Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 17, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, May 17, 1945
, May 12 at the home of Don Strait
don Lilly,, George Long, Frances
Skoubo and Doris Wilson. Com- dub leader, with the vice presi-
A mmmnnitu nirnin xrill ho VipIH a ? i . . .
Baccalaureate services were held at and ev- Z eTerSg
a report on some of the common
ied by Supt. Ronald Black, Craw
ford Oveson and George Long.
in the Community church Sunday
evening May 13 with a large crowd
in attendance. The program was as
follows: Processional, Maxine Ely;
Invocation by Rev. H. V. McGee,
ery one is invited to come.
Peggy Moylen spent several days
in Portland visiting friends.
Jack Rinehart of Union is Spend
inc tVio cummrfir with hie fnhor
Song "One Fleeting Hour" by the Lloyd Rinehart of Boardman
4-II CLUB MEETS ailments of a beef calf. Much discus-
Morrow County Beef club met sion followed.
Under new business Betty and Jo
Anne Graves invited, the club out
to their home on June 2 for the
next meeting. As there was no oth
er business the meeting adjourned.
Louis Carlson, reporter."
Boardman high all girl chorus un
der the direction of Mrs. J. Part
low and Mrs. Ronald Black accom-
Coffee shop. Jack attended the Un
ion high school this past year.
Much excitement was created
panying. Sermon by Rev. McGee of Sunday when Bob McLouth-s w
song, I Love a Little Cottage by . ' , j
, , , was in the buggy and no one was
, the chorus, hymn by the congre- . . j u.
. f -. j i hurt. Mr. Graham stopped the ex-
gation There s a Garden, bene- horses
diction by Rev MeGe and recssion- 0l ' ' , , ,
i u , ri m, , .. Fay Stout returned home from
al by Maxine Ely. The graduating . . , .. , m. j
: V.J the Hermiston hospital Tuesday.
in couples followed by Rev. McGee
and G. B. Linn, principal.
Mrs. Wallace Mathews and Mrs.
"The Man Who Came to Dinntr",
a three act comedy thriller was
presented by the high school in the
auditorium Tuesday night. The cast
H. O. Ely of lone R. L. Ecleberry included Edward McClellan, Aud
and Mrs. Dean Ecleberry of Her- ree Wilson, Louise Hamilton, Eldon
miston attended the stock shower Lilly, Melvln Carlson, Doris Wi!-
for Mrs. Elvin Ely at the home of son, Maxine Ely, Wayne Conyers,
Mrs. Chas. Anderegg. Many bauti- Hilma Lee Tyler, Grady Beaver,
ful gifts were given. About thirty Frances Skoubo, George Long, Har-
women from the project attended. 0id Bakerj Mildred Miller, Roxella
Ice cream ' and cake were the re- Meinen, Hoyt Brown, Norman Nel-
freshments. son chloe Barlow, Gerald Seebcr,
Mrs. Dan Ransier is a patient in Marvin Carpenter and Clarence
the Pendleton hospital suffering Anderson. The play was under the
with a carbuncle. direction of Mr. Ljnn. A large
Mr. and Mrs. James Garvison and crowd attended,
snno nt Portland crwnt tho MntH. Tliis year's graduating class is
ers Day week-end with his mother
Mrs. Charles Anderegg and family.
Billy McDonald, a resident of
Boardman for several years passed
iway in the Hermiston hospital
Monday following a slight stroke
and heart trouble. He is survived
by his wife Ella and a son C. W.
McDonald of San Djego Calif. Fu
neral services were held in Her
miston and burial was at Umatilla
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. E. McFarland left by bus
Friday for Portland to attend a
state grange reclamation and irri
gation committee meeting there on
Saturday and Sunday, returning by
bus Monday.'
Mrs. Mabel Buschke and daught
er La Vonna Marie have been vis
iting friends on the project the past
Mrs. Paul De Mauro attended to
business in The Dalles Saturday.
The state track meet in Corval
lis was participated in by Eldon
Lilly who placed third in broad
jump with 20 feet one and three-
Millions of men know the
real foot satisfaction that's
built into Weyenberg Shoes.
They're more and more pop
ular the country over, for
their fine workmanship and
superb fitting qualities. Buy
ing good shoes is more im
portant than ever before.
composed of Louise Hamilton, El-
Attention! Morrow County
You may now have your brand inspecting
done at the Otis McCarty Ranch.
- fp
7.95 V g&.
Some Style X, fW
Higher I
v 4
Hhst -10110101
mm T 1 1 h & t 1 a m 1
He's saving money for my college by buying
War Bonds, and hanging onto them too! But
he says that he knows what to do in case we
need money in a hurry sometime when the
family budget gefs out of balance or an
emergency comes up-like the time Granny
was sick. He says we can borrow at the
First National Bank!
My Pop says borrowing from a bank is good
business and that it doesn't cccr as much that
way. He says too that when you borrow from
the First National Bank you establish your
credit so you can use it again if you want to.
LOANS $50 to $1000
a full year to repay
5! 10