2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 3, 1 945 IONE NEWS NOTES By MBS. OMAR K IE T MANN Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr and two daughters of Portland spent the week-end with Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Alice Wiles. Bert Mason has received word that Pfc Robert W. Warfield has arrived in the United States on furlough from Italy where he serv ed 32 months with the army air forces. Mrs. Ida Grabill enjoyed a visit last week with, her sisters, Mrs. John Cochran and Mrs. Delia Arm itage of 'Yakima and Mrs. Cason dt Lone Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger of Portland were over night guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry Clark on Wed nesday of last week. Mr. Ganger is Mrs. Clark's brother. The guests went on to Pendleton Thursday to visit George Ganger, Lowell's fa ther. Mrs. Lana Padberg has been in Pendleton the last week with her daughter, Mrs. Terrell Benge who is a patient at the St. Anthony hospital. The Topic club April social meet ing was held at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer last Saturday. Four tables of bridge were played. The prizes went to Mrs. Wallace Math ews and Mrs. Maude Holt, guests, and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell members. The Maranatha club served a waffle and pancake supper at the Congregational church Saturday night. A sum of $41.10 was realized from the supper and over $24 from the sale of fancy work. Dale Ray returned Tuesday from The Dalles hospital. His son Claude Breshears brought him home. Martin Bauernfeind of Morgan was operated on for appendicitis on Wednesday of last week at The Dalles hospital. He is reported as getting along very satisfactorily. lone was well represented in the speech festival at Lexington Friday. Ronald Baker received special mention for his reading. Mrs. Robert Botts has bought the house formerly occupied by Uncle Billy Thomas. She will have it re modeled before moving in with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring left for Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Padberg, Mrs. Ruby Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson and Mrs. Les Roundy attended graveside services Friday at Lexington for the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Terrel Benge of Heppner. . Mrs. Ida Coleman and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer drove to Pendleton Mon day for medical consultation. Mrs. Ralph Aldrieh look Mrs. Coleman's place in the school lunch room. Robert Drake, Billy Joe Riet mann, Donald Ball and David Bar nctt spent a strenuous week-end camping and fishing at the artesian well above Heppner. Glen Ball and family and August Peterson of Yakima were out of town relatives attending the fune ral of Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter Tues day. Mr. and Mrs Wm McClintock of The Dalles, parents of Mrs. Del zell were week-end guests of the Delzells. They atended the funeral of Virgil Warren in Heppner Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Qenton who are on the C. E. Fisk ranch were called to Dufur last week-end in regard to the fire that destroyed their household furniture which was stored at the home of their parents. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. F. G. Finn in Pen dleton Monday. Funeral services were held Wednesday. Mrs. Finn was the mother of Mrs. Hila Timms and Mrs. Opal Todd, former resi dents of lone. Bob Ellington of Portland is spending a few days in lone visit ing friends. LEXINGTON NEWS By MBS. MAB.Y EDWABCS Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetsch are the parents of a daughter born Monday, April 30 at the Mollahan nursing home. Pvt and Mrs. Kenneth Klinger arrived Friday from Camp Roberts. Calif. Elmer Hunt has been promoted to manager of the Leington Oil Co operative, succeeding Loyal Park er who resigned to enter business in Heppner. Edward Hunt has been hired to drive the truck. Mrs. W. C. Van Winkle spent the week-end in Arlington with Mrs. Cora Van Winkle who has been quite ill. THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we. serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon will be Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mclntyre were in Pendleton Wednesday attending the wedding of their niece, Mrs. Ann Mclntyre. The bride is the daughter of Mrs Catherine Mcln tyre, formerly of Heppner but nowv residing in Spokane. FOR SALE Broadloom rug; Char les of London davenport and chair; -end table; 5-piece twin bed set; 3-piece bed set; 2- piece bed set; 2 end table lamps (met al), and one pair drapes. Tele phone 1512, Burrell's store, Lex ington, Ore. 6c I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new or old. Also as parts are becoming avail able I am again repairing house hold appliances. McQleb. 6-10c PORTLAND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mahoney were in Heppner overnight Tuesday from their home in Portland. They were guests at a family dinner at the Lucas place that evening when Mrs. Cecil Espy Jr. entertained for them. Tom is a cousin of the Hepp ner Mahoneys. VISITING PARENTS ' Warrant Officer Billy Bucknum is home for a few days to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bucknum, and other relatives. Bad Gas Milage Poor Performance? A complete Motor Tune-Up will do won ders for yor Car or Truck. Latest Modern Tune-Up Equipment Installed 18 years experience All work guaranteed Station Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Monday through Saturday No charge for checking or estimates NOW AT YOUR Richfield Service in Heppner Phone 1 242 PAUL BUN YAN NOW HAS ADDRESS D 1 AUL BUN YAN .... is the legendary chap who did a World's Champion job harvesting whole forests at a single swoop when the country was pushing westward and needed wood to build itself along. In those days the old fellow figured that the land he cleared would be turned into fields by the farmers who followed his pioneer associates ... the lumberjacks. PAUL is still with us, but now he has a different job. He knows that no more fanr land is needed so that the forest acres harvests can be turned back to raising new trees .... he is now a TREE FARM" with a permanent address where he inten to keep on raising, one crop after another. YES .... Paul Bunyan works in our woods. KINZUA PINE MILLS CO. jfjySPfi ft ' IP? mm I4J