12 Heppner Gazette Times, May 17, 1945 A Needed Improvement Painy weather always brinsrs to mind the ques tion of how much longer will the parking strips between sidewalk and curb along Main street go unpaved. When one sees a car drive up to the curb and the occupants attempt to negotiate the stretch between curb and walk without getting their feet wet it causes some wonderment regard ing our civic pride. The time may not be far distant when many of our boys will be returning home frnn battl fields. They will have seen death and destruction on every hand. Nothing will be more soothing to their war-weary eyes than the sight of home the old home town. Every improvement will be as balm to their eyes. They will be proud to know that while the home folks were backing them in the service they also were carrying on at home. It will give them more faith in the cause for which they were fighting. Let's put a little more finish on Main street; repair some of the bad spots on the other streets and ?ive our little city a name for being progres sive and modern. As to the curb question, it would not require materials and labor in sufficient amount to place it in postwar improvement plans. It could be done now if property owners can only see their way clear to have it done. It goes with out saving that people coming to town to trade would appreciate this particular improvement. An nrrccedeiited run on displav advertising ha", neccs'-if.tc ' curtailinp some of the news fea ':.res. Cf these, letters from tho people in the service of their country, because of their length, have been held back pending sufficient space. It is the wish of the publishers to print these letters, or parts of them, at an early date and we beg further indulgence of those who have turned the letters in to us. going up to Tokyo. We thought there would be a battle royal but none of it turned out that way. We actually went within 80 miles of the main land but the Japs didn't seem to care very much. It wouldn't have done theri any good even if they out can you imagine any Jap shipa coming very close to the U. S. A. without getting every thing but the kitchen sink thrown at them? I guess it was nearly that way up at Kiska, wasn't it?" REDEKAH MEETING A special program and refresh r?eri will feature the regular meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah Icdg-: Jiidry evening May 18. Sally, the office girl, says since rain is unra tioned isn't it amazing we have such copious quan tities of it? Star Reporter 3r,ES D" J Has Hand Ihe two rural storekeepers bumble III Raids Oil TokyO Friday Saturday May 18-19 through error to success in their WrUi to on A R 14 Coll Of ihe RockieS itl Sts Witt H. Jones F C 3c U of RmiW Rumpllp and Sunset Carson on Itavipw: "Pnlf '..nn'c t participating in the Feb. 16-17 in a jolly good western. PLUS SHE'S A SWEETHEART Jane Harwell, Jane Frnzce, Larry Par,ks, Nina Foch. This light dra ma with music is a treat. Sunday-Monday, May 20-21 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, Rob ert Walker, Phyllis Thaxter, Rob- Gunnison in Technicolor and Bug.j laicis on Tokyo. He writes in part: Bunnv. "A bunch of our latest actions have been released and we can also tell a lot of our personal ex periences. "First of all, of course, we were in on the Tokyo raids of Feb. 16 and 17. The weather up there was Wednesday-Thursday, May 23-24 Our Hearts Vere Young and Gay (Jail Russell, Diana Lynn, Charlie cold an4 a lot of rain' and lhose Rubles, Dorolhv Gi.sh, lioulah tw days and p,rt f the &s Bondi.-The laughable story of were on our stations just m what, himnprifirl t tA m.ion r;,.ic case the Japs got sore at us for ert Mitchum. The love story be- tourine Enrnno whPn nu, bombine their homeland. But thev hind Capt. Ted Lawson's true story sheiks and sweater gir!s wcre flap- didn't seem to mind, because they of the gal ant few who made a date pera.Als6, "Bonnie Lassie," a sent no stukas out after us. Maybe with .destiny over the skies of Technicolor featurette with songs our planes shooting down nearly -V: " .- 'itiiin.iiiaiii..i..i.i.ituaui..aiailiiiiiiil;:rs MUM An Archery Book With Every Set is Japan. Tuesday, May 22 Qo'm' to Town and stories of old Scotland; "Three everything that the Japs sent up U Sisters of the Moors, the story of had somethine to do with it-could 3 the three Bront? sisters, with Sir Cedric Hardwire, Heather Angel A11 those two days we never and Molly Ln-nont left our guns for more than five or 10 minutes at a time, and we ate "on station" usually ham sand wiches, till we were blue in the face. I hope I never have to see an other ham sandwich. About the only action that was at all close to us was some Jap picket boats that our force sank blew 'em all to shreds and then picked up some survivors and brought them aboard. One of the prisoners went to' school in Cal ifornia some place. That's gratitude for you. "It sure seemed funny to us when we first heard that we were THEY'RE SO NICE TO WALK WITH ' J. 0. PUMMUV 00., IH0. SLACK V"17j . , A " S $4.93 ' , p H. - TL'lVnn faille l.im.l-i.iiftr.r. C Y ;.,.! ( ' , ,1 , ivlil'ions of men know the V 'v? ( built mio Weyenoerg Shoes. W C " " .c V w TWO-PIKCE They're mere and more pop- i,V ' A Jm 1 Li -rHTl ular lhe coun'ry over, for fo the.r fine work4Esti and V" ' fy&P yfmW . yj,Vb sup2rb fUtuig qualities. Buy- UW WrllyS Short sleeve, one-H,, wi.", ing good rhoes is more im- Wmf 94T Y pleated front shorts. Wrap- pedant than over before. W A A i Ar ' y around matchinc skirt. V S--. 5 f i Mi. ftfrnh I m v at srszc ,rsv ijktm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii ;i i?rt . i 1 t 77-v s?yyv I v;.n, bh w 28-Page K V I i rvi. ' 7-95 x .VA I'.' i , -f'-Tfl ' s." Xf' ''"-.V-i 1 'VI f I r &J nL "f s'f P I Higher i , 3 ' ' y 1 Wilson's Men's Weor teti of 4 or more SPAFKK PLUGS Eiqht-Piece Ar cliery Set 4.95 1 Includes five-foot lemon- 2 wood bow and four cedar EES arrows. ; A A A Perfectly Balanced B : Championship E: Tennis 3 BaUs i 31.39 1 Approved "by ES tr. s. Lawn p Tennis Asso- FAN BELTS I.lUup . ratelyinilated. !ililiil!!;!!li!lii!!l!lli!l!!lllll!ll!!!ll!N Tfffimn SPEEDY CAR WASH Quickly removes dirt and S grease. Not a soap " POLISH CLOTH H Chemically treated to pick up the dirt MW Ei SPONGE-PAK jj Tor car washing. Llade of Mw fine sheepswool sponge 4 Ss CLEANER Aft'D VAX E Cleans and polishes at the E5 same time! 4fC si OIL-TAN CHAMOIS I! inr;h quality, soft, absorb- 3 ent. 15"x20" .Sf'Sc Es The only plugs with the Polonium alloy ground elec trode which causes the spark to jump more easily, giving quicker, surer starting. RADIATOR HOSE ft. foC?up ill 5 OTH GARDEN 1IWOK Gives complete, scientific information on the plant ing1, care and cultivation of a successful garden. A' CO FKEF! A Big 25c Pack i io of Burpse's Super Giant Zinnia Sseds. o i 0 Now Style Hit! S C MIMA COAT 11.95 Beautiful 100 wool plaid and cavalry twuL ' Y m I 1 ilu. i. .ii i. i. ,. J...yit;..jiv!.v J V'U;"f:VJ Rose wall Motor Company