Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 05, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    Want Ads
Administratrix of the Estate
of Owen T. French, deceased.
STATISTICAL positions with the undersigned administrator
and Notice is hereby given that the
of the
minimum price herein set forth:
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 3
of Sperry's Third Addition to
the City of lone, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, for the minimum
price of $20.00, cash.
THEREFORE, I will on the 21st
Heppnor Gazette Times, April 5, 1945 7
THEREFORE, I will on the 28th g0n, sell said property to the high
day of April, 1945, at the hour of est and best bidder.
10:00 a. m. at the front door of JOHN H. FUITEN,
the Court House in Heppner, Ore- Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon
State. Apply at 16 Mead Building, estate of Frank M. Lovgren, deceas- , ."TT i T 1 I
Portland 4. Final filing date Ap- ed, has filed with the County Court Zn A m a T 7u
ril 21. Positions locally or through of the State of Oregon for Morrow cirJ . t?1
out the state. & County his final account of his ad- S.S. Heppner Oregon
t t n. it t . t ac 1 Btuu piuperiy la tne nignest ana
jj ministration of the estate . of said bidder
uereaseu ana saia coun iixea ivion-
WANTED Poultry items of
Kinns. J-f i crnocT rrin nnH -ty
henTturkeysduc geese Write day &e 7th of May 1945 at . n
S ' ISK gp, ".Wie hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., of Morrow County, Oregon
day at the Court' House
tooay or can collect. Fhone XZV, . ' "jr " ' " 52-4
City Feed Store, Pendleton, Ore- J " "1C
gon. 2-5c HePPner Oregon, as the time and NOTICE TO CREDITORS
or on the
place for hearing objections to said
FOR SALE Modern duplex and
two lots on Chase st. Box 41, Mrs.
R. E. Thomas, Heppner. 51-2p
FOR SALE 2 tractors, an Interna
u iviyneig.
. . . 1 1 . I 1
JP quired to file the same with said executor of the last Will and Test- next street naa a leiepnone
did k
FOR SALE Caberaillar combine V 7 , , , . notice is nereby given that the
modei L S T' f ,f6 T.0' undersigned was duly apposed
reasonable Earl McKmey T ate and all persons having by the County Court of the State
leawnaiMB.. iari mcxvinney. nep- ons Wpt am WaKir c n r. -. . ..
iv.- ul vickoii lor morrow iountv. trie
- vi. AMdu mil ACQIr
DRY BOARD ends for sale See Court on or before the time fixed ament of Herman Neilson, deceas
Homer or Eldon Tucker. 46-lp for said hearing. ed. and all hpn Having r-w,
Dated and first published this 5th against the estate of said deceased
day of April 1945
2-6 Administrator
tional and a Fordson-both wheel EQVSMXOY
type. Also set stock scales. E. W.
Moyer. 2-3p
FOR RENT two-room cabin
are hereby required to present the
same to the undersigned with pro
per verification, at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this
BY VIRTUE OF AN rmriF.p rw
THE COUNTY COURT, dated na aay ot Marcn- ia45-
at March 14. 1945. I am authorized nnd Job- J- NYS-
Wilson's Cabins. Phone 1172. Mrs. directed 'to advertise and sell at 52"4
Charles Fraters
PKRKONisnrar. portttamci e minimum
open in the State Public Welfare forth:
Commission. Apply at 16 Mead
Building, Portland 4. Final filing
date April 2i. 2c
2p public auction at not less than NOTICE TO CREDITORS
price nerein set Notice fe hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint-
Vf 29and Ae WeEt ed by th County Court of Morrow
, lownsmp County, State of Oregon, adminis-
4 North, Range 26 E. W. M. for trator of the Estate of Ida M. Peter,
the minimum price of $1.00 per son, deceased, and all persons hav
acre, cash. ing claims against; the estate of
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 the said Deceased are hereby re
9, 16, 17, and 18, in Block 10, quired to present the same with
Mt. Vernon s Addition to the proper vouchers duly verified by
City of Heppner, Morrow Coun- law to the said Administrator at
ty, Oregon, for the minimum the law office of P. W. Mahoney at
Pf $100 00' cash- Heppner, Oregon within six months
THEREFORE, I will on the 14th from the date hereof,
day of April, 1945, at the hour of Dated and first published this
10:00 A. M., at the front door of 22nd day '.of March, 1945.
the Court House in Heppner, Ore- VICTOR G. PETERSON
Attorney for the Administrator
Heppner, Oregon 52-4
Notice is herebv eivpn that, thp
FREE If excess acid causes you U ACCOUNT undersigned was duly appointed by
pains of stomach ulcers, ind'ges- Notlc.e 13 hereby Slven that the the County Court of the State of
tion, heartburn, belching, bloat- undersigned executor and execu- Oregon for Morrow County admin
ing nausea, gas pains, get freef trix of the estate of Nancy B. Hayes, istrator of the estate of Sarah C Phil
sample, Udga at Humphreys deceased, have filed with the Coun- Hps, deceased, and all persons hav
Drug Company. 48-20p ty Court of the State of Oregon for ing claims against the estate of
Morrow County their final account said deceased are hereby required
T ncSnl llftirrG f the administration said estate, to present the same to the under
lVgLll lWllLslsS and said Court has fixed Monday, signed administator duly verified
WE HAVE in stock, for immediate
delivery deep well and shallow
well pumps. For gasoline or ec
tric operation priced $77 and up.
Size range 325 g. p. h. to 1800 g.
p. h. Tanks 20, 40, 80, 120, 220
gal. Wiring supplies, pipes & fit
tings. Write for further informa
tion or see them at L. A. MOORE,
Furniture Store, Hermiston, Ore-
gon, Phone 2121. 52-5
LIGHT plants bought and sold or g(m sell said property to the high
ppxvcu. ri nucs uau ooo. ocu an(j bidder
FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 JOHN H. FUITEN
miles from Heppner-2860 acres Sheriff Morrow County, Oregon
reasonably priced to sell, owner By FLORENCE ELY
Stella Bailey, Box 8626, Port- 51.3- Deputy
iana, uregon. jib.
A T nil .ajp . . .
aptu lorn, una at tne hour ot 10:00 as required by law at the law of.
o clock as the time and place for fice of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
hearing objections to said final ac- Oregon, within six months from
count and the settlement of said the date hereof.
Dated and first published this
rnTTivTV of lunuRnw
t u Tr t u ai;,.: estate, and all persons having ob-
of Rita Egan, Administratrix of the Jn ? are hereby required 29th day of March, 1945.
, , , to lile the same with said Court on v t? dttt
estate 01 uwen 1. j?rencn, aeceasea, j- ,. ,. , . .,
, , , . , or before the time fixed for said 1
for leave to sell real estate. hporino'
llTAITITnTI 1 1 1. ! O
inuiiuxu is nereoy given mat, in
pursuance of an order of the Hon
orable Bert Johnson, Judge of the
above entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 2nd day of April, 1945,
for the sale of the real. estate here
Dated and first published this NOTICE 0F SALE 0F
lSth day of March 1945.
JAMES J. HAYES, Executor
INEZ GENTRY, Executrix
March 27th, 1945, I am authorized
and directed to advertise and sell
From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh.
America and her
inafter described, I will, on or after u u COUNTY at public auction at not less than
the 5th day of May, 1945, at the pOPERTY the minjmum price herein set
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF forth:
noon of said day, at the front door COUNTY COURT, dated Lots 4 and 5 in Block 1, Origi
of the Court House in Morrow arch 21 1945 1 am authorized and al Town of lone, Morrow
County, Oregon, offer for sale at dlrected to advertise and sell at County, Oregon for he mini
public auction, to the highest bid- public auction at not less than the mum price of $20.00, cash.
der for cash, the following describ
ed real property, to-wit:
Lot Two (2) of Block One (1)
of Ayer's Third Addition to the
City of Heppner, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon.
Said sale will remain open for
one hour.
At the same time and place, I
will offer for sale,' to the highest
bidder for cash, all of the follow
ing personal property, to-wit:
Two beds, carpets, davenport
and chair, four dining chairs,
radio, two stoves, washing ma
chine, mangle, two bureaus, chif
fonier, sideboard, kitchen cup
board, dishes, cooking utensils,
etc., lawn mower, garden hose,
5 cords dry wood, and all other
articles In and about said dwell
ing on above described premises.
The administratrix reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
The above described real prop
erty and personal effects may be
seen and inspected by making ap
plication to J. O. Turner, Hotel
Heppner, Heppner, Oregon.
We were sitting around after
chores the other night talking
about the progress of the war.
Chad Davis was saying how, in
spite of Germany's defeat, there
was still the German under
ground to cope with.
"I don't worry about them,"
says Sober Hoskins. "So long aa
we got onr own underground In
working order."
"What do you mean-our un
derground?" sayg Chad. And
Sober points out to the fields.
"There it is," he says, "under
that soil ires the most Important
weapon that we've got Ameri
can crops -from American fields
-strengthening our position
overseas in a way nd other un
derground can shake."
From where I sit, Chad's ahso
lately right. Whether it's lor the
glass of beer that cheers a tired
soldier's spirits, or the bread
that feeds our armies and our
allies, every bit of grain that
American farmers harvest Is a
part of America's great strength,
No. 109 of a Series
get one heft
ore me ;
That Is a natural question.
There are a number of answers, any ont
of which may be the one that fits the case.
It's possible your neighbor on the next street .
ordered service sooner than you did . . . has
been waiting longer.
Or the neighbor who applied later but got
service sooner may be one whose responsibil
ities for defense, public health, welfare and
safety require it.
Or there may be more wire capacity avail
able on his street.
Until the telephone factories are able to turn
from war production, there will continue to be
shortages of certain facilities here on the
home front.
We are doing our level best to meet the
essential requirements of our country and
Your co-operation and understanding are
Buy War Bonds for Victory
4 West Willow Street, Heppner. Tel. 5
v ' I
. Copyright, 1945, United Statu Bnwm Ft
by the slickest and most fascinating little device you ever saw,
Watch it clean gears 'til they shine like a new dollar. Eves
the metal pores are cleaned and all of the accumulation of tars,
gum and worn-out grease in transmissions and differentials if
gone in a matter of minutes.
Car manufacturers say For longer life clean and refill
transmissions and differentials every 5,000 miles.
Start fresh today with gears "handkerchief-clean." Come
on in . . . we'll show you how DEE TEE works 7BEEI
We have an experienced lubrica
tion man on our lube rack and are
able almost always to give you a
lubrication job on your car. Bring
your car in or phone for an appointment.
Chevrolet Co.