65 young rabbits; 2, 3 compartment hutches $100. 20 hens at $1.25 each. H. N. Waddell, lone, Ore. FOR SALE Electric refrigerator; Box of 30-30, 32 Spec, and 30-06 shells. Phone 2592, Heppner. 9p FOR SALE House and lots in Lexington. Write Gene Gray, Stanfield, Ore. 9-llp 1938 Chevrolet town sedan equip ped with radio and heater. OPA ceiling price 800.00 ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY Your Ford Dealer Housekeeper Wanted: Middle aged woman that has had experience cooking on ranches, to keep house for two people. Write Ellen Mc Farlane, Condon, Ore. 9-10c WANTED Year round job on wheat ranch for man and wife. Ernie Christopherson, lone. 9p WANTED Job on ranch, woman and baby. Experienced, Mary Patterson. Lexington Ore. 9c FOR SALE 1934 Plymouth, good rubber, $200; McCormack Dteer ing Big 6 mower, $35. Vernon C. Brown, lone. 9-Hc FOR RENT or SALE June 1, large house. Call 17-F-5 8-9 FOR SALE One 13y2-foot Goble disc, good as new; one Studeba ker pick-up, 1937 model. W. G. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 8-llp FOR SALE Posts and wood at the stump or delivered. Order early. Don Warner, Box 102, Heppner, Ore. 8-llp FOR SALE 15 -jewel South Bend pocket watch, $40. W. L. Kum merland, care of B. J. Doherty, Heppner. 8-10p LET US HELP you with your Feed Problems. Have a complete line of Poultry, Hog and Dairy Feeds. Open Saturday afternoons 1:30 to 5:30. Located in Grange Hall. Grange Feed and Supply Co-op., Boardman, Oregon. 8-10 TO TRADE R D 6 caterpillar tractor for R 4 caterpillar trac tor or T D 9 International tractor. Frank Holub, Echo, Ore. 8-1 Op FOR SALE 3-horse air-cooled gas engine. S. J. Devine. 7Jf FOR SALE 2-inch high duty cen trifugal pump; 3 h. p. Internation al gas engine, 2 radios, cook stove. McCaleb. 7-10p NOTICE Hidaway Springs is now closed to the public and will no longer be operated as a re sort. 7-10c ESTRAYED in December from' my ranch ranch west of lone, one black cow with white spots. Re sembles a Holstein. No visible brand, no horns. Mabel David son, lone Oregon. 5tfc DRY BOARD ends for sale See Homer or Edwin Tucker. 46-lp LIGHT plants bought and sold or serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf FREE If excess acid causes you pains of stomach ulcers, indiges tion, heartburn, belching, bloat ing nausea, gas pains, get free sample, Udga at Humphreys Drug Company. 48-20p I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new or old. Also as parts are becoming avail able I am again repairing house hold appliances. McCaleb. 6-10p NOTICE OF ESTRAY Came to our place 15 miles southeast of Heppner about April 20, one black horse with star on fore head, 3 white feet, brand 77 on right shoulder and weighing about 1500 pounds. Owner, may claim same by settling feed and advertising bills. Luckman Bros. 7tf Legal Notices SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. EDNA R. PECK and HAROLD K. PECK, her husband Plaintiffs -vs- WILLIAM F. McNUTT and JANE DOE McNUTT, his wife, whose fnio n nmo !o iirb-rn-irr tr i vifif-fc? teiriTrtTMZwft. vri TOlCKfmOKS , t Notice is hereby given that in OF SALE McNutt, if deceased. Also all other Notce 13 hereby given that the pursuance to an order-of the Cir- The purchaser shall pay to the persons or parties unknown claim- undersigned were duly appointed cuit Court of the State of Oregon said guardians, in cash, the full ing any right, title, estate, lien, or by the County Court of the State for the County of Marion, duly amount bid for the interest of said interest in the real estate described of Oregon for Morrow County, ad- made, rendered and entered of re- minors in said real property, upon in plaintiffs complaint herein. rninistrators of the estate of Jennie cord in said Court on the 17th day the confirmation of said sale by Defendants. S. Bechdolt, deceased, and all per- 0f April, 1945, in the matter of the the Court, and the execution and To: William F. McNutt and Jane sons having claims against the es- guardinaship of William Davis delivery of the guardians' deed Doe McNutt, his wife, whose true tate of said deceased are hereby Sproule and James Frederick transferring the said minors' title name is unknown to plaintiffs; tiie required to present same duly veri- Sproule, minors, the undersigned, to said real property to the pur NutT i? deceased AJsoall other fied t0. administrators at the as guardians of the persons and chaser. The said purchaser shall persons or- parties unknown claim- aw ice J- J- Nys, at Hepp- estates of said minors, will pro- assume the payment of and take ing any right, .title, estate, hen or ner Oregon, within six months ceed to sell, at private sale, from said above described real property interest in the real estate described from the date hereof. and after the 2nd day of June, 1945, subject to all existing encumbran- in plaintiffs complaint herein, De fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you in the above en titled court within four weeks from the date of the rirst publication ot this nnmmnns nnrl if von fail so to .. . . - atmear or answer, for want there- of, plaintiffs will apply .to the , - above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to- wit: For a decree quieting plaintiffs id Court fixed Monday, the 28th title in and to the following de- day of May 1945 at the hour of scribed real property in Morrow 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at County, Oregon, to-wit: the Court House at Heppner, Ore- Beginning at the Northeast cor- gon, as the time and place for hear ner of Lot 4, Block 2, Looney's ing objections to said final account Addition to Heplpner, Oregon, and the settlement of said estate which is on the South line of and all persons having objections Morgan Street; thence West Aereto are hereb Ieqvired to file along said south line of Morgan ... . , e Street 3.1 chains to a same wlth said Court on or before in Ts a. the time fixed for the hearme. Northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence South to a point which is 16 feet East from the South- west corner of said Lot 4 on the south line of said lot; thence WesTto Tthe iouAwes7com;T of, a tract of land owned by George McDuffee-lienc south 25 feet more or less to Se SoutheaS 1 L .S.' J.x , fj? Uth!aSJ corner of tract of land owned by Rose Eskelson (described on the Map of the City of Heppner as tract No. 144) thence West 5 chains- thence South 41 42- W21 SS; ftSo Souli 32 43' west, 7 chains; thence South 19" 51' West, 6 chains, more or less to the south line of ZTJ 'WnTP J.? m i . San thence Lt alonid section line a distance of 19 chains: thence North 9.20 chains, more or less, to the MnvVi Timet nmor t q Block 1, Looney's Addition to nD and first PuUished. May 'Heppner, Oregon, being the 10U ? . . ,,. ,. -South line of Water Street; ate of last publication, June 7, thence West, along the south 1945- nnivrNrni, oMTTTT wnwTP line of Water Street, 3.93 chains; rJJl HOWIE tv, mk an ul LEEDY and KEANE North line of Water Street; 4.1 l . aU tvt il. l : of said Water street 5.40 chains, ... 1 i il. r. 1 1 . more or less, 10 me ouuuiwesi corner ot Arbitray lract JNo. 48, i. m j. J ; i.l as such 'tract designated on it- , , J i rv ' thence North along the west line of said tract, 150 feet to the -r. twf. thence East along the North line of said tract, 100 feet to a point on the wpst linp of Lot 14. Block 2, said Looney s Addition: tncnnp Hnrth lonff the West line of said Lot 14 and Lot 7 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 7, Block 2 said Looney s Addition; thence East along the feet to the Southwest corner of inuiui line ui , q r-iff nf Innrl rvumpd bv Maffffie J. French; thence North along the West line or said iana, idu feet; thence Northwesterly con- tinuing along the westerly line of said land, 274 feet, more or less, to the point of commence- ment. and that plaintiffs be adjudged to be the owners in fee simple of said property and that whatever claim you may have in said real property it, " each of you be forever barred of and from all right, title, estate, lien and interest in said real property and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. : This summons w servea upon i Kv miWication thereof for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Morrow County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of Mor row County, tate of Oregon, which order is dated May 21st, 1945, and the date of the first publication of this summons is May, 24th 1945. 24th, 1945. J. O. TURNER, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Post Office address and Residence, Heppner, Oregon. Dated and first published this 3rd day of May 1945. ARCHIE S. BECHDOLT, ADRIAN C. BECHDOLT, 6-10 Administrators. lwnTirr cm ftmat. a rr mnwr Notice is herebv triven that the - . . . . undersigned administratrix of the 4.- t t c,;U a oj u f;ij ,:u 1 r-.. t uda i lit. u wiui uxc wwuaitj' uuuu wi. - c. . . r- r . , f. , nnnt f h.T h5i!f J aiuiixiuai.icii'iisii wuu o ui cum "rst published this 26th day of April 1945. OLA L. JONES, 5-9 Administratrix N0TI TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. PRO. BATE DEPARTMENT ' Notice is hereby given that the 'A JSS1 r tTJtT a w N oivuin nvj- WIE has been aPPinted Executrix ? &e -f ROBERT SMITH lf' byf Count of "lc JTu i- a "l"w Comi d Qed All per- enna nflutntr riaimc ocraincr coin oc tate are herebv notified to nresent d "A tS rH"",'V, .7 Journal BldS- Portland 5, Oregon, wltnin months from the date nereoi, Attorneys s-'g irnwrT? rrr rnrniTAOC NOTICE is hereby given that the . , - , undersigned has Deen amy ap- pointed administrator of the estate L nf Frank Saline', deceased, bv the uounty uourt or the btate ot ure- , ,, ,,. i.r,., lr foun f Morrow,' and has accepted such trust. All Persons bairns against the said estate are hereby required to present the same with same with proper voiippq to the administrator at the nff.Vo nf T n Tumor in Wonnnor n r Wnr dv mnnth from of notice Dated and blished Ms 26& q m5 . . T t,t D. uXjINHiI DvUllNu Administrator 5-9 NOXICE 0F FINAL ACCOUNT ivTt: 1 i : u U T . " T m uie. estate of ixina A. Hunt deceased, has filed his final account with the County Court of the State of Ore- gon, for the County of Morrow and said Court has fixed the 14th day of May, at the hour of 11:00 A. M. m the County Court Room of the luuiiuw vuai Ljr vwui b iiviuv) u tirnn j ni tnr hartna "L3d; aZ,, " AV fc.vtnTnKW fVJ P 1 S!T Jions to said final account are here- TtTlS - set for said hearing. ALEX HUNT 3-7 Administrator. No. 11,710 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION PRO BATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Guardianship) Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1945 9 of ) WILLIAM DAVIS SPROULE and) JAMES FREDERICK SPROULE ) Minors ) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL propitrtv at private emn at the office of Brazier C. Small, attorney for said guardians, at 610 First National Bank Building, Sa- lem, Oregon, to the highest bidder, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject to confirmation by said Court, all of ;j i : 4. ; "u ,,U11"10 "B" ullcro1' 111 and title to that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Countv of Morrow. State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of Section seven (7) the east half and the southwest quarter of ' Section eight (8) all of Section nine (9). .the northwest quarter of Section seventeen (17), and the north east quarter of Section eighteen (18), in Township two (2) South, Range twenty-five (25) East of the Willamette Meridian. TERMS AND CONDITIONS "'" to the The purchaser shall pay said guardians, in cash, the full amount bid for the interest of said minors in said real property,' upon v r i j .. j the Court, and the execution and " M Z f ellv? . f , transferring the said minors' title j. . t i. if. to saia real property 10 me pur chaser. The said purchaser shall rZ!ll 1" , IIT" uiii uie paymem ui ana v.e said above described real property to u existing encumbran. ces, State and County taxes and all assessments of whatever name or nature which lien against are now a or may hereafter become charge S " r.. . . ., Date of first publication April 26, 1945. jvA.inn.xiN jjaxniju-i ana ju RTF! h'KHMvmPTr'TCCiOM finnr dians of the Persons and Es- tates of WILLIAM DAVIS SPROULE and JAMES FRED- and interest m and title to that ERICK SPROULE, minors certaln or P8"1 of land to ll BRAZIER C. SMALL ing and ln e CountV b TIT OaA t l . t Attornw fnr GnnrdianQ 610 First National Bank Building C-l rr. r rt """-'"i "K"" v 11 7in t .. I, . .. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY' OF MARION PRO BATE DEPARTMENT the Matter of the Guardianship) of ) , " , omwuic, ) - IVlinor ; NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Notice is hereby given . that in pursuance to an order of the Cir- cuu uourt 01 the state oi oreaon " for the County. of Marion, duly made, rendered and entered of re- cord in said Court on the 17th dav . . ., . .. - . - 01 Apru' L in me "" ot Guardianship of Mary Jo Sproule, minor undersigned, as guardi- ans of the estate of said minor, will proceed to sell, at private sale, from after 2nd day of Junei 1945( at ofice of Brazier c. Small attorney for said guar- at 610 Fkst National ark ""'" ""bu"i vj uic sessments or whatever name or na highest bidder, upon the terms and ture which are now a lien against 8n"! waaer uPn. m KTms. nllCl0nS mate mentioned subiect to confirmation by Courti all of said minors right -d .est in and title to that certain piece or parcel ot land ly. ing and being in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, and par ticularly described as follows, to wit: The southeast quarter of Section seven (7) the, east half and the southwest quarter of Section eight (8) all of Section nine (9), the northwest quarter of Section " seventeen (17), and the north east quarter of Section eighteen (18), in Township two (2) South, Range twenty-five (25) East of the Willamette Meridian. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ces, State and County taxes and alt assessments of whatever name or nature which are now a lien against or may hereafter become charge- able to the interest so acquired by the purchaser herein. Date of lirst publication April 9ft iqak KATHRYN DANIEL and JO- SIE FREDERICKbON Guar- dians of the Estate of MARY JO SPROULE, a minor BRAZIER C. SMALL Attorney for Guardians 610 First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon 5-9 No. 11,717 In THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION, PRO BATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Guardianship ) of ) PHILIP DeWITT ROTH and ) J0SEPH EARL ROTH. 1) minors, ; NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of the Cir ... . , cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, duly , . . J made, rendered1 and entered of re cord in said Court on the 17th day of April, 1945, in the matter of the "iantihi of philin rvwitt Roth Guarianship of Pluhp DeWitt Kc-tn Jph Earl RoUi minors, ersigned, as guardian of -the ' a"" Ui umu1' ?iU lpT0Cd seU' at 0pr!vae from and after the 2nd day of June, 1945, at the office of Brazier C. Small attorney for said guar- dian at 610 First National Bank ?an'.a "0 Dlrst National Bans Building, Salem, Oregon, to the conditions hereinafter mentioned highest bidder, upon the terms and and, "ubject11 to ' onfition by 831(1 Court! a11 of said minors riht morrow, siaie oi Oregon, ana par- ticularlv described as follows, to. Wit. The southeast quarter of Sec tion seven (7), the east half and the southwest quarter of Sec- tion eight (8), all of Section nine (9), the northwest quarter of Section seventeen (17), the northeast quarter of Section eighteen (18), in Township two (2) South, Range twenty-five (25) East of the Willamette Meridian. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: The purchaser shall pay to the ;a rr,,.,Ai j t. it.- ..n s""-""!) i'i u.jii, uie iuu amount bid for the interest of said minors in said real property, upon th ' w 'i "y the Court, and 'the execution and delivery of the guardian's deed transferring the said minors' title to said real property to the pur chaser. The said purchaser shall as- SUme the payment of and take said described real ject to all existing encumbrances Stete mdCLSSl iff' 0r may hereafter become charge- able to the interest so acquired by fte haser herein Date of first publication April 26, 1945. DOROTHY V. ROTH, Guar dian of the Persons and Es tates of PHILIP DeWTTT ROTH and JOSEPH EARL ROTH, minors. BRAZIER C. SMALL Attorney , for Guardian 610 First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon. 5.9 ' - i.i