Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1 945 5 CHURCHES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bennie Howe, Minister Sunday, May 27: Divine worship at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday: Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m. Thursday: Bile study and Prayer at 8 p. m. Thought for the Week: Remember, there has never been an over-production of kind words. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Bhmt Church school 9:45 a m. Morning Prayer 11 a. m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST 0. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible Schoo1 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Services at Lexington 3 a. m ev ery Sunday. Young People's meeting 7 p. m. Evening worship service 8 o'clock. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship U a. m. Young People's service 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic services 7:45 p. m. CHURCH of IONE COOPERATIVE H. N. WaddelL Pastor Bible schooL 10 a. m. Worship service 11 o'clock. Junior C. E. 7 p, m. Preaching service 8 p.m. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. Come to church. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m, Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m. BOARDMAN NEWS By FBAXrCXSS SKOUBO Word was received last week through the Red Cross that Lt Lt. Ralph Skoubo and Jack Miles, pri soners of war in Germany, have been liberated from the Germans. No word has been received person ally by the boys parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miles. Commencement exercises for the graduating class of '45 were held in the auditorium Thursday eve ning, May 17. The girls dressed in formals and the boys in suits marched in double file from the north side of the room, followed by the speaker, John Miller of the Eastern College of Education, Mr. Ronald Black, physical ed teacher and George B. Linn, principal. The program was as follows, proces sional, Shirley Peck; Invocation by Mrs. Attebury, address of wel come, Eldon Lilly, "song, "I Hear the Bees a Hummin' by the high school chorus, commencement ad dress, Mr. Miller, presentation of awards and diplomas by Mr. Linn and Mr. Black vocal solo, "A Heart that Is Free" Frances Skoubo, a chorus number, "A Home in the Hills", benediction and recessional. After the commencement ex ercises the five seniors, Eldon Lil ly, Louise Hamilton, Doris Wilson, George Long and Frances Skoubo, were welcomed into the alumni association at a party sponsored by the alumni. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served as refreshments. Miss Elaine Fisher, employed in the weather bureau in Pendleton, Dagmar Skoubo and Ernabel, stu dents in Pendleton, attended com mencement and visited on the pro ject Thursday. Much excitement was created in town Saturday night when Mr. Stoltnow's .car was stolen from his garage during the night. The state police arrested the boys who had escaped from a boys' training school in Portland. The car was re turned in good condition. Edward and Gerry McClellan left Wednesday night on the train for San Diego where they plan to stay several days with their father who is in the navy and is station ed there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver of Portland, brother-in-law and sis ter of Mrs. Chas. Anderegg, are visitors of the Anderegg family. Mr. ' and Mrs. Paul Smith and daughter Pauline of Union visited friends here on the project several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Falconer and family moved to Enterprise Sunday. The Falconers have been residents in Boardman for the past two years and will be missed by many friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newkirk of Delake, Ore have been visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs for the past week. Mrs. Taylor and son Bobby, for mer residents of Boardman spent a few days with friends enroute to Camjp Five at Kinzua. Mrs. Taylor reported that her son Nick is a paratrooper who was dropped near Berlin several weeks ago. John Jenkins, pioneer of the Boardman project passed away in Pendleton Wednesday after a long illness. Funeral services were held in Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Allen of Port land have been visiting relatives in Boardman the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harter of Beaverton visited friends here the past week-end. A community picnic was held on the school lawn Friday afternoon. Exhibits from craft classes were shown. The P-T A furnished ice cream and the teachers gave a show "Sooky" in the afternoon, A large crowd attended. o - Jim Barratt and Mose Lovgren have finally met again and this time way off in the South Pacific. It so happened that Jim knew Mose's ship and that it was due in port, so he was given permis sion to meet it. The . boys were able to spend the next two nights together for the first time since they were in boot camp at Farra gut, Idaho. BOY COOKS ENTERTAIN It is pretty generally conceded that when a man does take an in terest in cooking he quite out-does himself and causes the women-folk to look to their laurels for sure. Mrs. Tress McClintock is going to come into her full share of praise and thanks in a few years when her 4-H club boys cooking club have reached their majority and begin to really show their wives they used to cook for mamma. Mrs. McClintock has a club of little third and fourth grade boys who are definitely interested in the fine art of cooking and to prove their point entertained their mothers with a picnic supper at the McClin tock home Wednesday evening. The menu is not known, but from the accounts that have reached this office the "cooks" really covered themselves with glory. Mrs. Stella Bailey is in Heppner attending to business matters. She came from Fresno, Calif., arriving here Tuesday. Mrs. Bailey make her home in Portland and has been in California several months. She is staying at the Lucas Place. Word has been received by their wives that Emory Coxen and Wil lard Blake have caught up with each other on Guam. The men are brothers-in-law and had not seen each other in quite some time. Russell O'Donnell and Joe Mc Laughlin were very happily sur prised to find one another up in the Aluetians while each was standing in the chow line. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson attended the Mustang show in Pendleton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. LucyRodgers was called to Seattle last Friday night by the serious illnes of her sister. She was taken to Arlington by Mrs. Sara McNamer and from thereon went by train. Mrs. Harry Plumondore was ta ken to the hospital in Pendleton Wednesday morning for treatment. She has been ill for some time and it was felt best that she have hos pital care. Ivan Applegate, Art Hughes and Joe Kenny were among those from Heppner and vicinity attending the Mustang show in Pendleton Sun day afternoon. THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If ya are not a patron now you soon will b Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE N. Schmaltz 6 Sons Peters Building, Heppner j Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. RMG CARS AMD TRUCK REPAIRS MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION We Service All Makes HODGE Chevrolet Co. PEONIES FOR DECORATION DAY Central Market and Grocery