Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 17, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Heppner Gazette Times, May 17, 1945
Baccalaureate services were held
Sunday night at the Christian
church for the graduates of the
Lexington high school. O. Wendel
Herbison delivered, the address.
The girls chorus sang two numbers
accompanied by Mrs. June O'Con
nor. Mrs. Lucy Pointer of Seattle is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Nettie Davis.
Robert Buchanan S 2c arrived
Monday from San Diego on his boot
leave. He has ten days.
Pvt Kenneth Klinger left Mon
day to report back to his base at
Camp Roberts Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Brown have
moved to Hermiston where they
have bought a place. Mr. and Mrs.
Willie Steagall of Heppner are
moving in the house recently va
cated by the Browns.
Mrs. Lillian Turner of Heppner
has tendered her resignation to. the
school board and Mrs. Delsie Cha
pel of Hardman was offered a con
tract to teach the upper grades.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green have
purchased the former Gene Gray
place in town where they have
been living for several months.
Miss Sdith Edwards returned to
Spokane Sunday night after spend
ing the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs Ro.y Williams and
daughter visited last Sunday with
the C. Ej Yarnell family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt enter
tained at dinner Sunday honoring
Mrs. Etta Hunt, mother of Mr.
Carl Ulrich met with a painful
injury at the local mill last Thurs
day when a plank slipped off the
scaffolding he was building and hit
him on the side pf the head. He
is under the care of a local phy
sician and is getting along satis
factorily. Mrs. Margaret Bennett and son
Billy, from The Dalles, were house
guests of Mrs. Cyrene Barratt this
past week-end.
will be draped in memory of two
members recently lost by death.
Little Ralph Benge, son of Mrs.
Hazel Benge met with an accident
Sunday afternoon when he got his
finger badly cut.
Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Padberg
took a load of cattle to Portland
the- first of the week.
Mrs. Ella Davidson received word
recently of the birth of her eighth
great grand child. Mary Ann weigh
ing 6 pounds 10 ounces was born to
Mrs. Dyral George (Tina Ries) of
Bremerton Wash. April 28.
Mrs. Ruby Kincaid took her son
Ralph to Pendleton Monday to con
sult a physician.
People of the community gath
ered at the school house Sunday
for a pot-luck dinner and program
for victory prayer day. About 100
attended the dinner and more came
for the program which was oon
ducted by Bert Mason, mayor of
lone. Talks were given by Judge
Bert Johnson, Henry Peterson, the
mayor, Rev. H. N. Waddell and
Rev. Joseph Stevens. A special by
the choir" Be Still My Soul",
patriotic airs and prayers complet
ed the program.
Sea Foods are Healthfu
r Eat Them Often
We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea
son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often
especially with meat points what they
are and may get to be shortly.
You are always welcome at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
There is a reason
for everything and
the fact that we
serve the best
meal in town ac
counts for the ever
increasing popu
larity of this place.
If yon are not a patron
now you soon will be
Yours for
Better Eats
There are many more Long Distance calls than be
' fore the war and more are in a hurry. But service
keeps on being good for most people, most of the time.
Some lines, however, are carrying an extra heavy
load and sometimes all lights are lit on a switch
board. Then the operator will ask your help by say
ing "Please limit your call to 5 minutes."
For Victory -Buy United States War Bonds
4 West Willow Street, Heppner Telephone 5
Sure You Have a Job Now!
How About After the War?
Offers Permanent, Big Pay
Positions to
Mechanics end bodymen
See Carl Steifel Now
Sunset Motor Co.
3rd and Jefferson Streets
The Dalles, Oregon
All Inquiries Confidential
Will you hold a
for your country?
i. .in.
HERE IN AMERICA, when a neighbor
needs help, it has always been the custom
for all the folks to pitch in and give him
a hand. Many a harvest would have been
lost without the help of a husking bee.
YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS a fat-salvage
bee right now! Millions of tons of fat have
been used up to supply the thousands of
battlefield and home-front needs in this
war. And there's still a lot of war aheadt
A PLEA TO EVERY WOMAN ! Our country is calling on you, the women in small
cities and towns and on the farms, to save every drop of used fat. Your used fats are
desperately needed to meet our country's requirements.
So scrape all pans and roasters. Skim soups and gravies. Keep your used fats in
a tin can any kind will do. Save meat trimmings and plat scrapings in a bowl;
melt them down and add the liquid fat to your can.
When the salvage can is full, take it to your butcher. He'll give you 2 red points
and up to four cents for every pound. If you have any difficulty turning in your used
fats, call your Home Demonstration or County Agent.
Needed this year: 100,000,000 more pounds of used fats
Approved by WFA and OP A. Paid for by Industry