Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 29, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 29, 1945
The social club of the O. E. S.
will hold a sale Saturday March 31
at the Bert Mason store. Food, ap
rons and fancy work will be on dis
play beginning at 11:30.
A dance sponsored by the Shrine
club was held at the Willows grange
hall Saturday night. Proceeds will
be used for the Shriners' hospital
and the Morrow county . hospital
when completed. A large crowd
Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mrs. Martin
Cotter and. Mrs. Victor Rietmann
were hostesses for the Topic club
at the home of Mrs. Rietmann.
Three tables of bridge were played
with high score won by Mrs. Char
les O'Connor a member, and Mrs.
John Rancier a guest, and low by
Mrs. Charles Carlson, member, and
Mrs. Werner Rietmann, guest. Mrs.
H. E. Yarnell won Jack-high.
Sunrise services will, be held on
the hilltop south of lone Easter
morning. Miss Gertrude DeBoer
will be in charge. After the services
a "ham and egg" breakfast will be
served at the Markham Bakers.
Al Swales returned from Walla
Walla Sunday.
The large refrigerator ordered
for the school lunch room arrived
Friday. With a capacity of 33 cubic
feet it should aid greatly in prepar
ing the lunches.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Benge and
family were Saturday night guests
of Mrs. Lana Paderg.
Mrs. Les Roundy and children
moved Sunday from their trailer
house to the large house of Mrs.
Lena Ray.
The Rebekah lodge will sponsor
an all day demonstration on meat
cookery by Mrs. Cecilia Van Win
kle, OSC extension worker at the
Congregational Church rooms April
3 beginning at 10:00 a. m.
Mrs. Inez V. Freeland of Port
land was guest of honor at a party
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Omar Rietmann on Wednesday of
last week.
The O. E.. S. held a special meet
ing for initiation Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Ray were The
Dalles visitors Friday to get med
ical treatment and checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. Clel Rea and son
Dallas drove to Portland on busi
ness last Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Swanson has been ill
with a cold the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson had as
their Sun-day dinner guests Mrs.
Les Roundy and family, Mrs. Ruby
Kincaid and sons, Lewis Padberg
and Rev and Mrs. J. C. Stevens.
Dr. J. M. Odell, superintendent
of the Eastern Oregon tuberculosis
hospital will be at lone school at
1:30 p. m., April 2 to give skin
tests for tuberculosis reactors from
the fourth grade up. v
Mrs. Matt Gordon of Hermiston
visited Wednesday with Mrs. Clar
ence Harris. She returned to her
home Thursday accompanied by
Mrs Harris and children who will
visit for a few days
The minutes for the January
term weie read and approved.
As the Morrow County AAA did
not accept the County offer to lease
block 21 Well's Addition to , lone,
Oregon for one year at $50 per
year, the order in regard to this
lease is hereby rescinded.
The Court orders that the Dis
trict Attorney of Morrow County
file a protest against the proposed
exchange of land and timber by the
Government and Wallowa Timber
Company, within and adjacent to
Whitman National Forest Oregon
for timber in the Umatilla and Wil
lamette National Forest Oregon.
The Court orders the following
Bangs' Disease claims paid: Wight
man Bros., $6.00 and Raymond Pet
tyjohn, $20.00.
The Court orders the publication
and sale of the following county
The N. of NEYi of SW and
the NVz of NW of SEVi, sec
tion 36, Township 5 North of
Range 26 E. W. M. for the mini
mum price of $80.00 cash..
Edna Hughes Dep. Sal . $108.50
P. A. Mollahan, Dep Sal 156.59
Florence Ely Dep Sal 116.49
Marie Barlow, Dep Sal 108.50
Letha Rippee Supt Asst 50.90
J. O. Archer Janitor 88.50
Dr. A. D. McMurdo Phys. 25.00
Susie W. Miller, Ct Reporter 25.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, General
Assistance 7320
L D. Neill, County Court 13.65
J. G. Barratt, County Court 9.10
Margaret Gillis, Co Nurse 133.40
Heppner Gazette Times, Offic.
Pub. $31.95; Sher. Tax Coll
32.65; 64.60
Pac. Stationery & Printing Co
Tax Coll $289.03; Assessor 7.30
Clerk 0.65 296.98
Wightman Bros Bangs' Disease
Control 6.00
Raymond R. Pettyjohn, Bangs
Disease Control 20.00
Sheriff of Umatilla Co.
Jail Expense 33.75
Central Market, Jail Expense 2.29
John H. Fuiten, Sheriff 37.10
S. C. Russell, Sheriff 2.82
A. C. Houghton, Sheriff 1.45
Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Insane Ex 5.00
State Dept. of Agriculture,
District Sealer 18.45
Pac Tel & Tel Co Current
Expense 41.70
Mahoney & Company Bonds 75.00
P. W. Mahoney, District Atty 40.00
J. K. Gill Company Supt
Expense 4.11
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. 11.50; ,
Travel Expense $40.25 51.75
State Ind Accid Coram Sher
$4.73; Sher Sal 0.31; Dep Sal
0.62 5.66
First Natl Bk Portland
Sal Withholding 186.75
Assoc of Oregon Counties 90.78
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Coroner
Expense 27.00
Pacific Power & Light Co
Court House 37.37
Contlnupd on Pape Eight
Bad Gas Milage
Poor Performance?
A complete Motor Tune-Up will do won
ders for yor Car or Truck.
Latest Modern Tune-Up Equipment
1 8 years experience
All work guaranteed
Station Hours 10 a. rn. to 8 p. m.
Monday through Saturday
No charge for checking or estimates
Richfield Service
in Heppner
Phone 1242
We just ask you to come in and see our
line of
Bluegate Candles
the candles with character
You will not have to be sold on them
they sell themselves.
But That Isn't All!
See our line of
Gift Talcs and
Faster Toys
Hallmark Cards
Boxed Candy
and numerous other
Get the habit of shopping here and real
ize the highest values for your money
Gordon's Drug Store
ms mm
i ATURE isn't la7v. hnt q1if
i j w unv, JUlll-
1 I'.lll -m
times neeas a uttie neip and encourage
ment in her urge to replace old trees with
An old forest is very largely a static
forest .... one which makes little use of
the growth potential in the land. The
trees are mature, crowded, and lose almost
as much wood through decay and disease
as they grow.
When we clear the mature units from
such a woods, struggling young trees get
their chance for more sunlight and soil
food. They usually make the most of it
and the land goes to work producing new;
wood at a greatly accelerated rate.
This is the forest cycle which can give
us plenty of new wood for tomorrow. This
is the way in which we manage our timbeu
Kinzua Pine Mill