Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 24, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1 9 4 5
Mrs. George Farwell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman,
returned to Her home in Ekalaka,
Mont., Tuesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs Gene Inskeep and
two sons were in lone Thursday.
They were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lindsay of Morgan.
Mr. Inskeep, who was superinten
dent of schools in lone in 1942-'43,
was moving his family to Midvale
Ida. where he will be at the head
of the schools next year.
Louis Yamell of Bickleton, Wash,
visited his brother H. E. Yamell
last Wednesday.
Baccalaulreate services were held
in the school auditorium Sunday
at 11:15. Father Francis McCor
mack with the assistance of Rev.
Ralph DeBoer conducted the ser
vices for the graduating class, Al
ton Yarnell, Dorothy Bergstrom,
Darlene Biddle, Eunice Peterson
and James Doherty. Robert Riet
mann, in the army, and Arthur
Stefani, Jr. in the navy were not
Mr. and Mrs. George Reno of
Sand Point, Ida. are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Buchanan. Mr. Reno
is Mrs. Buchanan's brother.
Rev. Ralph DeBoetf conductied
his farewlell sermon at the Full
Gospel mission Sunday evening.
He and his sister, Miss Gertrude
DeBoer left this week to attend
the alumni meeting of the Bible
school from which they gradu
ated. Mrs. Ray Barnett with her two
sons Paul and Sammy left the first
of the week to attend the gradu
tion exercises of her daughter
Mary at the Canyonville Bible
academy in southern Oregon.
Mrs Roy Pettyjohn flew from Sa
lem for a week-end visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lind
say. The annual skip day for the sen
ior class was this week when they
.visited Wallowa lake, going Tues
day and returning Wednesday. The
class was accompanied by Mrs. Os
car Peterson and Rollo Crawford.
Funeral services for Lola Elea
nor McCabe were held Tuesday
at 2 p. m. at the lone Christian
church with O. Wendell Herbison
of Heppner officiating. Mrs. Mc
CatV was bon March 9, 1886
in lone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Olden, pioneers of Morrow
county. She passed away May 18
at the home of her dauhter, Mrs.
Charles Ingles of Adams. In 1905
she was married to A. A. McCabe
in lone. She was a member of the
Locust chapter of the O. E. S.
and Rhea Creek grange. She is
survived by her widower, three
daughters, Mrs. Jessie Ingles of
Adams, Mrs. Charlotte Lundell
and Mrs. Annabelle Eubanks of
lone; six sons, James, Clifford and
Lonnie of lone,, Robert of Forest
Grove, Earl in service in the navy
in the European area and Ernest
in the navy in the South Pacific;
two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Henderson
of La Grande and Mrs. Winnie
Chrisman of Ajlune Wash.; two
brothers Grant Olden of lone and
Herb Olden of Gresham and seven
... After 47 years of faithfully serv
ing the public Bert Mason has
decided to sell his general store
and take a long-desired vacation.
A. C. Swanson and Mason com
pleted the deal last week. Sale of
the stock in the Mason store be
gan at once and will continue until
the first of July when Swanson
will take over the building. The
cold storage lockers will be moved
and more added and other reno
vations made before the Swanson
stock is moved in to the new
About 35 members of the Petty
john families gathered at the home
of Noah Pettyjohn for a family
dinner Sunday in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn who were
recently married. The newlyweds
left with their trailer house on
Monday for Camp Roberts where
Lee will be stationed.
Mrs. Kenneth Blake, Mrs. Wil
lard Blake and Mrs. D. A. Wilson
entertained at the Kenneth Blake
home Tuesday afternoon in a
farewell party for Mrs Emory Cox
en. Pinochle and visiting filled the
afternoon and a five o'clock sup
per was served to Mrs. Ed Burchell,
Mrs. James Estes, Mrs. A. L. Bar-
rie, Mrs. Grace Nickerson, Mrs.
Adelle Hayes, Mrs. James Healy,
Mrs. Eileen Laughlin, Mrs. C. C.
Dunham, Miss Harriet Hager and
Miss Helen Healy, and the honored
guest, Mrs. Coxen.
Mrs. Coxen departed for Chula
Vista, Calif., on Wednesday morn
ing where she expects to make
her home.
Tom Wells has been taking a
postman's holiday, or something
akin to it, this week. Just to keep
from growing rusty during his 30
day leave he has been doing some
alteration work at the S. H. Shan
non home.
Sure You Have a Job Now!
How About After the War?
Offers Permanent, Big Pay
Positrons to
See Carl Steifel Now
Sunset Motor Co.
3rd" and" Jefferson Streets
The Dalles, Oregon
All Inquiries Confidential
Sea Foods are Healthful
Eat Them Often
We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea
son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often
especially with meat points, what they
are and may get to be shortly.
You are always welcome at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Attention! Morrow County
You may now have your brand inspecting
done at the Otis McCarty Ranch.
"I ' 1
The pioneers thought trees were something
to clear off the land,' burn in the fireplace, use
for cabins, and split into fence rails. You can
still do those things with a tree, but you can;
also make .... paper, plastics, sugar, chemicals,
plywood, textiles, and a list of other new,
products as long asyour arm.
And .... the list is probably about half as
iong now as it will be in ten years. This is the
reason why America has a big job in changing v
her forest operations from timber "mining" to
timber "cropping."
We are glad to be among those who have
applied a land management plan to our woods
which we think will result in an uninterrupted
flow of forest products from this community.