8 Heppner Gazette Times, April 19, 1945 OPA ANNOUNCEMENT April 15-21 is "Check Your Tire week" in Morrow county. Your ration board received 36 passenger tires and 35 truck tires for April. Only essential drivers can have a tire. This means take care of your tires. Check your tires often. proved as of Wednesday. Don Evans who has been very ill is reported as being a bit im- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administratrix of the estate of George W. Smith, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the Star Reporter Friday-Saturday, April 20-21 The Great Moment Joel McCrea, Betty Field, William Demarest, Harry Carey The story of a great moment in a great man's life. PLUS BORDERTOWN TRAIL Smiley Burnette, Sunset Carson, El len Lowe, Addison Richards A superior western. Popeye in Technicolor. Sunday-Monday, April 22-23 The Fighting Lady In Technicolor. A superb drama of the Pacific turned out by various branches of the service. Crisp nar ration by Lt. Robert Taylor, USNR PLUS SUNDAY DINNER for a SOLDIER Anne Baxter, John Ilodiak, Charles Winninger, Chill Wills Here's a tasty dish . . . from "grand feathers" to Skipper the pooch, the Osborn family will give your fun ny bones a work-out to be long remembered. Tuesday, April 24 Sing, Neighbor, Sing Roy Acuff and his Smokey Moun tain Boys, Lulubelle and Scotty, Brad Taylor, Ruth Terry, Pappy Cheshire, Virginia Brissac A homespun musical with high en entertainment values. PLUS PLEDGE TO BATAAN General Douglas McArthur's histo ric return to the Philippines . . . actual pictures of the invasion . . . in Technicolor. Wednesday-Thursday, April 25-2G Marriage Is a Private Affair Lana Turner, James Craig, John Ilodiak, Frances Gifford, Keenan Wynne Love at first sight . . . marriage at third sight . . . and then? It's a gorgeously staged modern drama. The women will dote on it and al though the men may want to spank Lana, she's lovely to look at! same with proper vouchers at tached, to the administratrix at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 19th day of April, 1945. JESSIE ANNA SMITH 4.8 Administratrix. NOTCE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Ap ril 16, 1945, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lot 5 in Block 1 of Brown's Addition to the City of Hep pner, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00 cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 19th day of May, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 A. M:, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon 4-8 FOR SALE -- One Montag cook stove almost new, color cream and blue. One brown leather dav enport, full bed size, with good mattress. I. R. Robison, lone, Ore gon. 4c FOR, SALE or TRADE for cattle International Harvester. No. 62 same as new, 6-ft cut; also 16-ft 22-33V2 Harris combine; 60 pairs ewes and lambs. Write Wm. El- mm I? M 19021945 IJjIMiIj offsirdsaM : : "i From on Mote, known to .only one small community, to over 1600, known in every State! All thh in the space of 45 short years! That one small store-homey, friendly and helpful -expanded into more than 1600 by year in and year out Fair Dealing ! Now necklines in Greet the summer ran In a colorful span rayon dress, short eleeved, f ull 6kirted, with exciting peasant or bow-tailored necklines. Perky prints and subtle solids, "white spicing SIYLIl WITH EXTRA SFjUUtU.. ..uo Penneys Wednesday, April 25 will be "Towel Day" Terry towels, wash cloths, dish cloths. We will have to limit the quantities. Sorry! No phone or ders or lay-aways on featured items. .dridge, Gurdane route, Pilot Rock FOR SALE 1935 Chrysler. Call Ore. 4p 942. , 4c Anniversary FEATURES! A FEATURE A DAY! Saturday, April 21 Men's all-elastic Suspenders & Garters Suspenders in dress, semi - dress or work types. Boys' all-elastic , suspenders too! Monday, April 23 j MEN'S SLIPPERS Elastic y JQ sides w l i d leather uppers with leather soles Tuesday, April 24 LYDIA GRAY CLEANSING TISSUES Box of 500 LUQ FOR SAL Good Modern Home 5 bedrooms, con crete foundation and basement, plen ty of closets and built-ins; yard, trees, lawn. Small Home with two bedrooms and sleeping porch; newly painted. Both reasonably priced Turner, Van Marfcer & Co. i 1111 i UNI QUALITY SEEDS I Your War GARDEN BOOK for '45 poll information on t&e Oaie of Your Garden 28 Pagot! BURPEE'SGIANT ZINNIA SEEDS Come Ifl Todayi wf 6' Garden Rake 1.3d A sturdy rake to do the Job evidently and easily. Garden Hoe 1.35 A socket type hoe of excel lent quality. Cultivator 1.19 Sharp-pointed, forged-steel tines. Tapered handle. Elound Shovels 1.29 Choice of long-handled typo or 27-inch D-ahape handle. For a Rich, Velvety Lawn ram ansa? mtm Will provide a Itizarious, flne-textured turf. A top value mixture containing a high percentage of lino grassM tolniurt ft more permanent lawn. mwuvaoi f 1 1 J If J 1.00 Rosewall Motor Co.