6 Heppner Gazette Irrigcn News Notes By Beth Russell Mrs. Joy Weigand is visiting re latives and friends in Irrigon Mrs Weigand's small daughter Teresa has been staying with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mrs. Weigand came from Pasco this week to spend Teresa's second birthday with her. Mrs. Kenneth Madison and two sons, Dickie and Gary Lee are vis . iting Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey. Mrs. Madison expects to stay two or- three weeks. Her husband is in the navy and is now stationed in the Philippines. The ladies are sisters. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve and son Jimmy were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. VanClere axe from Pasco and are the parents of Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grider vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore of Boardman Sunday. Mrs. Louise Ganet returned to her home in Pendleton Friday af ter visiting several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Browning. Mrs. Amelia Riley, who has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. Minnie Fraser and Mrs. James Henderson, and Mrs. Ida Pemberton who has been visiting her son James Hen derson, returned to Kendrick, Ida., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Latham and Mrs. Ada Covington left Thursday forWhite Plains, Ky. after spend ing a month in Oregon and Wash ington. Mrs. Martha Ferrill is ac companying them home. Mrs. Carl Haddox reports that her husband who underwent sur gery at a Pendleton ' hospital, is making satisfactory progress. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Russell were Heppner business visitors Thiusuay. E. K. Schneider returned to Ir rigon Tuesday after a business trip t.) P Missouri. Fred Houghton who has been in a hospital in Portland, returned for a day and is now in Portland for more medical treatment. Ellon Fraser, Mrs. Minnie Fraser and J. A. Shoun were some of the Pendleton visitors Tuesday. High school students with an av erage of better than a 2 are on the -honor roll for this semester. They pre: Louis Rucker, LeRoy Schnei iar, Marietta Haddox, freshmen; Iieonard Aldrich, Loraine Schnei der, Clara Fraser, juniors; Patty Markham, Ella Mae Grim, Kathleen Poulson, Loretta White and Delpha JOIN C A. P. CIVIL AIR PATROL Auxiliary of Army Air Corps Men and Women 18 years or older Boys and Girls 15 to 18 years LearnAviation from the ground up Learn Military Training Learn Radio Theory and Code No physical requirements except for flying. FLYING SOON TO START Call or write C.A.P. Box 61 , Heppner. Ore. or stop in at HEPPNER HOME SERVICE for information W. S. READY Times, March 15, 1945 Markham, seniors. BOARDMAN NEWS Frances Skoubo Rev. Peterson, a native Portland er who attended a theological semi nary at San Francisco, gave a ser mon at the Community church Sun day evening. It is not certain that Rev. Peterson will become the min ister of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson Wednes day evening. Mrs. Buster Rands and Mrs. Ray Gronquest took her son Keith Ray to a doctor in Pendleton because of ear trouble Monday. Linn Gillespie fell from a swing Wednesday and broke his arm and wrist. Judy Mulligan has been quite ill at home for the past week. Mrs. Jack Mulligan and Mrs. Earl Briggs took her to the doctor Mon day night for examination. Mrs. Billings and Doris Wilson motored to The Dalles Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo received word from their son Lt. Ralph Skoubo, a prisoner of war in Ger many, dated Dec. 15, 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chaffee and family spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs.. A. B. Chaffee. Allen has been stationed at Farra gut, Ida. and is now going to Shoe maker, Calif. Miss Shirley Collins of Umatilla spent the week-end visiting the Roseland and Tyler families. Harold Tyler Sljc who has been home on a 30-day leave left Satur day evening and will report at a Seattle naval hospital at the end of his leave. Albert Partlow Sljc returned home Monday. He has received a medical discharge from the navy. Lt. Ted Wilson, flight instructor stationed at Minter Field, Calif, vi sited two days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson. Ted was welcomed by the students when he flew over the schoolhouse Wednes day afternoon. Pfc Vernon Partlow who Is sta tioned in Seattle is spending sev eral days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Partlow. The Home Economics club was honored to have Mrs Cecilia Van Winkle demonstrate and talk on the basic seven foods at this meeting Thursday in the grange kitchen. Mrs. Lloyd Rinehart motored to Union Thursday and returned Fri day evening accompanied by her son Larry. Ernabel Peck, who attends St. Joseph's academy in Pendleton was at home for the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E W. Peck. Mr and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and sons of Union are visiting friends on the project this week. Asta Skoubo, cjn returned from Walla Walla Monflay to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo before return ing to Multnomah hospital in Port land. ' MORE NEW BOOKS IN IIEPPNER LIBRARY Have you been in to the library recently? Some more new books await your pleasure. Two books were donated by B. P. O. E. lodge No. 358: fiction, "The Bolinvars", Bayless, a romance, originally pub lished some years ago and sold at $15 a copy; and a non-fiction, "Lost Waltz" by Harding, a memoir of the family of Archduke Leopold Salva tor, nephew of Emperor Franz Jo seph of Austria. Mrs. L. E. Dick has donated "The Glittering Hill", a story of her home town, Butte, Mont, in the early Nineties. It is written in fiction form and is the winner of the first Lewis and Clark Northwest contest. The library bought "Yung-'Un", Best, a fiction of frontier hardship in the settling up of upstate New York. o- Pvt. George Griffith, is another Morrow county lad who is with the 5lh Marines at Iwo Jima we learn from his mother Mrs. Elmer Grif fith, who was transacting business Wednesday from the family home, at Morgan. nehiff short of meat points and ncodin? the rest, we will close each Tuesday. Enjoy one of our SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS lone, Oregon Roy and Betty Lieuallen Proprietors Victory Cafe WANTED - Country Dressed Meats BEEF lop Cash M for Heppner a& 'y U. S. Approved white leghorns q ,T V NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS ir0CK ' BUFF ORPINGTONS U S Pullbriim Certified health label fotm- dation stock. Tested Approved AAA pullets GAMBLE STORE DEALER CON LEY LAN HAM, Owner aitz Peters Building, Heppner Roofing and Sidisig Contractors and Applicators For Information Write Box 726, Hepp ner, or phone 83, Condon, Ore. Sea Foods are Healthful Eat Them Often We try to keep shell ush on hand in sea son. You will enjoy a seafood meal often especially with meat points what they are and may get to be shortly. You are always welcome at the Elkhorn PORK arkefc Top Products Market and Lockers Order GAMBLES n Bonded CHICKS Now! 100 LIVE DELIVERY Restaurant VEAL Prices i