Heppner Gazette Times, May 17, 1945 5 lfteraD G $3 5 3,, jgffl 1 jk&t p w SI tell flft wM mm mm i 'A 41' I "2 v it..iv... vt, rYcur Wor Bonds Are Like SPIf CASH y War BoncU are your safest Invert" I ' cnt. Safe in principal . . . safe In M &jf?vr ' :'jm- You get $4 for e - 'nV8S'i ' maturity. as li II" Does that figure sound big, neighbor? Well, those Super forts that are plastering Japan are big and cost plenty. Battleships are big and cost millions. The job our fighting men are doing is big and the cost is staggering. So, of course, our job is big. But we can do it if you and every other patriotic American in this city buy a bigger bond than before ... or invest a bigger portion of income in War Bonds now! Study the chart on the right. See what your country ex pects you to do in the 7th War Loan. Remember, you are part of America a part of America's might I UNO YOUR QUOTA . . . AND MAKE IT I YOUR PERSONAL MATURITY IF YOUR AVERAGE WAR BOND VALUE OF WAGE QUOTAS IS: 7TH WAR LOAN PER MONTH IS: (CASH VALUE) BONDS BOUGHT $250 $187.50 $250 225-250 150.00 200 210-225 131.25 173 230-210 112.50 1j0 130-200 93.75 125 140-180 75.00 100 100-140 37.50 0 Under $100 18.75 25 J Pear oaf P&ar flfgfif w Me j? j,'tn , im mm7'' w&4r' i zwmmww& sr. j www A very $3 "yff THI MI&HTYi SPONSORED: Interior Warehouse Company Heppner Red and White Morrow County Creamery Co. Case Furniture Company Turner, Van Marter and Co.