County Court Proceedings for April, 1945 The minutes of the March term Dean Oilman 13414 were read and approved. H. Sherer ' 223.01 The Court orders the following Robert Kelly 23.96 wages paid to men working on the A- J- Chaffee 146.92 County road: Patrol operators and E. S. Hunt 114.94 shop mechanics $7.50 per day of M. V. Nolan 187.97 eight hours; Truck drivers $7.00 Harry Quackanbush 75.96 Per day except the F. W. D. truck Walter Gilman 128.79 who should be paid $7.50 per day; Austin Wilson 151.74 Patrol tenders $6.00 per day; that Robert Taylor 124.66 H. Sherer be paid $250 a month. Harold Wilson 138.26 The Court orders the contract for 5bert WUson M furnishing, tax receipts to tax col. ,Wlkon 3L50 lecfos office be given to Kilham 00110111,13 p. Co- . 200-81 Stationery & Printing Co at the " K Rubber Welders 35.99 price of $115 00 Union 0il Co- 212.83 The Court orders the following Heppner,Water Dept 2.15 Bangs' Disease claims paid: Glenn wallTMotor Co 73.75 A. Farrens, $4.00 and Wightman Implement Co. 64.74 Bros. $8 00 Jack Allen PP1 Co 70.87 The Court orders the publication 9? S1torDealfr 910 and sale of the following county Jf6' CA ' 19718 property Pac Pow & U< 00 1219 Lots 4 and 5 in Block 1, Origin, g?? ? f, n al Town of lone, Morow County f" 5813 Orponn to v-uumy First Natl Bank of Port 168.80 uregon tor the minimum price of i. n;i r ,X of $20.00, cash. Shell Oil Co 11.10 r.t ; i 1 c r, . HcdSe Chevrolet Co 38.39 Addition Z 1 W S WARRANTS DRAWN ON Addition to the City of Heppner, MISCELLANEOUS FUND Morrow County, Oregon for the Joseph Balt Rodt Fd nunimum price of $25.00, cash Carl McDaniel, Rdnt Fd 25.00 The court oers dance hal li- Hary Hunkers Dog Fund 66.00 cense issued to Willows Grange No. 0 672 for the year 1945. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION The court grants leave of ab- Upon Question of Increasing Tax sence to John H. Fuiten, sheriff, Levy Over Amount Limited by while in the armed forces, and ap- Section 11, Article 'XI, State points P. A. Mollahan sheriff pro Constitution. tern during the absence of C J D Notice is hereby given that an Bauman who also is in the armed f-0 Tlfrheld " Scho1 Dis" forces tnct No 1 of Morrow County .State WARRANT nRawu of Oregon, at the City Hall in said pfkfrTJ tiSSf schoDl district for the PurPose of .GENERAL FUND submitting to the legal voters of Edna Hughes, deputy salary $108.50 said district the question of increas- P. A. Mollahan, deputy sal- Jng he tax levy for the year 1945 ary 156.59 over the amount limited by section Florence Ely, deputy salary 116.49 llf JF111 XI of Constitution Marie Barlow .deputy salary 108.50 ofJregon- T., -d; A t. a cnoA Tne reasons for increasing such Letha Rippee, Supt. Asst. 50.90 levy increasecl of 8operat J. O.. Archer, janitor 88.50 ing schools and for special im- Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 25.00 provement fund. Susie W. Miller, court re- The amount of tax, in excess of porter . 31.39 the 6 limitation, proposed to be C. B. Cox, P. M., Treasurer 8.33 levied' for said year is $7,282.34. , C. B. Cox, P. M.. Treasurer 8.45 AfTis 19th f 1945, Public Lands Committee, ' c W BARLOW Fedl Tax Commission 123.00 Chairman Board of Directors Margaret Gillis, Co. nurse 131.80 BONNIE B. McCLINTOCK, W. O. Dix, Assessor field . District Clerk work 12.70 0 Burroughs Add Mach. Co., CARD OF THANKS Assessor 28.20 We wish to thank our many Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $11.00; friends for their thoughtfulness in Travel expense $65.70 76.70 ou recent bereavement. West Coast Printing & Bind- Jf9' JenJ , qq 4g0 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood John H. Fuiten, sheriff 4.00 ?nd Robert Bradley Mid-Columia Typewriter Co., Charles Jenkins sheriff 4.00 synopsis op annual statement Western Union, sheriff .90 c. .m . 0F THE - o, t j 1 r. rer rn s Insurance Company State Industrial Acc. Comm., nt Newark, in the State of New Jeraey, on sheriff $4fv?- shpriff salarv 'l10 ,31st lay of December, 1944, made to snerin $i.06, sneriii sdidiy the InEuranct! commissioner of the Stat of $0.31; deputy salary $0.62 5.56 Oregon, pursuant to law:- Pac. Stationery & Pr. Co tax Not premiums rece1ivedme.....i9,93i1699.8i enllprtiond 52 92 Total Interest, dividends and cuiiei-u s , real estate Income. 1,812,412.28 Maggie Hunt, jail 2.00 Income from other sources 2,279,027.23 Central Market, jail 5.30 Total income .124,023,139.29 Lov. Disinfectant Co., court Disbursements , Net amount paid policyholders house a.6S for losses $ 8,837,218.0J tit i f lc C,,l,r Loss adjustment expenses 873,174.60 Western Golf Course supply Agents commissions or brok er rnnrt tiousp . 4.37 rraRe 6,288,422.70 A., COUri nouse - tot snln.rlcs , and fees of fleers, Pac Tel. & Tel. Co., current cct9or3' home offlce jn" 1,824,064 84, expene 53.95 Taxes, licenses and fees I l!o4o!319!62 a i T-. j. ...l. cit: Dividends paid to stockholders 751,815.20 State Dept. of Agri., sealer b.15 Dividends paid or credited to Dr. L. D. Tibbies, insane ex- Aifgwgeidtt":::::: l,7i40,7i.8i lpeXlSerT,. ... . . . 10-0(. Total disbursements 119,827,728.81 Gazette Times, official pub- Admitted Assets lioafinn IfilO Value of real estate owned licdLion (market value) S 3,67e,000.00i Children's Frm Home, Juve- Loanon ort.w.Md cou , mB nile Court , 5.00 Value of bonds owned (mar- Sheriff of Umatilla county 0? Ks'nedYmar: 8'209'S01-M Juvenile Court ; 2.50 cXLi": "ffiW Glenn A Farrens, Bangs Dis- Premiums in course of coiiec- . , a nn tlon written since Septem- ease Control 4.00 ber 30, 1944... . 1,930,479.41 Wightman Bros. Bangs' Dis- Iniecrcrsutedan1. TV."!..1 B9106.M ease Control 8.00 oth sset "et) 947.8M.M Pac. Power & Light Co Court. Total admitted assets 847,130,230.74 Wnneo '28 27 Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds Iixiube Tota, unpad daimg 4,778,622.18 Gilliam & Bisbee Ct. House 43.20 Estimated loss adjustment - ... , r, . 10 ec pense for unpaid claims 2S7.000.00 L. D. Neill, Count Court 13.65 Total unearned premiums on First Natl Bang of Portland Vmn, 19'698-749 M Withholding' Tax 185.85 KSS..1-. .. 40000.oo Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen. Estimated amount due or ac- a aKlQ crue(1 ,or tax" 62S.432.0I Assistance 95.09 Commissions, brokerage, or Muriel Rice, Office Help 25.85 c.harges .du!..ani: Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age 0 A "abilities a.7oo,282.78 Assistance $405.00: Aid to Total liabilities, except cap- rt..,, om ... . Ital $28,055,066.87 Dep. Childen, $48.00; Aid to capital paid up 9,397,600.00 Blind $11.40 464.40 aurPus over liabilities... 9,677,473.87 WARRANTS DRAWN ON 8ufP.'" M ,.., GENERAL ROAD FUND " , ' '' Chas. WUliama 89.66 " tKKUy 'SS Net foaleU25d!?!I""Il' WSM' Frank Nixon 29.85 fibemen-s ikbukanok oompakt W. Cunningham 164.95 o, Mram Wm, Harrison 5734 5. c. houohton, Beenurr. Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1 945 3 ENROLL NOW Become a member of CIVIL AIR PATROL and take a part in the world's largest training organization-the "Army Air Force" training command. All Aviation Ground Subjects Plus RADIO, FIRST AID, MILITARY DIRECT IVES AND OTHER COUURSES TO FOLLOW. All free for your donation of three hours a week on Monday night. COME NEXT MONDAY NIGHT at 8 o'clock at the county pavilion or cut the clipping below, fill out and mail now. It's still war times and you may be able to help! 18 to 50 years 15 to 1 7 years Men or Women Boys or Girls CIVIL AIR PATROL Heppner, Ore. Att. Lt. W. S. Ready; Dear Sir: Please send full particulars about CAP. 'Name Age Address ' THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... f- MARY: "Jim, didn't you say you wanted to ask the Judge something about grain, the next time you saw him?" JIM:" That's right, 1 did. Mary. Is it true, Judge, that 'distillers recover part of the grain they use in making war -alcohol?" OLD JUDGE: " That's absolutely true, Jim. Wherever the government has permitted distillers to purchase the equipment neces sary to reprocess the used grain, at least 50 ol the feed value (25 by weight) of the whole grain is recovered. It comes back to farms like yours in the form of premium quality livestock feed . . . rich in vitamins Bi and B2." J I M: " Is the same thing true when distillers are permitted to make whiskey, Judge?" OLD JUDGE: " Yes, every bit as true, Jim. fMi mtrtuiml tptmimti ky Cnfmm Afatotfc lnp fiiftirfllJI. tm.