8 Heppner Gazette Times, May 3, 1945 DENTAL OFFICES REOPENED 5 p m., except Wednesdays, when I wish to announce that I have it will be closed, reopened my dental office in the Dr. R. C. Lawrence First National Bank building and - Centralis will be pleased to greet former mrs- u" . . . " , f pSronT and make acquaintance ofWa,h.( ta visitmg at the home of new ones. The office will be open Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes. The from 9 to 12 a. m. and from 1:30 to women are sisters. Star Reporter Virgil L. Warren Buried Here Monday Virgil L. Warren, a resident of the county since 1914, passed away Friday, April 27, at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Funeral ser vices were held at 2 o'clock p. m. Monday from the Church of Christ in Heppner, the pastor, 0. Wendell Herbison officiating, with Phelps Funeral Home in charge. NOTICE- All of the Pathe News of May 6-7 is devoted to the death ol Virgil LaWSOn Warren was born President Roosevelt. The Paramount Newsreel ot May 9-10 shows Presi- Mfly 25 ls?7 near MilaI1) Miss He dent Truman in his first address to Congress. married Emma Boswell in 1896. Tuesday, May 8 Two children were oorn io mis un ' - . u la ion, Golda Nelson who died in 5he OetS tier IVian 1931 clarence Warren of lone. Joan Davis, Leon Errol, William The family came to Morrow county Gargan. The queen of the screw- in 1914 and resided in the Goose belles is tops as a cop, laying down berry section for a number of the law and picking up the pieces. Mr Mrs -wj-ren took up There's more fun than a hay-ride in J taW residnce HePPner about tw0 13 a iivjtoiu - arm wo a&v. Surviving, are the wife, Emma, son Clarence, and four grandchil dren, one of whom is serving with the U. S. army in England. ing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file same with said Court on or before the time fixed for the hearing. First published this 26th day of April 1945. OLA L. JONES, 5-9 Administratrix A WORD OF THANKS Through the medium . of this newspaper, I wish to thank all you people who have been my custom ers these many years. I'll be in the barber shop at Pilot Rock. If you go through there, would be glad to have you stop and say hello. LEE A. (Sprink) SPRINKEL Friday-Saturday, May 4-5 National Barn Dance The Nationally Famous Barn Dance Troupe, Robert Benchley, Lulua belle and Scotty, Jean Heather this jamboree of rustic, rhythm and cerned witn its making. home-spun hilarity-PLUS Wednesday.Thursday, May 9-10 DESTINY None But tne Gloria Jean, Alan Curtis, Frank Craven, Grace McDonald, Minna Lonely Heart Gombell-An unusual and out- Cary Grant, Ethel Barrymore, Bar- standing melodrama, with a touch NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Not.icp is herphv triven that the ry Fitzgerald, June Duprez Jane undprsiEmpfq administratrix of the Wyatt. Based on Richard L ewel- lyn's moving novel of a shutless s and self-centered young Cockney. has flled with the County Court of Miss Barrymore received the Aca- the State of Oregon for Morrow demy award as the best actress of County her final account of her the year in a supporting part for administration of said estate and her portrayal in this film. Cary sajd Court fixed Mrmrlav. trio 28th Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, Frank Grant was one of the nominees for day of May 1945 at hour of m AniU. Louise ctSLl Tn'd tSr " A laugh-meter buster in romantic gerald another Academy Award e Cou House at Heppner, Ore comedy, winner, is in the cast. gon, as the time and place for hear- of fantasy. Sunday-Monday, May G-7 Casanova Brown Second Annual Concert Heppner Women's Choral Club MONDAY, MAY 7 Gymnasium Auditorium ADMISSION: Adults 50c Students 35c Tax Included iiiiHiM'tmiiiitiHMHiiMimimti SPECIAL CAKE for Order Early Heppner Bakery Keep Diesel fuel CLEAN! IT'S SPRIN6! and time to smile! Time to get your home in tune with the sea son... .time to check that roof that leaks.... dress up the outside with asbestos or brick siding. t Also It's time to get ready for HOT SUMMER $r& th heppner Hotel Heppner ft- r "vfti -A. .-J i I 1X31 nnrrn I7r7 H iVX-'J iitJXV'i f l ID) 5 I I SI llll 51 1 fr I Ps,& V neildgc of hopo tht trillion Insulate with genuine rock wool "blown in." It cuts summer temperatures up to 15 degrees. For free estimate write or call MR. MYTINGER Temple Hotel Pendleton i By the World's Most Every drop of fuel your Diesel burns must go through injector-nozzle holes no larger than a human hair. Even tiny dust specks may jam those holes! To help make present in jectors last, keep your Standard Diesel Fuel dean. Store supply tanks under cover. Make sure all bungs, fill caps, etc., are tight. Use filters when filling tractor or equipment tanks. You'll find 100 clean Standard Diesel Fuel uni formly dependable. L E. DICK INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTER finqinq a miqhty eiidgc of m Rapidly Expanding Religious Broadcast V , I V - 1 C; til fl mwii mibwrff T U N E I H EVERY SUNUAY Tune in at 8:30 Sunday morn ing on KUJ, Walla Walla Free Bible Correspondence Course Plan . . Enrollees are mailed the first lesson and after fill ing in test paper answers, mail it in for correction. The lesson is then mailed back to enrollee. Diploma on completion. No boots to buy. Only text book is th Bible. 200,000 ALREADY ENROLLED: Doctors, Soldiers, Sunday School Teachers, Shut Ins, Ministers, Businessmen, Farmers, etc. Director, World. Wide Bible School Author ol fh World. Widf nd Jvli'Or Bbl . Correspond Courlel Check which course you desire and mail TODAY to the Voice of Prophecy, Box 55, L. A., Cali' World Wide Bible Correspondence Course I 36 Lessons I Large type. Test paper requires little writing. Tht greatest Bible course ever offered. junior Bible Correspondence Course 124 Lessons 1 Highly illustrated. Ideal (or individual or group study. Invaluable to juniors and young people ! Braille Bible Correspondence Course for the Blind Special Bible Counts also available in other languages. Q Spanish Q Portuguese Q German YOUR NAME STREET CITY ZONE STATE ill II III I1H III! Ill BTa!i urn m)ro i