2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 19, 1945 IONE NEWS NOTES By MBS. OMAR KIETMANN H. G. Holcomb, superintendent of lone schools has received a report on a sample of lone water sent to the state hygienic laboratory on March 19th, saying that "the water conforms with accepted bacteriolo gical standards of purity for drink ing water." Kenneth Higgenbottom of Pen dleton met with the lone boys nine years and over and their parents at the sohoolhouse Friday after, noon to organize a Cub Scout group. Two dens were formed with Mrs. Ruby Kincaid den mother and Joel Barnett den chief of one com posed of the following boys: Roger Kincaid, Ralph Kincaid, WillaiJ Waddell, Ronald Baker, Paul Bar nett and Charles Aldrich. The oth er den has Mrs. Franklin Lindstron; as den mother and Stewart Aldrich as den chief and the following boys: Roy Lindstrom, Arthur Lindstrom, Herbert Eckstrom, Lee Palmer, Herbert Peterson, Rudolph Berg strom and Richard Rea.. A meeting was held in the evening at the Ma sonic hall with potluck dinner for the Boys Scouts, Cubs' and parents, and others interested in the group. The committeemen for the Scouts for the coming year are: Omar Riet mann, Ray Barnett, Ralph Aldrich, E. M. Baker and Martin Bauern feind. Cub committeemen are Franklin Lindstrom, Marion Palm er and Herbert Eckstrom. Roy Lindstrom is now scoutmaster. Hickenbottom was called away un expectedly and Rev. H. N. Waddell presided during the evening meet ing. About 65 children and parents attended the meeting. Mrs. Lana Padberg had as Sunday guests Rev. and Mrs. Joe Stevens and son and Patsy and Janet Wright all of Hardman and Mrs. Terrell Benge of Heppner. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy, -Mrs. Ed Dick and Mrs. Leonard Gilman and small son of Heppner were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ella Davidson. A severe thunder storm passed through the lone district Wednes day of last week causing disruption to the telephone communication for over two hours while .42 inch of rain and snow fell. Delbert Emert moved a herd of 100 cows and their calves from his lone ranch to Hermiston last week. He was assisted by Les Nelson and Orval Buchannnn. Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mrs. Echo Palmateer, Mrs. Cleo Drake and Mrs. Omar Rietmann were dele gates from lone to the P.-T. A dis trict meeting in The Dalles April 10. Mrs. D'-k-r? will give a report on the mpetins April 25. At this time election of officers will be held. Of ficers nominated are Mrs. Victor Rietmann, president; Miss Helen Lindsay and Mrs. B. C. Forsylhe, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and II. N. Waddell, secrctary-treasuser. Mrs. Dale Ray returned to lone last Thursday after spending two weeks with Mr. Ray who recently underent a major operation in The Dalles hospital. Locust Chapter of O. E. S. held a special meeting Wednesday for in itiation. lone school will participate in the speech contest to be held in Lex ington Friday, April 27. Word has been received of the death of Paul Lpvell of Portland, formerly of lone, on Thursday of last week with burial at Estacada Sunday. Arnica club will meet at the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan Sat urday April 21. Clothing for the clothes drive THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon Will b Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE this month may be left at the lone postoffice according to the postmis tress, Mrs. Ruby Roberts. Mr and Mrs John Bryson spent several days visiting in Portland and vicinity They returned Mon day. Mrs. Huston Bryson returned with them for a visit in lone. Arthur Stefani Jr. has been ac cepted in the Merchant Marines and is to report for service in Seattle within two weeks, visiting at the home of his sister, Carl Troedson of Los Vegas is Mrs. Anne Smouse. He came with Lt. Paul Smouse, Lt. and Mrs. Paul Smouse arriv ed in lone Monday evening for a visit of a few days with relatives and friends. N. Schmaltz cV Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. Bad Gas Milage Poor Performance? A complete Motor Tune-Up will do won ders for yor Car or Truck. Latest Modern Tune-Up Equipment Installed 18 years experience All work guaranteed Station Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Monday through Saturday No charge for checking or estimates NOW AT YOUR Richfield Service in Heppner' Phone 1242 . ' I lk- Sign of Forest Land going back to TUMPS arc more than pulpits for squirrels; they are indicative of two things: . . a piece or forest land has done a job ... . it is ready to do another. An old law of physics says that two bodies can not occupy the same space at the same time .... that's true of trees, too. Most stumps mean that land has been released as a storage place of slow-growing mature timber into an active area which should be sustaining a fast-growing vigorous young forest. There is something wrong with land which contains only old stumps and no NEW TREES. It may have been subject to repeated fire . . . or, it may have been left without seed sources. Most industrial timber land is protectee! .... and managed so that it restocks automatically. KIHZUA PINE MILLS CuMPANV