6 Heppner Gazette Times, April 5, 1945 Irrigon News Notes By Be '.h Russell A birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Earl Leach and Alfred Good win was given Sunday t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCoy. Other guests were June Goodwin, Mrs Goodwin Mr. Leach and son Tommy. Avery Shoun is quite ill in a hos pital in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Connell and Arden Allen were among Pendle ton visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haddox and small daughter Carol Jean, former residents of Irrigon but now resid ing at Prescott, Wash., were Eas ter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haddox and family. Mrs. Joy Weigand of Pasco was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and family over the week end. Miss Pattty Markham returned to pass a physical before entrance from La Grande where she failed into the nurses' corp. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ames and fam ily were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grider. Chas. Acock was taken to the Pendleton hospital Saturday. Mrs. June Greene and Mrs. Har old Forman and two children of Kendrick, Ida., left for home after spending a few days visiting their brother, James Henderson and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Baily spent Easter. with Mrs. Bailey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve at Pasco. Mrs. Kenneth Madison and child ren who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey returned to Kennewick this week Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elliott were in La Grande this week-end. Miss Joanne Tade returned to schcc1 Tuesday after a pleasant Easter vacation at home. Miss Tade is a former student of Irrigon high school. She is no attending Mt. An gel academy in Portland. Delos Knighten rnd Leonard Al drich weie Portland business visit ors over the week-end. A party in honor of Frank Leicht and Bud Rucker, both in the ser vice, . was piven at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umiker's Monday evening. Roy Minniek left for Sloan Ore. Friday where he will superintend work at gravel pits there. He is t working for the Union Pacific rail road company and expects to be in Sloan until late this fall. Miss Esther Warner suffered an injury, the result of a fall Monday evening. It was found that she had torn' some tendons loose in her right arm. The high school annual staff was elected this week. The results are: editor, Leonard Aldrich; sports, Le roy Schneider and Loretta White; class reporters, senior, Kathleen Poulson; junior, Beth Russell; soph omore, Eunice Miller; freshman, Marietta Haddox; business mana ger, Kathleen Poulson; faculty ad viser, Mr. Elliott. Dr Roben Maaske, president of Eastern Oregon College of Educa tion at La Grande will speak here at the commencement exercises in the Irrigon high school gymnasium May 16. BOARDMAN Continued from page two their farm has been sold. Ernabel Peck made history for Boardman Thursday when she landed by plane on the project. Er nabel has been taking flying les sons in Pendleton for some time but this was her first cross country hop. Mrs. Bertha Heald, sister of Mrs. Russell Miller, and daughter Karyn who have been residing with her father since his illness in lone, left for New York Monday morning to visit relatives. Miss Edna Rose Phelps and Mrs. Phelps shopped in Pendleton Tues day. An Easter program which was di rected by Mrs. John Partlow fol lowed Sunday school in the Com munity church Sunday and consist ed of a number from each class of school children. The primary class sang "Jesus Loves Me", and the fol lowing recited poems, Beverly Pet tys, Norma Roseland, Sherron Rus sell, Marie Potts, Wilur Piatt, Nor ma Falconer, Grace Miller, Sher ron Watts and Wilma Hug. Edward McClelland and Reba Falconer read a story during which several hymns were sung at intervals and Frances Skoubo sang "Arise Oh Lord". Af ter the ' program Easter baskets were given to the primary children. Terrence Yeager of the U S Navy was in Boardman Monday visiting friends. He was accompanied by his sister Evelyn. Terry has just com pleted boot camp in California. Hilma Lee Tyler and Chas Rose land were in Pendleton Saturday on business. Mrs. Crystal Barlow went to Port land Sunday for medical treatment. June and Wanda Hubble of Her miston spent the Easter vacation with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. A. Agee. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Uthe visited relatives in Boardman Sunday from Umatilla. Miss Wilamina Schmidt of Eugene visited the Roy Partlows over the Easter holidays. Miss Schmidt is Mrs. Partlow's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliland and son of Pendleton spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Agee. Ernest Peck, Jerry and Ernabel motored to Arlington on business Saturday.. Elvin Ely who is employed as foreman of an extra gang in lone spent Easter Sunday with his fam- iiy. A birthday dinner honoring Mr. Fonda was held at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Fonda celebrated his 77th birth Mrs. George Linn Tuesday evening, day. The senior frolic will be held Saturday night Durkee are moving into the little Mr. and Mrs. John Younger of green cottage vacated by Edward Barlow in town. Martin Clark, former pastor of the Church of Christ in this city, visited for a few hours Wednesday evening enroute to his home in In diana from California where he had been called by his father's death. EQUALIZATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 1, 1945 at 2:00 p. m., the Directors of 'the West Exten sion Irrigation District, acting as a Board of Equalization, will meet at the office of the District in Ir rigon, Oregon, to review and cor rect the annual assessment for the period from July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946, levied by the Board on Tues day, April 3, 1945. A. C. HOUGHTON, Secretary TAKING VACATION Mrs. C. J. Espey left last Thurs day for San Francisco upon very short notice when she received word that she could have her vaca tion at this time from her duties at the Union Pacific depot. N. Schmaltz 6 Sons Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. mm How to keep your Diesel out of the shop America's far-ranging submarines have proved Diesel engines run cleaner, smoother, lubricated with RPM DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil! Your home front Diesel also deserves this great oil. Stops ring-sticking, cuts deposits banishes bearing corrosion! Often reduces repairs 50 and doubles the time between Diesel overhauls. Order RPM DELO Oil now! L. E. DICK Local Representative Phone 622 : Heppner HOLD EVERYTHING!!!! for the BIG CARNIVAL Beginning at 7:15 p. m. Friday, April 13 Heppner High School Auditorium Bingo, Cake Auction, Baseball Throw, Sandwich Counter and many other attractions. Dancing to good music. It will cost you 15c to get in but we can't say how much more to get out. Well, Columbus took a chance, didn't he? Student Assn., Heppner Hi School THE OLD JUDGE SAYS . . . MY id fcfXiratH ill I j JikljadSISw Year? "That's news f Judse. From the way some pe;r.-'o would think it was at least 50.; ' "No, Clem, d;. Li tho .etatement right here in the papv . . . from authorities who have made an exhaustive study of the sub ject. Only about b of the people who drink occasionally abuse the privilege... 95 drink sensibly." "No wonder you say it wouldn't be fair to take the privilege away from the other 95, Judge. I agree with you. "I can't see it any other way, Clem. No more than I could see taking automobiles away from everybody because a few drive recklessly and have accidents.. Or preventing , the making or sale of cake or doughnuts because some folks eat too much and get indigestion." " In the case of spirit beverages, the answer is one of education and better control." "As a matter of fact, the responsible members of that industry are working con stantly toward that end. They don't want folks to abuse the use of their product any more than we do." . rt'j adttrtisemtni sponsortd by Cmftrnui tf AUokelit Bturap Inkahim, tm mxuiKff) (so 9