8 Heppner Gazette Times, April -12, 1945 MANY ATTEND POMONA FOR INTERESTING SESSION By Mr. 3Iary Lundcll Morrow county Pomona met Sat urday April 7 t-t Rhea Creek grange hall. In spite of ihe downpour and busy season, a large crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicklander, state organizer and district juvenile organizer, respectively, were pre sent and gave some information of special interest to members. The afternoon program included such speakers of note as Lt. Devan ey, Civil Air Patrol; Mr. Ellison, ru power; Commissioner Garnet Bar- ral electrification administration on ratt on Morrow county hospital; County Agent Arnold Ebert on ag ricultural problems; Mrs. Jack Mul ligan on cancer control, and Mrs. n. B. Rice explained the newly or ganized OPA panel. Miss Mildred Carlson entertained with a piano solo. Other matters coming before the meeting were talks on legislation by Henry Peterson who discussed to some extent Bill No. 62 and H. Bill 80; George Peck on the tax situation; Orville Cutsforth, R. B. Rice and S. J. Devine on county af fairs in general. Star Reporter Friday-Saturday, April 13-14 Lost In a Harem Abbott and Costcllo, Jimmy Dor ' sey, and his Orchestra, Marilyn Maxwell Mirth, merriment and music with these two hafem-scarem screwballs in the land of sultry sirens. PLUS BEYOND THE TECOS Rod Cameron, Eddie Drew, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt A good western. Sunday-Monday, April 13-10 Can't Help Singing ( In Technicolor) Deanna Durbin, Robert Paige, Ak im Tamiroff, David Bruce A romantic story of the days when the discovery of gold in California was news, plus the beautiful melo dies of Jerome Kern. Tuesday, April 17 My Ga! Loves Music Alan Mowbray, Grace McDonald, Bob Crosby, Betty Kean, Walter Catlett, Freddie Mercer A musical packed with melodies and laughs. PLUS SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT Warner Baxter, Nina Foch, George Zucco, Jeanne Bates Radio's famous Crime Doctor solves another mystery to your heart's, content. t Wednesday-Thursday, April 18-19 Rainbow Island Dorothy Lamour. Eddie Bracken, Gil Lamb. Barry Sullivan An island of fun in a sea of laughs, it's in the tropics and it's in Tech nicolor ... a romantic musical comedy. LEAVES FOR SOUTH Claude Snow, ARM 3c, left Wed nesday morning for San Diego, where he expects to be stationed for the next four or five weeks. Mrs. Snow and their son accom panied her parents to Newport, Wash, to stay until her husband can make arrangements for his fa mily to come to San Diego. Mr. and Mirs. Oscarson, J:,rents oif Mrs. Snow, and her brother Roney and family from Nebraska, have all been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson. HEADED FOR HOME Mrs. Harold Sherer has received a letter from her brother, Pit Sgt Lee Pettyjohn of the U. S.-M. C, stating that he is waiting for a boat to return to the States after more than two years in the South Pacific. Lee, has een in service for three yearsand has not been home for two and a half years. Sgt Roy Pettjohn of the Signal Service has been moved to Alaska after some time spent in the Aleu tians. Roy's wife, formerly Betty Lou Lindsey, is working in Salem. RETURNS FROM CORVALLIS William Driscoll returned last week from Corvallis where he spent several weeks. Mrs. Driscoll recently submitted to a surgical operation there and he reports her doing nicely. The Driscolls have decided to move to Corvallis to make their home and are offering their Heppner residence property for sale. "Dad" as he is familiarly known recently tendered his resig nation as head janitor of the Hep pner schools after serving in that capacity since 1917. o P-TA ELECTS OFFICERS Harold Becket was elected presi dent, Mrs. Tress McClintock, vice president, Mrs. Conley Lanham, secretary and Marvin Wightman, treasurer at the annual meeting of the Heppner Parent-Teacher as sociation held in the music room at the school Wednesday evening. The new president will name com mittees for the ensuing year. Com ment on last night's program will appear next week. Ellis Thomson arrived in Hepp ner Monday from Washington, D. C. and left Wednesday for Portland to see his step-mother, Mrs. Mary Thomson, who is taking treatments in the city. This is Ellis's first visit here in nine years. He is a veteran of the African campaign and is now engaged in departmental work in the national capital. ANYONE finding U. S. pension check made out to Wm. Matson, pase return to Case Furniture Company. FOR SALE Farm storage fuel tanks, 575 and 1000 gallons. One FOR SALE House and two lots in Heppner. Phone evenings, 36F32, or write Walter Ritzert, lone. 3p v.-'de g-'uge Cat. trnctor, good .'hare. V. R. Runnion. 3c WANTED Clean rags. Top price.' Richfield in-Heppne.- 3c WAITED Black Perr.an l;!t':r, male or female. Call Harry Nel son's office. 3-4r THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the best imnl in town ac counts for the ever 'rc-as'nn popu- loritv of this place, j f vu are not a patron 'V! w von soon will be "Yours cr : efcfcer tats HEPPNER ...4 19021945 Ts llMllIm STAMP SAVERS! There are 1608 dots on the map of the United Sate that represent cities and towns where there ire Penney stores. Yet every one is a bome-iowa store managed, staffed and mer chandised by, and for, the people who live chant wad who know all about local needs. r -an-". j- its .,. Step Into Action! Women's Plcy Shoes 2.49 You'll work and play in them! Smooth fitting "step-in" playshoes in exciting colors! Light,, but firm instep support in the flat wedge heels and flexible counter construc tion. Long-life soles! NON-RATIONED ? M 3 TV-" HA i mm :. IS, ,'?"- 5 i i i 6 j h ' ' .66 APJJIUSTMIEEJT Sandals are Your Fashion News! Misses' Sandals 1.98 There's ! fascinating foot flattery in sandals! Colored plastic patent up pers, wiht square toes. Low-heeled comfort! There are extra miles of wear in the double stitched plastic outsole! STORE HOURS 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sparkle for your summer wardrobe, bright rayort, failles in smooth fitting stylos. Short sleeves,' inter-! esting necklines, buttons -dow n, new colorsl244. Refreshing Prlft.'s in Similar Sl7lei......oiiji2.44; Includes: 1. Xightenlnff U-Boltl 2a Inspecting Brake Lining 3 Adding Necessary Fluid to Uytlrtnllfl Snkl Bgitoffl 4. Brake lest on Dynamic Brake Machine 5. Firestone Scientific Brake Adjustment znnzu 1 IIiu.iii.uiL y I .. j,.,m ;,, ,