Heppner Gazette Times, March 29, 1945 7 Want Ads LOST gold ... bracelet with green sets; between school and base ball field. Reward. Ramona Mc Daniel. l-3p FOR SALE Caterpillar combine, model 36. A-l condition. Priced reasonable.. Earl McKinney. Hep pner. 52-2p DRY BOARD ends for sale See Homer or Eldon Tucker. 46-lp FOR SALE Modern duplex and two lots on Chase st. Box 41. Mrs. R. E. Thomas, Heppner. 51-2p FOR SALE Modern home in Lex ington, cement basement, furnace heat, full lot and barn, $3500. See Vern Wilcox; after Saturday, ad dress Rte 1, The Dalles. 52-lp estate, and all persons having ob jecions thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 15th day of March 1945. JAMES J. HAYES, Executor . INEZ GENTRY, Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, adminis trator of the Estate of Ida M. Peter son, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said Deceased are hereby re-51-3 Quired to present the same with ii .J" 3 1 proper voucners amy veruiea oy law to the said Administrator at the law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of March, 1945. VICTOR G. PETERSON Administrator NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 21, 1945, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 3 of Sperry's Third Addition to P- W. MAHONEY the City of lone, Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 21st day of April, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, Lots 4 and 5 in Block 1, Origi nal Town of lone, Morrow 'County, Oregon for the mini mum price of $20.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 28th day of April, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon ON LEAVE Paul Phelan, PO lc, and Mrs. Phelan are spending part of Paul's 27-day leave at the home of bis pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Phelan. Mrs. Paul Phelan is on crutches, having broken one of her legs in a fall. WE HAVE in stock for immediate delivery deep well and shallow well pumps. For gasoline or ec- Se'l said property to the highest and istrator of the estate of Sarah C Phil Attorney for the Administrator Heppner, Oregon ' 52-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court , of, the State of Oregon for Morrow County admin- tric operation priced $77 and up. Size range 325 g. p. h. to 1800 g. p. h. Tanks 20, 40, 80, 120, 220 gal. Wiring supplies, pipes & fit tings. Write for further informa tion or see them at L. A. MOORE, Furniture Store, Hermiston, Ore gon, Phone 2121. 52-5 LIGHT plants bought and sold or serviced. For prices call 383. 32tf FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 miles from Heppner 2860 acres reasonably priced to sell, owner Stella Bailey, Box 8626, Port land, Oregon. 37c FREE If excess acid causes you pains of stomach ulcers, ind'ges tion, heartburn, belching, bloat ing nausea, gas pains, get free sample, Udga at Humphreys Drug Company. 48-20p best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon 52-4 Legal Notices NOTICE OF FBWAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Ole B. Olson, deceased, has filed with "the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, her fi nal account of her administration of the estate, of said deceased and said court fixed Monday, the 2nd day of April 1945 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner Ore gon, as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are herby required to file same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 1st day of March 1945. JENNIE S. OLSON 49.1 Administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 14, 1945, I am authorized and directed, to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: All of Section 29 and the West Half of Section 16 in Township 4 North, Range 26 E. W. M. for the minimum price' of $1.00 per acre, cash. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 16, 17, and 18, in Block 10, Mt. Vernon's Addition to the City of Heppner, Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. -THEREFORE, I will on the 14th day of April, 1945, at the homr of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon By FLORENCE ELY, 51.3 Deputy NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor and execu trix of the estate of Nancy B. Hayes, deceased, have filed with the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County their final account of the administration of said estate, and said Court has fixed Monday, April 16th, 1945 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the executor of the last Will and Test ament of Herman Neilson, deceas ed, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned with pro per verification, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of March, 1945. JOS. J. NYS, 52-4 Executor lips, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the- same to the under signed administator duly verified as required by law at the law of fice of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from, the date hereof. Dated and first published this 29th day of March, 1945. R. F. PHLLIPS, 1.5 Administrator NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 27th, 1945, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: WHIttlHI'MIIIHIIIIIHIIUItlHIHIIHIIItlirilHIIIMflHIItllllllltlHItllltltllllllfllllflllllllllllllll PREPARING YOUR WOOL FOR SALE Preparing the wool clip for sale involves tying the fleeces, packing them in bags, and lettering each bag with a description of the contents. A well-prepared clip of grease wool is more salable than a poorly prepared clip; but no matter how well prepared an inferior wool may be, it still will not command the premium value of a superior quality clip. It is also true, however, that THE VALUE OF ANY CLIP CAN BE INCREASED BY SUPERIOR PREPARATION. The important points of good wool preparation sre given in the following paragraphs. The deductions and prices are as quoted in the Commodity Credit Corporation Schedule of Values for Domestic Shorn Wool under the 1945 Wool Purchase Program. 1. KEEP THE FLEECES CLEAN Keep the shearing pens as clean as possible. Keep straw and manure out of the fleeces ' because this lowers value by giving the wool a bad apocaranca. 2. DON'T USE TOO MUCH BRANDING PAINT Branding paint on wool is nothing less than a material defect. Branding paints should always be used as sparingly as possible. 3. DON'T PACK UNTIED OR CARELESSLY TIED FLEECES Excctpt in the case of Texas 8 months and Texas fall wool, all untied clips will be discounted 2 cents per pound from the grease appraisal price. Using only paper strings, tie each fleece securely with the flesh end of the staple showing and the shoulder and side wools on the outside. Tuck in the loose ends. There will be a deduction of 10 cents per pound (clean basis) for wool tied with sisal or binder twine. BAILING WIRE SHOULD NEVER BE USED. 4. TAKE ALL TAGS, DUNG LOCKS, AND STAINED PIECES OUT OF THE FLEECES On original bag wool the appraisers will make a deduction not to exceed 3 percent of the grease appraisal price on clips which do not have all tags and other off wools packed separately. Heavy tags are worth only 12 cents per pound and average tags are worth only 17 cents per pound on the Boston market. PACK ALL TAGS AND SWEEPINGS IN A SEPARATE BAG. Never put a layer of tags in a bag along with fleeces. 5. DON'T PACK BLACK WOOL WITH WHITE WOOL Black fibers contaminate white wool. Black wool is worth only two thirds of the price of white wool of comparable grade. 6. DON'T PACK BURRY FLEECES WITH FLEECES FREE OF BURRS Keep separate from clean wool all fleeces contain ing burs, foxtail, straw, leaves, or vegetable defects. The value of a clip can be lowprcd from 1 to 10 cents per pound (clean basis), and even more depending on the amount of defect it contains. 7. DON'T PACK EWE, YEARLING, AND RAM FLEECES TO GETHER Keep these classes separate because they each have a different value. This is not necessary in clips under 3,000 pounds. 8. REQUEST SEPARATE APPRAISALS ON EWE, YEARLING, AND RAM WOOL In this way you can get the true values for the wool in each of the above classes. 9. DON'T PACK DEAD WOOL, CRUTCIHNGS, AND EYE CLIPPINGS ALONG WITH SnORN FLEECES Keep such wools separate from the fleeces. Pack them in a separate bag. Thev have a lower value than the fleece wool. 10. ALWAYS MARK EVERY BAG OF WOOL TO SHOW THE CONTENTS Every bag in the clip should be distinctly let tered with the class of wool it contains. These painted letters should be at least 6 inches in height. The following names should be used: EWE. YEARLING OR LAMB, RAM, BLACK, TAGS AND SWEEPINGS, DEAD WOOL, CRUTCIHNGS, EYEBROWS, BURRY, SEEDY. 11. NEVER PACK WET WOOL Mold develops in wet wool and stains and weakens the fibers. Always dry wet fleeces before packing them. In costs so little more to prepare a clip of grease wool correctly1 that even in this time of insufficient labor every wool grower should majte a supreme effort to prepare his wool in the best way. Easier Groceries There are groceries and GROCERIES. We carry GROCERIES! 'That should make it easy for you to select tasty, delectable foods for your Easter dinner. Crisp, fresh, vitamin-rich vegetables are a must with every properly balanced meal, and on our shelves and counters will be found the best food values money can buy. Our meat department is prepared to sell you the "piece de resistance" When planning your Easter dinner and other meals, remember you can get every thing at this "one-stop" market. Central Market mm A..U- 2w C0&J0U Hi-AW Bi 1 n -by the slickest and most fascinating little device you ever saw. DEE TEE VfiPSR CLEANER THE ONLY SURE METHOD OF GEAR CLEANING Watch it clean gears 'til they shine like a new dollar. Even the metal pores are cleaned and all of the accumulation of law, gum and worn-out grease in transmissions and differentials It gone in a matter of minutes. Car manufacturers say For longer life clean and refill transmissions and differentials every 5,000 miles. Start fresh today with gears "handkerchief-clean." Com on in . . . we'll show you how DEE TEE worka FBEEI We have an experienced lubrica tion man on our lube rack and are able almost always to give you a lubrication job on your car. Brine; your car in or phone for an appoint ment. Hodge Chevrolet Co.