8 Heppner Gazette :- Star Reporter : Friday -Saturday, March 16-17 In the Meantime, Darling Jeanne Crain, Frank Lalimore, Eu gene Pallctte, Mary Nash Mr. and Mrs. G. I. on a honeymoon ... a gay and tender story PLUS Dark Mountain Robert Lowery, Ellen Drew, Regis Toomcy, Eddie Quillan Smashing action amid towering peaks. Sunday-Monday, March 18-19 Hollywood Canteen 62 great stars including Bette Davis, Jack Benny, Joan Crawford, John Garfield, Barara Stanwyck, Ida Lupino, Jimmy Dorsey's Band, Roy Rogers and Trigger. An abun c f f' if W ttf W t M N K r CO Co yf f V, j(C Jt -V J i 7 V 3 t f 9 1 i LOVELY LINGERIE FOR SPRING! ' Women's Rayon Slips n ..-ii . i oeauTiTui lace Trimmea styles to give that finer touch to your new spring outfit. Tea Rose and White 32 to 40 Times, March 15, 1945 t! dance of all kinds of entertainment. The Hollywood Canteen for service men will participate in the pro ceeds of this production. Tuesday, March 20 Reckless Age Gloria Jean, Judy Clark, Jack Gil ford, Franklin Pangborn, Henry Stephenson, Jane Darwell, Delta Rhythym Boys A diverting comedy bubbling with song and dance. "Get on Board, Little Children" and Brahms' "Lul laby" are outstanding vocal numbers Wednesday-Thursday, March 21-22 The Suspect Charles Laughton, Ella Rains, Dean Harens, Stanley C. Ridges A supurb thriller. . . one of the fin est characterizations of Laughton's career. Also "on the Mellow Side" with Emil Coleman's orchestra. L4r' ViLiS INC. of importanco Look into These Fine HANDBAG VALUES 4 .98 New Spring styles in genuine leather envelope and pouch bags. Handsome plastic or mock tortoise shell clasps. Lined. Soft, Bright WOMEN'S Fabrics In GLOVES A lovely assortment ffA Spring colors in longtJK or short styles. So gay I ' , Prettiest Suit Trimming FRILLED DICKIES V-neck styles with m MQ Schieffli embroidered I collar. Snowy white. Brighten Dark Dreiser LACY NECKWEAR Fresh cotton embroidered - necklines. 70' 1.98 Our Men . , . Continuea irom jnrst Pose Processing-in center for the Fourth Air Force. Cpl Jones is engaged in work as an altitude training tech nician. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones, reside at Heppner. HEARS FROM HUSBAND Mrs. Emery Coxen received a let ter the first of the week from her husband, one of the Marines help ing to liquidate the Japs on Iwo Jima. 'The letter was written in a foxhole more fittingly called a hell hole and the writer admitted a couple of close calls, "but who hasn't," sez he. He did not expect to write again until he had return ed to the main base and this was the first letter from him since Feb. 6. Bill Padberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin (Buck) Padberg, is a member of the 5th Marines on Iwo Jima. His parents heard from him this week too. He and Emery were inducted and took their basic training together. STEP BROTHERS ALMOST MEET Out in the Pacific there is plen ty of room for many things to happen and they are happening hourly and occasionally something of interest to local people is heard of. Recently Lt (jg) Elwayne Lieu alien's ship had to refuel. A ship pulled alongside and on it was Fred Painter, WT3jc. The boys are step brothers, the former a son of Roy Lieuallen, the latter Mrs. Lieual len's son. They could not get to gether but talked over the ships' phones. They saw each other faint ly which is not too much consola tion when both wer eso far away from home. The parents live at lone. o Mrs. George , Engkraf and Mrs. Rose Frates returned to their homes in Yakima and Toppenish, Wash, on Sunday after visiting last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf. Mrs. Robert Thompson and dau ghter, Mrs. Luke Bib.by made a trip to Portland on Sunday return ing on Tuesday. The ladies went to .the city seeking medical assistance. W. L. McCaleb enjoyed a brief visit with his son Omer. in Portland Friday or Saturday. Omer came out from Texas on a bomber and had a few hours in Portland. County Clerk C. W Barlow drove to Portland Friday to spend a few days with Mrs. Barlow, who is car ing for her mother, Mrs. A. S. Akers. He was accompanied by Pvt and Mrs. Robert Walker and W. L. McCaleb. Mrs. Harry Plumondore returned Friday from Yreka, Calif, where she was called by )the serious illness and death of her father, who passed away the day after she arrived there. THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON There is a reason for everything and the fact that we serve the best meal in town ac counts for the ever increasing popu larity of this place. If you are not a patron now you soon will be s Yours for Better Eats HEPPNER CAFE VALBY MISSIONARY SOCIETY The womens missionary society of the Lutheran church will .meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Lundell Sunday afternoon, March 25. All members and friends are cordially invited to attend. J. A Lieuallen of Walla Walla left Monday for Coos county after spending the week-end with his sister, Mrs J H. Paderg. He will re turn here for a longer visit shortly. o Mrs. Ralph Scott from Portland is visiting this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. D. Neill. Lexington High School ANNOUNCES A One-act Plays h 8 p. m. Fiiday, March 23 Lexington School Auditorium ''F 't.' l l GARDEN v Package p W WSSlO SUPER ifVS ll I Rwl g,ant 4 w f! I2SP??x SEEDS S. The Wonder Paintl '4a I 'M 'A Free War Garden Book con tains 28 pages of complete, scientific Information on the care and cultivation of a successful garden. Steps Form a Ladder Two-Siep STOOL 3.05 The steps fold back and there's a good-looking kitchen stool. White enameled. m. successful garden. m Rosewall Motor Company ST PATRICK'S BANQUET Members of St. Patrick's parish will hold a banquet March 17 in the Odd Fellows hall. The program for the evening's entertainment will feature musical numbers replete with a flavor of the Emerald Isle. Popular Irish songs will be rend ered by the pupils of St. Joseph's academy. In addition, vocal num bers will be given by Mrs. Paul Hisler, Mrs Patricia Barrie, Mar guerite Glavey, Joe Farley, Jean Turner, Mirian Miller, Billy and Patricia Kenny, Ann Lawrence, Dorothy Cutsforth. Mrs. R. C. Law rence will be accompanist. WaS!-Ton The Wonder Paintl Washable I Dries in One Haurl One Coat Covers! No" Painty" OJorl Beautiful Pastels! Covers almost any Interior surface. You c;an finish a room In a few hours' t"-' ' 1 I 1 aw Smooth, Closely Woven Imported Willow CLOTEIESIIASKET 2.98 A basket for years of wear. Reinforced top and bottom. Extra Large Size 3.49 V;--"" srf WMJ