2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 5, 1945 BOARDMAN NEWS Frances Skoubo A potluck birthday dinner lor IONE NEWS NOTES LEXINGTON NEWS By MBS. OMAR BIETMANN By MRS MARY EDWARDS Pfc Mineth E. McClain of Port- . M Mwar, . land who is m the medical corps at , , . . A . A . Edward Kunze was held at his Fort Lawton Wash, spent last week clyde rf wounds on Iw0 home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. while on furlough visiting his sis- Jima Qn 5 CJyde enlisted Anderegg and Barbara, Mr. and ter, Mrs Herert Ekstrom. Marines on Dec. 21, 1943 and Mrs. Tom Gardiner, Mary Deulen Mrs. Billy Eubanks of Heppner too is training at San Diego and and daughters, Ralph Wasmer, Mr. spent part of her Easter vacation Camp Pendleton, Calif. He went 'and Mrs. I Skoubo and Frances, with her mother, Mrs. Ada Cannon, overseas in July 1944. He was Ernabel Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Ray George Ely received word from assigned to the 5th division. Brown, Bill Harrington, Edward his son Francis Ely SK3c on Sat- mss Awards came home McClellan and Jerry and Mr. and urday last week. This is the first Friday from her school at Spokane. Mrs Edward Kunze attended. Mr Ely had heard from Francis she Mt flgam Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. George Black and since his ship was reported sunk Mrs Waskburn motored to Wallo- Francis wrote from an undisclosed , .,,. , , wa snond th woW.ptiH with Mr. ion came up Dunaay to spena a iew days visiting at the' home of Mr. Mrs- Crawford Oveson and fa- and Mrs. W. C. Van Winkle. milv- Mrs- accompanied them Mrs. Bethel Taylor arrived home to Weston where she visited her Monday evening from Portland and Parents over the week-end. Salem. She was accompanied by Easte P31 in which Norma Mrs. Verle Frederickson and Mrs. Roseland and Lorna Shannon were Florence Ely. hostesses was held at their homes Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding and Sunday. Those invited were Bever- family spent Easter Sunday with lv. Garry and Pat Pettys, Jerry .reck, .Norma Falconer, Beverly Ham and brother, Sheron and Lar- CARD OF THANKS ry Watts, Shirley Earwood, Delbert We wish to express our sincere Tyler, Connie Lou and Caroline gratitude to our manv friends for Lee Baker. gon to attend a Congregational the 'kindnesses and sympathy ex- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and church conference. Richard Wad- tended to us in our recent sorrow. Gene who have been living in Ta dell returned to his school at San Mr and Mrs A M Edwards and coma, Wash, are moving back into Francisco on Saturday after a family. their home in town soon. Art has . week's visit with his parents. . resigned his position with the rail- The Cooperative church held VISIT IN WASHINGTON road and intends to g0 mto bfie several meetings during the last Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wehmeyer re- business it is said, week. Special Easter communion turned the first of the week from jj. and jrs jjm Bistrap and services were held Wednesday at points in northern Washington Darlene 0f Spokane were in Board the Christian church by Rev. Wad- where they visited relatives and man Q transact some business on dell. On Friday Rev. DeBoer con- friends for three weeks. Winthrop, ferm gunday K is gaid ducted Good Friday services. On Twist and Okanogan were places Continued on Page Six Easter Sunday Miss DeBoer con- location. He urged all who could to donate blood to the Red Cross as it is so badly needed in all the war theaters. The O. E. S. social club raised over $78 from their food, fancy work and apron sale last Saturday at Bert Mason's store. Mrs. Garland Swanson left last inuiDuajr iu aiiu me i-uia ti nut. relatives t S ra idays with relatives in Portland and ' Salem. Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell left Monday morning for Nelscott Ore- Bad Gas Milage Poor Performance? A complete Motor Tune-Up will do won ders for yor Car or Truck. Latest Modern Tune-Up Equipment Installed 18 years experience All work guaranteed Station Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Monday through Saturday No charge for checking or estimates NOW AT YOUR Richfield Service in Heppner Phone 1242 ducted sunrise service on the Butte south of town after which break fast was served at the E. M. Baker ranch. The union Sunday school presented an Easter program at 10:00 a. m. During morning wor ship hour the choir under the direc tion of H. G. Holcomb sang "Hail Mighty Victor" and "Hallelujah, Christ is Risen". In the evening the young people presented a pageant, "The Challenge of the Cross" with singing by the choir. . The Dramatic club of the lone high school presented a play, "Tem pest and Sunshine" last Thursday night with the following cast: Josh ua Mrddleton, Alton Yarnell; Nan cy Middleton, Betty Ball; Julia Middleton, Dorothy Bergstrom; Fan nie Middleton, Marilyn Holcomb; Dick Wilmot, Gene Rietmann; Ida Carrington, Eunice Peterson; Dr. George Lacey, Billy Joe Rietmann; Kate Wilmot, Shirlee Smouse; Su san Middleton, Barbara Smith; Uncle Luce, Arthur Bergstrom; Aunt Judy, Aloha Painter; Ambro sia, Darlene Biddle. Miss Jane Huston directed the. play. Mrs. H. N. Waddell received word Wednesday evening of the death of her sister, Mrs. B. F. Berryman of International Falls Minnesota. Members of the Full Gosple Mission held a dinner at the church Sunday. Miss Doris Palmateer of Port land spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Misses June Griffith, Wilma Do byns and Melba Crawford who are attending Oregon State college were at their respective homes for the Easter vacation. The Rebekah lodge sponsored a demonstration of meat cookery by Mrs. Cecilia VanWinkle at the Con gregational church Tuesday, PAYS BUSINESS VISIT This office enjoyed 'a pleasant call from Bruce Dennis who was in the county Friday on business in con nection with properties he is inter ested in. He stated that he had sold his Boardman ranch to parties who contemplate engaging in potato raising on an extensive scale. Here tofore hay has been the principal crop on the place but Mr. Dennis says it is more suitable to row crop farming. He is satisfied that grain is as well along in Morrow county as in other counties visited recent, ly and looks for a good yield this year. Although not engaged in the newspaper business for a number of years, the smell of printer's ink lures him into shops here and there on his travels over territory seved by the Safeway stores. o Remember the O. E. S. show Tues day night at Star Theater. . i I No.... the question isn't silly. Trees really do lay millions of eggs which have an important economic bearing on the future of the United States. A mature tree may create and distribute over the land anywhere from a few thousand to half a million seeds in a single year. If given an opportunity to develop, these seeds can produce almost anything .... a new house .... a newspaper .... motor fuel .... or a synthetic tire .... for wood is today one of the most versatile servants of science. ' . Since the variety of things which can be made from wood is increasing so rapidly, it is our job to see that the trees in our woods have an opportunity to "lay their eggs" and that they hatch into mature trees for tomorrow. We are on' the job. 1 i Kinzua Pine Mills Company