4 Heppner Gazette Times, May 3, 1945 EDITORIAL . Road Improvements Needed It is a matter of gratification to the county court that the road improvement program submit ted to the state highway commission on the oc casion of that body's visit here in 1943 has been included in a $12,202,000 postwar improvement development. When asked what was considered a "must" list, the court placed the Heppner-Spray route as first and included the Heppner-Condon and Lexington-Echo routes as deserving of early attention. Ofcourse, a word about state assistance on the Willow creek road was slipped in and this has been ignored, for the time being, at least. There is no information relative to the. Shani-ko-Heppner secondary highway. It is presumed that it is being projected as a more direct route from points east, such as Hermiston, Pendleton, Heppner, to tfie central Oregon territory. The Wasco-Heppner route evidently is designed as a short cut for people of Heppner and Condon dis tricts to The Dalles and Portland. Largest single appropriation for new construc tion is awarded to the Prineville-Madras secondary highway which will join the Ochoco route with Highway 97 at Madras as well as the new Madras-Mt- Hood unit which shortens the route from cen tral Oregon by about 29 miles. This has no parti cular bearing upon the local situation other than in the future it will be possible to cut across in stead of going miles out of our way to get to points not far removed. It will open up our grand old state to travel more extensively than in pre war days and visitors will find that wherever they go they will find something of interest, for such is the state of Oregon. daily paper, read it in full and take it for just what it is meant. There is a scarcity of paper all kinds of paper and consider yourself lucky that so far there has been enough to go around. This has been accomplished through various conserva tion measures but with pulp supplies daily grow ing shorter it is doubtful if heroic measures will meet the demand. Keep the paper shortage in mind when you visit the grocery store. Your grocer haies to admit that he cannot deliver the pre-war type of service, yet he is confronted 'with the necessity of soon asking you to take your packges unwrapped or un sacked, that is, unless you cooperate with him now. You can do just that without the slightest in convenience by not asking that purchases already covered be wrapped. More and more foods are coming already packaged and further wrapping would be folly. Leave the warpping paper and sacks for the handling of perishable foods and such items as cannot be conveniently handled oth erwise. Do this and you will be making a direct contribution to the war effort. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends who assisted during th illness and death of husband and father, Virgil Law son Warren, and to express our appreciation for the many beauti ful floral offerings. Emma Warren Clarence Warren and family Dorothy Nelson Mussolini and Hitler spoke in their heydey and the earth trembled, but there was never a shiver when both of them passed out of the pic ture. They created mighty power which they used own people at the mercy of an enemy they sought to destroy weaker nations and in the end left their to crush. They were enemies to civilization and the most flagrant examples of the folly of a people or a nation relying upon the leadership of one man or one particular set of men. Go Easy on Wrapping Paper When you see one of those little filler para graphs down at the bottom of the column in your Attention! Morrow County Stockmen... 0 You may now have your brand inspecting done at the Otis McCarty Ranch. HERMISTON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. Remember Mother! She deserves a medal, tool Even in war time, when millions of husbands, sons and daughters are scattered throughout the world, mothers are universally honored for their heroism, courage and devotion. Give jewelry that wins and holds appre ciation for a lifetime. PETERSONS' NATIVE OF THE DALLES Prof. Daniel W. Poling, making his first visit to Heppner Wednes day evening, stated that he was born in The Dalles. His father, Rev. D. V. Poling, was a Congregational minister. The younger Poling's first teaching job was at Maupin "gem of The Deschutes" as he put it. He holds a professorship in po litical science at Oregon State. 5T Flowers , the gift that most completely expresses your love..... Rachel Dick 107 Cannon Street Phone 621 Flowers for Every Occasion It looks as if the Allies will have to take over Germany. There are not enough of the Nazi lead ers or any other political elements left to hand the country over. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. V. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner. Ore. DR. L. DTIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 PERPLEXED? We Recommend our Doily Special PLATE LUNCH 35c Bulk Ice Cream cSaottj J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jowelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon O. M.YEAGER Contractor Zr Builder All kinds of carpenter work. Country work especially Phone 1483 Ilcppser, Ore. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner. Ore. New Auto Policy JOS. 3. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow LHiect Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance Class A Class B Class C Bod. Inj. 6.25 6.00 7.75 Pr. Dam. 5.05 5.25 525 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published evcy Thursday and en tered at tho Post Offioe at Hepp nar, Oregon, as second class matte. Subscription Price $.A0 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor TURNER, VAN MARTER f: CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before hf Counci1 J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service Member National Association of Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon