Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 24, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Heppner Gazette Times, May 24, 1945
Mrs. Harvey Bauman, accom
panied by her daughter Carolyn,
left Wednesday by stage for Se
attle where she was summoned by
the death of her oldest brother, El
mer H. Cool. Mr Cool received a
medical discharge from the army
last December and returned to his
home in Seattle where he has been
working since that time. Funeral
services and burial will take place
in Seattle Frida afternoon.
The deceased leaves to mourn his
passing, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Cool of Seattle; five broth -thers,
John Cool, Dayton, Wash.;
Wm. Cool, Joseph, Ore.; Delbert
Cool, Shelby Mont.; Alvin Cool Se
attle James Cool, Colton, Wash.;
. From where
A, ..
linn Culpin sothfs plovinft dene
in record time this year. He was
sitting on his porch, enjoying a
well-deserved glass of beer,
-while Bob Wirts, his neighbor,
still had over an acre to go.
It Lurned Bob up, seeing Dan
relaxed while he worked. So
he'd stop and have a glass of
rider and make out that he was
in no hurry anyway.
"And that was the trouble,"
Dan explained to me. "I kept on
going till I got my second wind;
and saved my rest until the job
Nu. 110 of a Series
Young daughters will look like gay butterflies flitting through
4he house and out into the sunshine when they're wearing
these full-skirted cottons! Pert checks, colorful florals, tie
pa crisp bows in back. Sixes 3 to 6X, and - to J4
four sisters, Mrs. Opal Smith, John
Day, Ore.; Mrs. Mabel Tachell, Se
attle; Miss Maude Cool, Carlton,
Wash., and Mrs. Harvey Bauman.
The Cool famUy lived in lone
previous to their moving to the Pu.
get Sound .city.
Aaron Pickering has returned to
his family in Heppner after serv
ing upwards" of three years with
the Seabees. Because of his ags
(he is a married man with a grown
family) he was among the earlier
ones to be given a discharge under
the new demobilization plan. In
formation has not been passed this
way, but it is a safe guess Mr.
Pickering had the required 85
I sit ...ly Joe Marsh
Dan Culpin Gets His
Scccrsd Wind
was done. lie stopped to rest
and he never got his second
From where I sit, there's a
moral there for all of us. We've
hcen working hard to win this
war. A little rest may look aw
fully tempting. But by keeping
going, by never letting up, wo
can count on getting our second
wind that will overcome weari
ness and see us through to Vic
1945, United States Brewers Foundation
' '
1.98 .0.98"
El SsSi
Worthwhile Exercises
For Graders Advance
Mrs. George Corwin gave the ad
dress of the evening to the eighth
grade graduating class Wednesday
evening, May 23. Mrs. Corwin of
fered her congratulations to the
class end told them that they like
thousands of other students in
small towns throughout the nation
could be proud of their- heritage.
They have ccme to the fore in
difficult times, but have had the
example of the great men of his
tory, .Washington, Lincoln, Jeffer
son and others to spur them on.
Mrs. Chris Brown made the Am
erican Legion award and it was
based on three things: an essay on
Thomas Jefferson, scholarship and
citizenship. The award this year
went to Bobby Bennett, first and
Karl Gabler, second for the boys
and Lois Key was first with Patricia
Pearson second for the girls. Bobby
Bennett also had the honor of hav
ing his name placed on the hon
orary plaque.
Those finishing the eighth grade
were Garry Couture, Joanne Blake,
Patricia Pearson, Karl Gabler, Dor
othy Keeney, Francis Plumondore,
Mary Mollahan, Bobby Bennett,
Roy Carter, Beverley Eberhardt,
Cecil Rill, Bar.bara June Slocum,
Lois Fay Key, Charles Daniels,
Jean Hanna, Patty Kirk, Vernon
Padberg Marie Oldfield, Imogene
Hendrix,, Merlene Miller, Barbara
Ann Sherman and Bobby Jones.
. o-
Troop 3, Girl Scouts, served tea
to their mothers and sponsors at
the parish house Saturday after
noon, My 12. At this time they paid
special tribute to their mothers and
also displayed some of their ac
complishments of the past year.
Serving at the attractively ap
pointed tea table were Marjorie
Bauman and Darlene Weise.
Star Reporter
Friday-Saturday, May 25-26
Margaret Lindsay, Kent Taylor,
John Carradine, Dean Jagger,
Nils Asther, Lasses White. There
is never a dull moment in this Jack
London story of the far Northwest.
"Eadie Was a Lady", advertised for
this date is replaced by a new and
hilarious Blondie film with Dag
wood, Baby Dumpling and Daisy.
Sunday-Monday, May 27-28
Keys of the Kingdom
Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell,
Vincent Price, Rosa Stradner,
Roddy McDowell, Edmund Gwenn
Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Peggy Ann
Garner, James Gleason. The pages
of a wondrous book pour their ma
gic into a stirring motion picture.
A. J. Cronin's novel has become one
of the most popular in publishing
Tuesday, May 29
Oh, What a Night
Edmund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau,
Jean Parker, Alan Dinehart
They're slightly dishonorable but
strictly hilarious ... a mystery
Also, a Hugh Herbert Comedy,
Screen Snapshots of the Stars, and
Community Sing.
Wednesday-Thursday, May 30-31
Till We Meet Again
Ray Milland, Barbara Britton, Wal
ter Slezak, Lucile Watson. An
amazing adventure that helped
make the headlines of victory come
, a ijRfc br, n si
llpf BWi
I. Willi
Lt. Ted McMurdo recently tele
phoned his- parents, Dr. and Mrs.
A. D. McMurdo from Lynchburg
that he is enjoying a 15-day visit
with his wife and little daughter.
Ted has been in Bermuda for sev
eial months and in the interim the
baby has grown from a three weeks
eld infant to a young lady of 10
While it is true that all tires are made with the same
type of synthetic rubber, there is still a big difference
In their performance. It takes more than good rubber
to make a good tire it takes Firestone's "know-how,"
which has developed the Extra Values in Firestone
DeLuxe Champion Tires that assure Extra Mileage,
Extra Safety and Extra Strength all at no extra cost.
If You Are Eligible . . Come In and
We'll Help You Make Out An Application
for a Tire Rationing Certificate
6.00x16 and 6.50x16 six
ply tires are now available
for passenger cars.
Rosevvall Motor
Another of the McMurdo broth
ers, Lt. Bernard reports his recent
arrival in the Mariannas where he
expects to care for unruly navy
teeth for some time to come.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Applegate are
the parents of a baby boy born
at 5:45 a. m. Wedr.asday, May 23.
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