8 Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1945 MOVERS SHOULD TURN IN FULE OIL COUPONS People moving from one house to another are reminded by the OPA office that they should turn in unused coupons and make ap plication for new coupons to apply to their new residences. Coupons are issued on the reidence and are not usable elsewhere, the ration board states. Sugar applications are beginning to come in to the loci office and it is noted that some applicants are neglecting to sign on all the lines expected of them. Such ap plicants should call at the office and get the blanks properly filled out so the board may go ahead with the processing. Schedule VI Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levips Bond Inter - ESTIMATION OP TAX Total All i1"? , !,St,and nrovement TP-VY .,i Fund Total Sinking provemeni LEVY FundS V Schedule II Fund Total Ild Total Sched. Ill Schedule V Tot1?1r,TsTted expenditures $61,278.00 $57,778.00 ,$ 50)0.00 $ 3,000.00 DEDUCT: I Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) 4 $23,884.02 j j j Amount necessary to balance the budget - 7.282.34 Analasys of estimated tax levies: j Amount inside 6 limitation 23,884.02 I Amount outside 6 limitation. ; 7,2&2.34 ( ; INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of onded indebtedness (include all negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O.C.L.A.) $4,000.00 4. Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 3) . $4,000.00 HANK STOTTS HOME Hank Stotts arrived home Wed nesday after an enforced sojourn of many months in Germany. He was among some of the first pris oners of war released by the Amer ican forces in their eastward trek !through thp one-time Hitlerian naziland. Despite his months of prisoner fare he is looking fine and the privilege of being home is fast wiping out the memories of those dark days. o CARD OF THANKS ;We wish to thank our friends for their generous assistance, the many beautiful cards and floral of ferings during the illness and death of our beloved mother, Lola Elea nor McCabe, and to express our appreciation to the Red Cross for bringing Ernest, Earl and Howard Dated this May 19, 1945. Signed: Bonnie B. McClintock C. W. Barlow District Clerk Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 19, 1945. Signed: Mrs. Stephen Thompson Jos. J. Nys Secretary. Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee home. A. A. McCabe and family. THANKS TO FRIENDS I wish to thank everyone for the beautiful cards and Mother's day gifts sent during my illness. Mrs. Martha Wright o NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 111-908, 0. C. L. A., to the legal voters of School District No. 1, of Morrow County, State Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at the City Hall; to be gin at the hour of 2 o'clock d. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 18th day of June, A. D. 1945. This meeting is called for the pur Ipose of electing one director for the three year term and the tran saction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 19th day' of May, 1945. ATTEST: Bonnie B. McClintock Clerk C. W. Barlow Chairman Board of Directors. NOTICE TO PARENTS Place Heppner school. Time 9 a. m., June 7. To parents and guardians of all students and pre-school children who on May 10 received the dose of Toxoid for diphtheria immuni zation: to complete and give full and lasting immunization it is es sential that the second dose of Toxoid be given. The county health officer and the county public health nurse will be in the cafeteria room and ready to care for you. 9-10a Dim Qui SA I have sold my building and equipment and must give possession July 1. I have a lot of good merchandise which is not of 1945 make and it is priced much be low what is being asked for the inferior goods being manufactured now. EVERY ITEM IS BEING MARK ED DOWN TO PRICES THAT WILL CLEAR THE STORE! Varieties are too numerous to try to quote prices. You will find LADIES' MEN'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES AND CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS; KITCHEN UTENSILS, LIGHT HARDWARE, STATIONERY, PAINTS GROCERIES and VARIOUS ITEMS ,lt) i fUimt I HOW MUCH TO A WAR? Bert Mason lone, Oregon lb SOON as we can, well bring to bear on the Japs all the additional might we've been using against Germany. What will it cost, this Moving Day of War? Estimate it in these terms: The job of moving millions of men from one front to another. Thousands of ships to carry the supplies of battle. Swarms'of new-type air craft to blast the path into enemy territory. You can get an idea of the cost from the fact that Uncle Sam needs 7 . billions from us in the mighty Seventh War Loan now! The Seventh War Loan! will call for the greatest bond- buying we have ever done. CZ33ZiII If you have an income whether from work, land, or capital you have a quota in the 7th War Loan. Be sure to make itl ? mam i FIND YOUR QUOTA-AND MAKE til IF YOUB Y0UR PERSONAL MATURITY AVERAGE INCOME " pen MnMTu ic. QUOTA ISi 7th WAR LOAN PEE MONTH 15, (CASH VALUE) BONDS BOUGHT $250 $187.50 $250 225-250 150.00 200 210-225 131.25 175 200-210 112.50 150 180-200 93.75 125 140-180 75.00 100 100-140 37.50 50 Under $100 1875 25 ALL OUT FOR THE MIGHTY 7 WAR LOAN Lets Keep the War Machine Rolling on to Tokyo! Buy More Bonds than ever before and get the boys home quicker Jackson Implement Go. Lexington, Oregon