Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 10, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, May 10, 1945
Assembling Crew
For Timber Road
An engineer from the Bureau of
public roads has been in the county
several days trying to assemble a
crew to finish the logging i rogd
started last year for the Heppner
Lumber company across Jones Pra
irie. Work had to be abandoned
quite early in the season due to
the unusual weather conditions.
The engineer visited the local
high school and presented students
with an outline of the type of work
to be done, calling for volunteers.
Two boys accepted jobs for the
summer, Jack Parrish and Ted .
LOST Sheaffer fountain pen with
name Mrs. C. N. Jones engraved
on name plate. 7i
Star Reporter
Friday-Saturday, May 11-12
Lake Placid Serenade
Vera Hruba Ralston, Eugene Pal
lette, Vera Vague, Robert Living
ston, Stephanie Bachelor, Walter
Catlett, Ray Noble and Orchestra,
Harry Owens and Royal Hawaii,
ans. Ice specialties include Mc
Gowan and Mack, Twinkle Watts,
The Merry Meisters with guest star
Roy Rogers. Eye-filling ice spectac
les .. . tuneful numbers . . . comedy
. . . romance. PLUS
Outdoor action drama with John
mack Brown, Raymond Hutton,
Jennifer Holt.
Sunday-Monday, May 13-14
Roughly Speaking
Rosalind Russell, Jack Carson, Don
ald Woods, Alan Hale, Craig Ste
vens, John Qualen, Kathleen
Lockhart, Cora Sue Collins, Andy
Clyde and many others. The life
of one woman lived in these United
States from 1902 until after Pearl
Harbor . . it was packed with ex
citement and lived during the half
century of American history that
furnishes its own claim to the per
sonal interest of everybody now
Tuesday, May 15
Bowery Champs
Those deviltry-rousing East Side
Kids add mirth to murder. Also
four beautiful short subjects: "A
Night in Mexico City," a musical
visit to the bright spots of Mexico;
"Colorado Trout" and "Goldilocks
and the Jive Bears" are in Techni
color, and an inspirational film, "I
Am an American."
Wednesday-Thursday, May 18-17
Tall in the Saddle
John Wayne, Ella Raines, Ward
Bond, Gabby IIf?ycs. A big league
western loaded with rip-roaring,
hard-riding straight-shooting action
Local Group Stays
In W. G. Auxiliary
A regular meeting of the Morrow
County Woolgrowers' auxiliary was
held Friday, May 4. A no-hostess
luncheon preceded the business
meeting, and was followed by a
fashion show presented by Mrs.
Haze! Carlson, home economics in
structor at Heppner high school,
i'rocks and pajamas made by them
selves were mcdeled by 14 high
school firls. vith poem- describing
each rerd ty Ccleen R tiller and a
soft piano accompaniment by Joan
At the business meeting, which
was presided over by President
Gen Mclntyre, it was decided to
retain full membership in the Wool
growers auxiliary and to devote as
much time as possible to civic work.
With an effort to interest new
members, a tea will be given the
second Friday in June at the Or
ville Smith home, to which any one
interested in learning the work and
aims of the Woolgrowers Auxiliary
is most cordially invited to attend.
I wish to announce that I have
reopened rny dental office in the
First National Bank building and
will be pleased to greet former
patrons and make acquaintance of
new ones. The office will be open
from 9 to 12 a. m. and from 1:30 to
5 p m., except Wednesdays, when
it will be closed.
Dr. R. C. Lawrence
on 6:00 x l6
6:50 x 16
6-ply passenger car (ires
otor Company
tarts May Hi
7th War Loan
! Lets Fomiish the Japs