6 Heppner Gazette Times, May 10, 1945 BOARDMAN NEWS By FRANCES SKOUBO A co-op creamery educational meeting open to members was held in the grange hall Monday evening. A show was held in connection. The ladies brought cakes which were judged before lunch was served. Edythe Hendricks won first prize on a chocolate angel cake. Ice cream was furnished by the creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts and Mrs. Potts' mother Mrs. Nichols, took the Potts' infant daughter to The Dalles for medical aid Monday. A stork shower was given Mrs. Zoe Billings at the home of Mrs. Claude Coats Thursday evening. Mrs. Roseland, Mrs. Mallery, Mrs. Partlow, Mrs. Ball Mrs. West, Mrs. Macomber and Mrs. Root were hos tesses. Many lovely gifts were pre sented. Angel cake, ice cream and coffee were served to the large crowd in attendance. The seniors drove to Pendleton Wednesday to have their pictures taken. Mrs. Bill Lilly and Richard accompanied them. Andy Jones S lc of the U. S. navy returned home Sunday to spend a 24 day leave with his mo ther Mrs. Blanche Jones. Miss Karen McClaskey of The Dalles, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson is spending sev eral days here. Doris Wilson accom panied her from The Dalles Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow were badly shaken up Friday night when they struck one of the Side's horses en route to their home from town. The horse had to be killed and the car was slightly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black, Mrs. Wm Lilly, George Long, Eldon Lilly, Edward McClellen, Melvin Carlson and Grady Beaver motored to La Grande Friday to attend the track meet. Melvin broke his record by throwing the javelin 135 feet. Eldon won first place in the broad jump by jumping 20 feet 11 inches; first in the 100 yard dash and first' in tiie 220 dash. This qualifies Ed don to attend the state track meet in Corvallis on the 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Oveson and family of Wallowa are spend ing several days with Mr. Oveson's bvother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black this week. Word has been received that Ver nie Russell has been promoted to sergeant. H is an aerial gunner on a B-17 stationed in Italy. Vernie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Rus sell. He entered the air corp in 1943 and received aerial gunnery train ing at Laredo Field, Texas. George Long, a senior in Board man high, went to Portland Mon day on business. Baccalaureate ' services will be held Sunday evening May 13 in the Community church. Rev. McGee of the Baptist church ,of Hermiston will deliver the sermon. Services will start at 8 p m. A stork shower was given for Mrs. Elvin Ely at the home of Mrs. Chas Andcregg Friday. Daniel Ransier S lc who is sta tioned at Klamath Falls spent a three day pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier Sr. Dan Jr. came Thursday night. WEST POINT, ANNAPOLIS SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE All boys who are interested and qualified should write immediately to Congressman Lowell Stockman for information relative to vacan cies in the U. S. Military Academy at West Point and the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Mr. Stockman advises the Gazette Times that he has three vacancies to fill at West Point and two at Annapolis, for classes beginning Julyl, 1046. The civil service com mission expects to hold a competi tive examination July 28, 1945 to aid in the selection of nominees for the academies. Applicants must be residents of the second congression al district of Oregon and in perfect phsical condition. Candidates for the militarv academy must have reached their 17th birthdays but not their 22nd birthdays on the date of entrance in to the academy. Can- Sybol Grace Pettys of Ord nance spent the week-end with her family. Mr. and Mrs. John Partlow and Susan and Albert motored to Port land last week on business and re turned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham and Boardman have been visiting in Mrs. Bladen, former residents of Boardman the past week. Mrs. Ethyle Pedigo and Mrs. Ed na Hardwick of Portland, mother and sister of Mrs. Henry Phelps have been visiting the Phelps fam ily for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Simcox of Portland have been visiting friends and sur veying their ranch, the Rands spill way place south of the Rolo Moore farm, for the past few days. didates for the naval school must must be a graduate nurse, or a years of college training including not be less than 17 years of age nor graduate of a school of physical ed- courses in biology and other basic . 1 01 vr. rf orTo rTl Anril i i nnv-t1 a A i-rr cr-ionrc more uiciii cl 1. w ucauoxi, 01 iwvc luiuivu 'jwtwi-vu 1 of the calendar year (1946) in - which tliey enter uie uvai Write Mr. Stockman, House Of fice building, Washington D. C. - SHORTAGE OF THERAPISTS IN PARALYSIS PROGRAM A critical shortage of qualified physical therapists which endan gers the prcfer care of infantile paralysis victims has caused the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to appropriate $1,267,600 for the training of these vitally needed, 'specialists, according to Harry Duvall, chairman of Morrow county chapter of the national foundation. Scholarships covering tuition fee, maintenance and incidental expen ses based upon the needs of the in dividual will be awarded to quali fied persons to approved schools of physical therapy. To qualify for a scholarship one .j.. Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Them Often We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant lUitMHiiHiilKlmiimiiimifirnmniii imimm iiiinjimni m.n.. Kt-.u,H,..nnn miiHtutiiiHitiiiimMinimiMHiiimilllttiliiillliimmillRmtmiimitiniltHmilllllMltllNtMnHinnflt ;uiitiiiiuiHiuiuiiiiwiiiMtiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiHiiMiii ..iiiiiitiiniirtiiHiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMuiHiiiiiH miiiiiiitmiimmmmiMmMmtmmituimimMniiiimimmimmimii':muti; Dress up styles for Mother's wear, Show her that you really care; Pick a print that's light and gay For a Happy Mother's Day! For 'Mother! THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon will be Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE i i X i 3 3 I II II II 1 uhSm. '-29 ii I mM- it mim JJ JJ&- J- f rofi Strategic Moments for Morale! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Take the edge off a trying day with a few precious moments of relax ation! Slip into a pair of slippers,! Chenille uppers with a gay floss pom pom. Soft cushion sole. Non-rationed! ' Sure You Have a Job Now! BUT How About After the War? SUNSET Offers Permanent, Big Pay Positions to MECHANICS and EODYMEN JANITOR and CARVYASHER OFFICE PERSONNEL See Carl Steifel Now Sunset Motor Co. 3rd and Jefferson Streets The Dalles, Oregon All Inquiries Confidential in Dresses ii The mouth-watering colors of sun-ripened fruits in cool, graceful jfetyles! Frosty white embroidery around necklines, down the fly fronts, on pekets. You'll want several of these for warm summer days I. Towels for Hospitality-plus BOXED GUEST TOWELS 78c & 98c There's new warmth in a welcome if you have these fine cotton - twill, hem stitched guest towels! Smart "Mr. and Mrs." towels will add a light touch! A Light-IIearted Fragrance! TOILET GOODS 50c to 1.00 The refreshingly subtle fragrance of Spring Flowers Dusting Powder and Soap, blended for perfect harmony! Superb hot-weather refresheners! Gift box combination of Gold Tassel Powder and cologne, care fully matched in a light fragrance you'll love. They're gifts that will be appreciated! IIMIIIinltUUIHHdlHIUUIII