Heppner Gazette Times, March 29, 1945 3 CHURCHES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Bennie Howe, Minister GOOD FRIDAY Communion service at 8 p. m. EASTER SUNDAY Divine worship at 11 a. m. Special Easter music and sermon. Thought for the week: "Ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are 3od's." I Cor: 6:20. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY Noon to 3 p. m. by Bishop Rem ington. EASTER DAY Holy Communion 8 am. Church School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor THURSDAY Communion service and preach ing 7:30. Special music. FRIDAY Singsperation 7:30, Booster club demonstration. Preaching service. SATURDAY Pantomining, special music 7:30; preaching service. EASTER SUNDAY Sunrise service and regular Lord's Day services with an Eas ter play in the evening at 7:30. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's service 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic services 7:45 p. m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCorniack Pastoi GOOD FRIDAY Stations of the Cross and Adora tion of the Cross 7:30 p. m. EASTER SATURDAY Morning mass 8:30 a. m., preced ed by Blessing of Paschal Candle, blessing of Baptismal Water and Easter Holy Water. Confessions in afternoon from 4-5 and 7:30-9:30. EASTER SUNDAY High mass at 9:30 a. m. Confes sions before Mass. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service 11 o'clock. Junior C. E. 7 p. m. Preaching service 8 p.m. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. . Come to church. lONE FULL GOSPEL MISSION Ralph De Boer. Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening service I p. m IONB FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bible School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship llcOO a. m. Young People's 7:00 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. HAS BAD FALL Mrs. Neville Blunt suffered a broken arm last Wednesday eve ning when she entered the Vert Memorial building in Pendleton to attend the duo-piano concert there. The floor in the lobby had been re cently waxed and Mrs. Blunt slip ped and fell. She attended the con cert and thought she had sprained her wrist until the next morning she was taken to the hospital where an x-ray showed two small bones in her right wrist had been frac tured. ' EXPRESS APPRECIATION We, the committee in charge of Red Cross solicitation in the Eight Mile-Gooseeberry-Rhea Creek area, wish to express our appreciation for the fine manner in which the people of our district responded to the Red Cross drive. Your gener ous response has helped Morrow county over the top and made the work of gathering in the funds much easier. Mrs. Ben Anderson Mrs. Walter Becket E. E. Rugg : Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Them Often We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often - especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always' welcome at the Elkhorn Restaurant - i. Richfield Service In Heppner Now offers you Complete Motor Tune-up Complete Lubrication Carburetor, Distributor, Magneto, Gener ator, Starter, Fuel Pump overhaul service No charge for checking or estimates STATION HOURS 10 A. M.to 8 P.M. F, UNREIN Operator Phone 1242 OF PORTLAND, OREGON Merchants of Credit for 80 Years" HOUSEW ARMING PARTY Mrs. George Matthews and Mrs. William Steagall entertained at a housewarming for Mr. and Mrs. Marren Matthews Saturday eve ning. Pinochle and Chinese check ers were played, with high score pinochle going to Mrs. Russell Wright and Mrs Archie Paderg, low to Mrs Harold Rhodes and Mrs. Marren Matthews. High in Chinese checkers were Robert Rhodes and William Steagal; low Mrs. James Cowins and Mrs. Don Harwood. Refreshments of jello, cake and cof fee were served. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Paderg, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Rhodes, Mrs. James Cowins, Mrs. Don Harwood, Mrs. Lois Win chester, William Steagall, George Matthews and Verlin Matthews. Condensed Statement of Head Office and 40 Branches as of March 20. 1945 RESOURCES CasHonHandandDuefromBanks $115,229,441.12 United States Bonds, including U. S. Government Agencies. . . . 253,636,904.45 Municipal Bonds Loans and Discounts Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures. ....... Other Real Estate Customers' Liability on Acceptances Interest Earned Pther Resources Total Resources, LIABILITIES Capital $4,500,000 n Surplus 5,500,000.lj Undivided Profits and Reserves . . . 7,883,908.:: " Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc Acceptances Interest Collected in Advance Other Liabilities Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank deposits s Total Liabilities $368,866,345.57 58,482,718.00 47,311,321.86 300,000.00 2,585,638.22 None 10,010.16 752,270.42 228,925.66 $478,537,229.89 .'7,883,908.31 1,468,164.36 10,010.16 139,767.13 248,390.28 458,786,989.65 $478,537,229.89 FAMILY GATHERING SUNDAY Mrs. D. M. Ward plans to spend Easter with the Karl Farnsworth family in The Dallies when all members will be at home. o VISITING FATHER Mrs. Vallejo Kremmers of Port land has been visiting with her fa ther, D. A. McAtee. Mrs. Kremmers expects to return home this week. Affiliated with The First National Bank of Portland arc eight additional banks whose total Deposits, as of March 20, 1945 were $23,201,410.73, and total Resources $24,367,303.35. These figures are not included in the above statement of The First National Bank of Portland The locations of these banks are as follows: Sweet Home . . . Seaside . . . Silverton . . . Cottage Grove . . . Forest Grove . . . Prineville . . . Scio . . . Sellwood (Portland) QBllQQ J