Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 05, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette limes, April 5, 1945 5
Mrs. Emery Coxen is rejoicing
over the receipt of a letter from her
husband, Pfc Emery Coxen, who is
with the Marines on Iwo Jima. The
letter was written on the 24th of
March, his birthday, and he was
celebratiing his' natal day with a
hair cut and a clean face it hav
ing been two weeks or such a mat
ter since he had had an opportunity
to wash his face. Mr. Coxen is still
living in a foxhole and wishes for
some thing or some one to lure the
Japs out in the open.
Mr and Mrs. V. R. Runnion drove
to Portland Sunday where Mrs.
Runnion underwent a medical
check-up. Bob Runnion Jr. accom
panied them that far on his return
to San Diego for assignment to
further training, after spending a
week at home.
Mrs. Edward Chinn arrived in
Heppner Monday evening after an
absence of several years. Mrs.
Chinn has resided in San Francisco
since leaving here and may decide
to remain if she finds the climate
agrees with her. She is helping Mr.
Chinn at the Elkhorn restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green and chil
dren have been visiting in Hepp
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Green since Saturday. They
will return to Portland Friday.
Robert' Pinckney underwent an
operation in St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton Monday. At last re
ports he was doing very well. Dur
ing his absence at the bank, Mrs.
Howard Bryant is assisting with the
work there.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson re
turned Sunday from Portland
where they had gone to witness the
capping of their daughter, Doro
tha, in ceremonies held at the U. of
0. Medical school on March 31. Mr.
Wilson has not been in the store
the past two days due to a heavy
Jack Healy, E. M.ljc, is expected
home Saturday to spend a leave
with family and friends. Jack has
been in the navy the past three and
a half years, spending a great deal
of that time aboard Ihe U. S. S.
Chester. He is the son of Mr. end
Mrs. John Healy of Butter creek.
Pfc and Mrs. Omer McCaleb ar
rived in Heppner this morning from
Enid, Okla., to spend a few days
visiting at the homes of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green and
Wm. McCaleb. They expect to ac
company Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green
and children to Portland Friday
where they will spend a few days
visiting. Pfc McCaleb will 'report
back to Oklahoma the latter part of
the month.
Fred Lucas is transacting busi
ness in Portland this week, having
gone down on Monday.
I'se Reformed My
Eating Habits
I'se been a
man eating
man all my
life, but the
other day I
stopped in at
the Victory
Cafe and now
I'se ' reform
ed. I didn't
figure food
could taste
so good or
look so tem
ptin' those
Sunday Din
ners, 'special
ly. Y-mmm.
Roy and
lone, Oje.
"We've had PP&L electric service
from cellar to garret since 1911"
says H. A. Reynolds, of the Prospect
Heights District, Walla Walla, Wash.
"When our farm home was built, in 1900,
we had a carbide gas lighting system built
in, but in 1911, the year after PP&L was
organized, they brought electric service to our
farm about two miles south of town. The
same line also served the Prospect Heights
school house, one of the first rural schools
in this area to get electric lights.
"In 1858 a log cabin was built on this
place. It's still standing and is quite a historic
landmark. Now it serves as a storeroom,
and has electric lights like all our other farm
"As early as 1918, electric lights vere in
stalled in our chicken houses to step up egg
production. I believe this was the first installa
tion of its kind in the Walla Walla area.
"We have a big well on the place 20 feet
in diameter with two automatic electric
pumps. This well supplies water for twd
houses, as well as for the barns, chicken
houses, and quite a bit of irrigation.
"Until a fellow stops and thinks back thirty
or thirty-five years, he hardly realizes how
much progress we've made electrically since
PP&L started in business. And the same 'go
ahead' spirit is bound to carry us along in
the future."
Mr. Reynolds was bom in 1863 on the farm where h
makes his home now. He attended Whitman Seminary
(later Whitman College), then went to the University of
Michigan, graduating in 1886. Returning to Walk Walla,
he studied law and was admitted to the bar.
In 1900 Mr. Reynolds bought his present 240-acr
farm, part of the 640-acre donation land claim which
had belonged to his mother. He has served four termi
as Walla Walla County Commissioner, and two term
as a representative in the Washington State Legislature.
Mr. Reynolds has five adult children. Two daughter!
live with him on the farm, and one daughter lives in
Southern California. His son, Jay, was a flight instructor
in Montana until recently, and Allen, his other son,
teaches high school in Walla Walla.
1910 Mazda lamp re
places old carbon bulb,
giving more light per
kwh. FP&L gives users
more kwh per dollar.
1920 Electric cook
ing being popularized
by Pacific Power &
Light. Electric water
heating era on the way.
1930 The whole elec
tric industry promotes
food saving and health
protection with elec
trical refrigeration.
1940 Development
of fluorescent lighting
offers improved oppor
tunities for "Better
Light Better Sight".
1945 Television now
ready for post-waf
homes. Great advance
in science of electronics
await peacetime use.
Pacific Power & light Company
" ;r Business-Managed Power System
The Victory Cafe