A Heppner Gazette Times, May 17, 1945 EDITORIAL . , The Individual's Opportunity In the Mighty 7th War Loan the individual pur chaser is to learn more fully than ever before his or her responsibility in the war effort. The pow ers that be have planned it that way and for a good reason. Not enough people have been invest ing sufficient funds in war bonds to safeguard against inflation during the war and protect against depression following the war. To meet these conditions, the treasury depart ment and others charged with the duty of financ ing the war have placed a greater obligation on the individual in the 7th war loan campaign to in fluence more savings now when wages are high, or briefly when money is plentiful, so that when the transition era from war to peace comes there will be less likelihood of a serious depression. There is no doubt but that the people in the investor class could and would take up the 7th loan. That would mean more concentration of wealth in the hands of the few a thing that brings on depression, particularly if there is a gen eral recession of industrial activity for any length of time. Buying power rests in the hands of the masses. People of means buy little more than they need. They may indulge in luxuries as an outlet for using surplus cash but usually do not buy more of the necessities than are needed to pro vide a comfortable living standard. In the present crisis it is doubtful if the so-called wealthy class is spending in proportion to the suddenly affluent mass labor class and when the war is over the wealthier people will be able to buy those things they have denied themselves while the others will either be unable to buy or find themselves over burdened with a lot of wartime products which are rather poor substitutes at the best for which they paid a dear price and feel they cannot af ford to set aside in favor of peacetime goods. With these and other factors in mind, the war finance authorities have from the beginning urg ed the individual to buy war bonds and to make it possible for every man, woman and child to own one or several, the series E bond with a ma turity value of $25 and a purchase value of $18.75 was set up. Purchases of series E bonds have been good throughout, but it is felt that too many of them have been taken up by the investor class and not enough by the individuals. What is needed is more individuals buying more E bonds. Your opportunity to participate generously is provided in the current campaign. Morrow coun ty's total bond quota is $353,000. Of that amount $248,000 is to be subscribed in E bonds. If you have purchased one $100 bond heretofore, make it two or three this time. You can't buy much of anything that will be of real service to you until after the war and this will be a good time to help the boys over there slapping the Japs down and at the same time tuck away a tidy sum to help you over a doubtful period when that task is completed. Remember! The job will not be done until the last Jap is conquered. The war is far from over. Put your money to work where it will do the most good. Buy more bonds to buy more bombs BUDGET BOARD MEETING The county budget board is in session today preparing the ex pense account for the fiscal year 1945-1946. Members are C N. Jones and Alva Jones, Heppner; Leonard Carlson,, Gooseberry; Charles Bar tholomew, Pine City, and A. C. Houghton, Irrigon. VISITING PARENTS Roland E. Bergstrom T2jc arrived by plane Monday at Pendleton and was met by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom. He has com pleted training in diesel engineer, ing at Gulfport, Miss., and will take a plane Monday at Portland for San Francisco enroute to Shoe maker, Calif., for service assignment. f - ' INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTER Vwiqi-iaj miqhty mem 9 f Kept to BytheWorjds Most 1 WP',5kI Rapidly Expending Religious Broadcast Director. World Wm libit ScKmJ TUNE IN EVERY SUNDAY Tone la at 8:M Sunday mora, lnf on KUJ, Walla Walla Free Bible Correspondence Course Plan . . Enrolleet are mailed the first lesson and after fill ing in test paper answers, mail It in for correction. The lesson it then mailed back to enrollee. Diploma on completion. No books to buy. Only teit boot it the Bible. 200.000 ALREADY ENROLLED i Doctors, SoidVt, Sunday School Teachers, Shirt to, Ministers, ItaSnttemtA, Fermtrt, ate Check which course you desire and mail TODAY to the Voice of Prophecy, Box 55. L A CalK World Wide libit Correspondence Ceerte I 36 Lessons I Urge type. - Test peper requires tittle wiMnf. The greatest Bible course ever offered. Q Junior libit Correspondence Ceant (24 Lessons I Highly idustreted. Idtel for Individ! or free ttedy. Invekieble to juniors end youna people IreWe libit Correspondence Ceerte for tie Kind Special libit Courses eke eveueble in other teneutget. .H'rZ" U rernreweie U STREET CITY ZONE STATE ffwnn irn (to mm Feather Your Nest with vv i BONDS - War bonds top all as an investment in - fu ture living When the time comes to build your new home, edu cate your children, purchase that new car, establish your own business .... War Bonds will come in mighty handy. With War Bonds you can't fail on your postwar plans for a better living. PETERSON'S i Flowers fit in on every oc casion. At Commencement they are especially appro priate and effective. Rachel Dick 107 Cannon Street Phone 624 Flowers for Every Occasion PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Norse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner , Oregon Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon , 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner. Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 ' Office Ph. 492 PERPLEXED? We Recommend our Daily Special PLATE LUNCH 35c Bulk Ice Cream Jbcothj ; J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Geeds Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregoet O. M. YEAGER Contractor & Builder AH kinds of carpenter work. Country work especially Phone 1483 Heppner, Ore. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner. Ore. New Auto Policy JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Strcjt Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phene 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppnef Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912 Published evesjr Thursday and en tered at the Pest Office at Hepp aer, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription Price $1.40 a Year O. G. CRAYItfORD Publisher and Sditor Class A Class B Class C Bod. Inj. 6.25 6.00 7.75 Pr. Dam. 5.05 5.25 5.25 TURNER, VAN MARTEB & CO. Pheips Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus, si on, please bring before ae Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co INC ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson . Accounting Service Member National Association of Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon