Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 12, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Heppner Gazette Times, April 12, 1945
Irrigon News Notes
Pfc Joe Wilson returned to duty
Friday after visiting friends and
relatives in Irrigon.
Calvin Allen S 2c left for Cali
fornia where he has been stationed
after a few days with his wife and
small son.
Mr. and Mrs. Alloway of Rose
burg spent Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Caldwell. Mrs. Alloway
and Mrs. Caldwell are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton
spent Thursday in Portland.
Charles W. Acock Jr. arrived
home Friday night from Pullman.
Cadet Nurse Betty Acock was home
on a short leave to visit her fa
ther who is ill. Betty , is stationed
in Sokane at the present.
Roy Minnick who has been work
ing in Sloan, Ore. visited his wife
and daughter this week-end.
A. A. Shoun of Oroville Calif,
stayed Friday night at the J. A.
Shoun home and Saturday morn
ing went on to The Dalles to visit
his brother Avery who is in a hos
pital there.
Leo Haddox of Prescott spent a
few days with Carl Haddoxs. His
brother Carl returned with him.
Carl Haddox is convalescing from
surgery which he underwent re
cently. Mr and Mrs. Bert Dexter Jr. and
children from Tacoma, Wash, are
visiting Mr and Mrs. Bert Dexter
of Irrigon, and other friends and
Mrs. Earl Isom and Mrs William
Graybeal honored Mrs. Vonna
Leach with a birthday party Tues
day. Gerald Pierson and Lota Kelley
from La Grande were guests of
their brother, Irwin Pierson this
Franklin Kincheloe F 2c of the
U. S. Merchant Marines surprised
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haskell
Kincheloe, by an unexpected visit
Tuesday. He had to report back to
Portland Tuesday evening.
37 FORD sedan equipped with ra
dio and heater. Motor recondi
tioned in our shop. Sold with a
warranty. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. . o "
FOR SALE Harris Side-hill Com
bine 26-36y2, 20 fe.' Header; Fac
tory Rebuilt. Also 125 bu. Tan
dem Bulker to fit. P. W. Kase
berg, Wasco, Ore. Ph. 453. 36c
.Mrs. Elsie Beach left Monday for
Springville, Utah to visit her son
Lawrence and family.
Truman Messenger Jr. S lc, and
Harold Hoffman S lc, arrived
home Sunday morning from San
Diego, Calif, They are on their boot
leave from the naval station there.
S Sgt and Mrs. Sam McMillan of
McCord Field at Tacoma are vis
iting at the S. G. McMillan home.
Mrs. Buel Harshman and infant
son came home Sunday from the
Pendleton hospital. They are at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Dan Way.
Mrs. Clarence Hayes and daugh
ters arrived from Santa Barbara,
Calif and are at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. War
ner. Her husband recently left for
overseas duty with the marines.
Mrs. Iva Way has resumed cook
ing at the school cafeteria after an
absence of several weeks due to
illness in the family.
Florence Becket of Portland vis
ited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas.
Becket, the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaines and
daughter Shirley, are visiting Mrs.
Gaines' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Huston. '
Pvt Wilbur Worden is home on
furlough from Fort Benning, Ga.
Doris and Dorothy Worden came
from La Grande to spend last week
end with brother and parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Worden.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buschke
spent las't week in Portland pur
chasing new materials for their
new home, soon to be under construction.
DON'T waste time looking for a
black market. Bring your tire
certificates to us for quick ser
vice. Rosewall Motor Company.
N. Schmaltz & Sons
Peters Building, Heppner
Roofing and Siding Contractors and
For Information Write Box 726, Hepp
ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore.
Buy War Bonds
Redecorate Inside
Kestvle Outside
) Retinish
Y r .IttiVO
k NA
Thank You, People of
Morrow County!
Your response to the request for Red Cross war funds
was most generous, making the drive just closed one
of the most successful campaigns in the history of
the Morrow County chapter. This news will bring
cheer to our boys wherever they may be in the far
flung battle fronts throughout the world . . . We ex
tend personal thanks to the workers in the several
districts of the county for their fine cooperation.
Morrow County Chapter American Red Cross
Three Problems
with one answer-
MAGIC FOR YOUR HOME . . . paint!
Use it inside on furniture, walls and
woodwork to get smooth finish that is
as easy to clean as a china plate . . . use
it to renew the exterior of your heme.
Our modern paints dry rapidly into a
sparkling hard surface. No laps, ro
brush marks. Bring Spring insid-s, let
the outside gleam with our new c a Pur
pose paints. Try them and sec!
We have many distinctive booklets to
help you in your color selection and
See our paint in use
at our store!
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
i SZsPi ' Irr ri r , rSx
"When this war is all over, Judge, there will
be somemighty interesting bocks written
about it. Expect we'll leam a lot of things
we didn't know before."
"Yes, Fred, when the record is finally
written we'll realize what a gigantic
operation this war really was and how
important to final victory many factors
really were." '
"Take, for example, just one industry.
Few people realize the importance of the
great work done by the beverage distillers
during the war. A, high government official
called it 'an almost unparalleled example of
the overnight conversion of an entire indus
try from peace to war.' He also said net so
many months ago, while speaking about syn
thetic rubber, 'It is fair to regard the rubber
manufactured to date as being almost soiely
the product of the beverage distilling indus
try.' That's the type of thing 1 have in mind
...the way great American industries at
home cooperated to help our brave fighting
men abroad."
"I see what you mean, Judge... a com
plete history of American teamwork."
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