8 Heppner Gazette Times, April 5, 1945 P-TA P!as Hobby Display on 1 1th Hobbyists v ill have an opportu nity to "strut their stuff next Wed. nesday evening at the regular meeting of the Heppner Parent Teacher association. The program planned for that evening is based on leisure time activities and it is hoped that those who have hobbies will be so kind as to display them there that night. Mrs. Tress Mc Clintock is in charge of this fea ture and those desiring to make en tries are requested to contact her. Other features of the program will be presented by the Heppner public library, Boy Scouts, the school band and the grade school girls. The first two will put on skits, the band will play and the grade girls will put on a tumbling act. Displays so far planned are by the Heppner public library and a traveling art exhibit from all schools of the county. HODGES IN NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. C L. Hodge moved Tuesday to their new home, the former Rodman property, vacated Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall. Their move was follow ed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson who purchasedthe former Hiatt res idence. The Nelsons had occupied sn apartment at the Frank Engkraf home since the first of March. Star Reporter Friday-Saturday, April 6-7 Kansas City Kitty Joan Davis, Bob Crosby, Jane Fra zcc, Erik Rolf, Tim Ryan This fast-talking comedy is a one woman circus loaded with gags. PLUS SHERIFF OF LAS VEGAS Red RyderLittle Beaver outdoor adventure story. Li'l Abner Cartoon Sunday-Monday, April 8-9 Mrs. Parkington Greer Garson as the boom-town beauty who knew what she wanted . . . Walter Pidgeon as (he romantic two-fisted rogue; al so, Edward Arnold, Agnes Moore hcad, Cecil Callaway, St. Luke's choirislers. Louis Bromfield's great novel of love and wealth and power is mag nificently set and vibrantly acted. Tuesday, April 10, Waterloo Bridge Vivien Leigh, Robert Taylor, Lu cile Watson, Virginia Field, Ma ria Ouspenskaya, C. Aubrey Smith A story ever-timely, a romance ever-new, and performances never surpassed . . MGM's ever-beautiful "Waterloo Bridge" is brought back again for your enjoyment. Wednesday-Thursday, April 11-12 Hail The Conquering Hero Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines, William Demarest, . Raymond Walburn, Franklin Pangborn A natural from all entertainment points of view . . . with the comedy star from "Miracle of Morgan's Creek." ' PLUS MARCH OF TIME: THE WEST COAST QUESTION. The effect of the war on the Pacific states and the effects of the decline of manu facturing after victory. 1 mm mmmmmi .. DURATION SHEERS BUT HOW THEY WEAR! ' a . i " Y 86c Life Memberships In EO Wheat League Made Available Here Morrow county wheat growers now have an opportunity to be come life members of the Eastern Oregon Wheat League for a nomi nal fee as the result of action taken at the organization's last annual -meeting, according to Werner Riet mann of lone, member of the lea gue's executive committee. The life membership plan was adopted at the Arlington meeting ' last December as a means of stabil izing permanent membership in the league and to simplify the payment and collection of dues, Mr. Riet mann explains. The arrangement also will add to the efficiency of the organization and the conven ience of its members. Life mem bers will not be assessed annual dues. Under the plan a member may purchase a life membership on a graduated scale according to age. The rates by age groups are: from 20 to 34 years, $25; 35 to 49 years, $18; 50 to 64 years, $8; and 65 years and over, $5. Werner Rietmann is accepting life membership payments in Mor row county. While the plan is en tirely optional with members, he believes it will strengthen the league and he hopes to sign up a considerable number of whe'at growers in this county. The Eastern Oregon Wheat Lea gue has developed into one of the most outstanding farm organiza tions in the west since it was or ganized 17 years ago. Agricultural leaders, state and federal officials, marketing and transportation agen cies and many others concerned with agricultural problems of the Columbia basin have long looked to the league for counsel. Each year a half dozen or more promi nent state and national leaders par ticipate in the league's annual meeting. The 140-page proceedings of the 1944 meeting held at Arlington in December have recently been sent to all league members, Rietmann reports. FIRST GRADERS HAVE EASTER EGG HUNT First graders of the Heppner public schools enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the court house park Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lois Win chester provided the favors and re freshments. When the little folks had rounded up the eggs they went to the school house for games. Two Easter bas kets and two humpty-dumpties comprised the prizes. Refreshments of cookies and jello were served. SAILOR ARRIVES FROM EAST Mrs Hubert Gaily and her cousin, Mrs. Claude Snow, drove to Pen dleton this morning to meet Mrs. Snow's husband who is anAMM3c He arrived on the four o'clock plane fiorn Miami, Fla. on his W&y to San Ditto, Calif. Mrs. Snow expects to accompany her husband to the to the southern California city up on termination of a short visit with relatives, here. . ELLIOTTS HERE ON EASTER Mr. fend Mrs. Blaine Elliott and daughters were over from their new home at Milton Sunday visit ing friends. They and the Burl Coxen family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell. Bright, vibrant new shades for spring. Rayon sheers, lovely but practical, too! Reinforced where it's needed to help you save your pennies for war stamps! Choose Joytan Sunni Blush Cheerglo Rxj. U. S. Pot. Off. THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact .that we serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon will be" Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE ffl VALUES. A 11 This Spring Use WAIL IT (DM The Wonder Faint! Gallon Washable One Coat Covers Dries in One Hour No "Painty" Odor 9 Beautiful Pastels Covers Most Interior Surfaces Ton Just don't know how easy home decorating can he until you've tried Wall-Tone on your walls. It goes on so smoothly, so evenly, so quickly that it's actually a pleasure to use. You can paint a whole room in a morning's time. 7ire$tone SUPREME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT :;:-:v III Airit,,t -j S25 y . Lt.VnuaesaaxaaiticCi Goes farther, covers hetter, wears longer. Quality in gredients give a hard, long lasting surface that stays whiter, longer. Covers Wood, Metal or Brick AIXTMKVIJM PAINT J 49 -H. Quart Ready mixed for instant auso. Covers I and seals in one coat. Melts the Dirt! "HO H. M-oi. A famous cleaner for all household purposes. No need for hard rubbing actually incHs dirt I Rosewall Motor Co. V