Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 26, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Heppner Gazette Times, April 26, 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Swan
son of Portland are the parents of
a new son bom April 17, weighiag
6 pounds, 5 ounces. This is the
Swansons' second son. Mrs. Mary
Swanson left Friday to visit her
new grandson.
Richard Let TMlc is visiting at
the Ernest Heliker home. He is on
a 37 day leave after which he will
report at San Diego.
Lt Billy Biddle, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Brown of lone and
Miss Freda Shaffer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shaffer of Mik
alo, were married in Portland on
Sunday, April 22. They left for
San Diego where Lt. Biddle will
reoprt May 4. "
Art Stefani Jr. left Friday to re
port for training in the Merchant
Marines at Catalina Calif.
The new addition to the Garland
Swanson elevator was completed
last week. It has a capacity of 110,
000 bushels and with the original
part with 75,000 bushel capacity it
has greatly increased storage space
for this years' crop. Mr. Swanson
reports use of the new addition
was begun the latter part of last
The Maranathas wish to remind
everyone of the waffle and pan
cake supper to be served at the
Congregational church on Saturday
April 28, beginning at 6:30. Fancy(
work and aprons will be sold also.
Mrs. Louis Bergevin, who has
been quite ill, was able to leave
the St. Anthony hospital Sunday
and has moved to a Pendleton ho
tel where she will remain near
her doctor for some time longer.
The Boy Scouts under the direc
tion of their new Scout Master be
gan the collection of waste paper
last week. A meeting of the Scouts
was held on Friday evening at Le
gion hall Those present were Scout
Leader Roy Lindstrom, Assistant
Scout Leader Donald Heliker, and
scouts Joel Barnett, David Barnett,
Stewart Aldrich, Clifford Aldrich,
Gene Baernfeind, Brce Smith, Gay
lord Salter, Donald Munkers, John
Buchanan, Gerald Peterson, Buddy
Mankin and Robert Peterson. Ger
ald, Buddy and Robert are new
members. Two committeemen, Mar
tin Bauernfeind and Omar Riet
mann were also present.
A party for the boys in service
and those leaving for training was
given at the grange hall Thursday
of last week. Richard Let, Charles
Doherty and 'Junior Stefani were
the honor guests.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brittain of
Tygh Valley spent Sunday' with
Mrs. Brittain's mother, Mrs. Alice
Wiles who has not been so well
Mrs. Dale Ray spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mr. Ray at The Dal
les hospital. She found him im
proving and hopes to move him
home the last of the week.
Truman (Bud) Cannon and a
friend, Miss Charlotte Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. Dfelvin McDaniels of
Gresham were week-end guests in
lone, Heppner and Hardman.
The Topic club will hold the Ap
ril social meeting at the home
of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Sat
urday afternoon, April 28 with hos
tesses Mesdames Palmateer, Elmer
Griffith, Noel Dobyns and Milton
Mrs. Delbert Emert and daughter
Mary left Monday for a visit in
Spokane Wash.
Mrs. Laxton McMurray received
word recently of the marriage of
her nephew Pfc David Howe, now
with the armed forces in England
and Miss Eileen Batson of Leicaster
England on March 28 at St. An
drew's church of that city. The
bride who was given in marriage
by her brother Archie Batson, was
beautifully gowned and carried a
bouquet of red carnations and
white heather. She was accompan
ied by three bridesmaids and three
of the groom's buddies served as
ushers. The wedding ceremony was
preceded by organ music and two
songs by the choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Emert en
tertained Monday evening for Char
les Doherty, who reports for army
duty Wednesday. Those who enjoy
ed the evening were Rollo Craw
ford, James Doherty, Harold Sni
der, Carlton Swanson, Gene Riet-
mann, Mat Doherty, Pete Cannon $100 to the committee for use at for purchasing phonographs and
and Sam Crawford.
Mrs. Alfred Routen recently re
turned from a visit in Oklahoma.
Mr. Routen is employed in building
the elevator.
Mrs. Leo Farwell of Ekalaka,
Mont, is making an extended visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Chapman.
McCaw. The committee gave $90 radios.
No Shoes
We Are
i i i i
nt uo
Shoe Store
March Report on
McCaw Donations
At the March meeting of Blue
Mountain Camp and Hospital coun
cil Morrow county activities loomed
up well as they always do. The
various gifts and donors follow:
Balls of rug rags from the Lena
ladies to McCaw workshop; Two
packages comic books from Mrs.
Gene Ferguson; comic books and
pocket sized books, Mrs. Jack
Hughes, for Walla 'Walla Air Base
hospital; 12 new magazines from
committee funds for ward 16; mag
azines and maps, Mrs. Roy Neill;
story magazines and popular re
cords, to wsrd 36 at McCaw, Mrs.
Bob Thompson; popular records
and record holder Mrs. C. C. Car
michael. Prizes for St. Patrick's party in
ward 46 from employes of First
National bank. This is the second
time they have purchased and
wrapped prizes. Prizes for end of
month party purchased with com
mittee funds, selected and wrapped
by Harriet Hager and Florence
Bergstrom; prizes for Elks' ward
selected and wrapped by Mrs. John
A check for $5 was received from
F. F. Wehmeyer; 24 decks of cards
and pocket sized books, Bill Buck
man; box- of games, comic books
and puzzles from Cub Scouts 61.
Easter azalea plants were sent to
wards 47 and 36 by committee
funds and ward 46 by Elks lodge;
five box pillows, material and mak
ing from Mrs. J. O. Rasmus and
Mrs. Bob Thompson.
Three packages of recent maga
zines were sent by LaVerne Van
Matter. . Anyone having recent
magazines to send should leave
them at the Turner Van Marter of
fice. The boys especially like Life
and Esquire.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warren of
Eipht Mile made a generous gift of
At Hermiston Livestock Commission Co.
Friday, April 27, 1945
300 Head Hereford Cows
Well bred and all good ages. These cows are range bred
to registered bulls and started calving in February.
There are about 120 calves now. All calves will sell with
cows at sale.
39 Head Bred Herford Heifers, calving
45 Head Yearling Herefords.
Several Head Two Year Old Feeder Steers
In addition to the above we will have the usual fine con
signments of beef and dairy type cattle, hogs, and miscellan
eous household goods and farm machinery.
Sale Starts at 12 Noon - Lunch on Grounds
We will be pleased to answer all queries. Ph. 331 1, Hermiston
Come and Get Them!
A good many people have called for
clothes left here for cleaning by our pre
decessor but there are many more gar
ments yet uncalled for. Please get them
at your eariest convenience.
Clothes brought in Monday and Tuesday
can be had Saturday.
Heppner Cleaners
"Judge, remember that place up in the moun
tains where we went trout fishing last year?"
" 1 sure do, George. We had a great time
up there, didn't we?"
"I'll never forget it. But this will interest
you, Judge. 1 heard just yesterday that the
.revenue men raided a big still right near
.there. Guess that's where all that high
priced moonshine we heard about has been
coming from."
" Wouldn't be a bit surprised. I saw in the
paper the other day where the Government
has raided thousands ot such stills during
the past year."
"Sounds sort of reminiscent, doesn't it,
"Exactly and it's not hard to figure out.
As soon as the distillers stopped making
whiskey and devoted their entire facilities to
the production of industrial alcohol for the
Government ... the racketeers muscled in
"I hate to think of how that might have
spread, Judge, if the Government hadn't
found it possible, without interfering with
our war effort in any way, to permit a
short resumption of legal whiskey produc
tion recently."
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