V 6 Heppnerjazette Times, May 3, 1945 BOARDMmN news By rSANCES EKO?30 Students participating in a speech festival at Lexington Friday were all raied above average? by the judg es Those participating were: co ward McClellan Audree Wilson, Shirley Peck, Melvin Carlson, Ro zelle Meinen, Reba Falconer, Mil dred Miller, Margaret Earwood and Faye Anderson. Principal Linn ac companied the students Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and Barbara drove Mrs Stout to Hermiston Thursday for medical treatments. Mrs. A. E. McFarland, Mrs I. Skoubo, Elizabeth Trarbough and Frances Skoubo motored to Walla Walla Friday on business. Word was received by friends of Pfc Alfred Turner and his marriage some time ago to a girl in Meridian Miss. , ,r W t. Fonda, father of Mrs. George Linn left Tuesday to return to his home in Saint Ed Neb. after visiting the Linns for the past few months. Audree Wilson has .been in The Dalles receiving medical treatment for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen of Port land spent several days last week visiting their daughter Mrs. Wil lard Baker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen and family. Sunday afternoon. Mildred Miller was taken to the doctor Sunday afternoon when mangled several fingers with electric saw at her ho.ne. She plans to return to school soon. . - . nit t TTtirrVioc TWrc T . Y) t, .. ,,.J- t flnnH.hvp Fridav DreVlOUS to meir son, nus. ujj: ""6""' """" Jr., a son; weight about seven ner. aUend a conference of the pounds. He has been named Ray- Mr. and Mrs Fred Wehmeyer eastem 0regon mond Keith, being the third in line were around bidding their friends Mr. and Mrs, v. wenqeu . m,m,m-ummm """ .he an I CCD i. 2. 3. 5. 6. Include,: Draining and flushing worn, thin oil from crankcaao. Be filling -with new, full bodied motor oil (Limit 5 qts., 25c oil). Filling transmission and differential with correct weight lubricants (Limit 0 pounds). Giving your ear a complete chassis lubrication. Checking the front wheel bearings. Testing the battery with, a hydrometer. We Arm Headquarters for 77r Battery, Spark Plug, Lubrication and Brake Lining Service. ROSE WALL MOTOR CO. Johnston Chocolates Perfume and Cologne Candles Brown & Haley Chocolates , Soap and Baby Powder Sachet Hangers Society Candies Hallmark Cards Billfolds GORDON'S DRUG STORE John Saager, Owner f.i,,.l,.,.-...n.m..,.ii mumniiufl "'. niiin..i.miiimcmii ' "" ' " til mj i a js QH A. WHIT announces his appointment as WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR f or tandard of California Products IN IONE AND VICINITY Citizens and business men of lone and vicinity, you have a new member of your business community at least one serv ing you in a new way. As an independent business man, I am proud to be associated with the greatest name in petroleum the Company noted throughout the West for top-quality pro ducts and integrtiy of service. With the Standard of California Bulk riant under my operation in lone, I have ample storage, trucks, and trained per sonnel to supply Standard retail outlets to take excellent customers in my in this district also care of all wholesale territory. Chief among the top-quality products in my complete line are: Standard Gaso line Unsurpassed...famed RPM Motor Oil ...RPM DELO (Diesel engine lubricating oil), used by our Country's submarines... Standard Diesel FueL.Pearl Oil...regular and special purpose industrial and auto motive lubricating oils and greases of the finest quality...matiy valuable specialty products for home and farm. For all your petroleum needs, call GORDON A. WHITE MAIN AND SPRING STREETS - PHONE IONE 2511 STANDARD TAKES BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR Quality-Sewice,